Digital ID Laws Will Destroy Your Privacy & Freedom.

This tweet from Iceland resident Leon Hill vividly describes what it's like to live in a nation with digital ID's. Although having a single, government-approved form of identification may seem safe and convenient, Hill makes it clear that convenience comes with a heavy price: the complete elimination of your privacy, where anyone can find out anything about your life. Your ability to rent an apartment, buy a home, have a bank account, and receive medical care all revolve around your digital ID. Any life choice you make that gets linked to your ID number can be viewed by the police without a warrant. You'll never know who is watching you, or why. Of all the challenges facing humanity today, digital ID's have to be at the top of the stack. Without them, the rest of the totalitarian control grid can't be built. Stand up and fight back...we're running out of time.

Leon Hill digital ID tweet 1

Leon Hill digital ID tweet 2

Leon Hill digital ID tweet 3

Transcript of images:

"Australia just passed its Digital Identity Bill into law. I'm Australian, but live in Iceland: a county that already has an all-encompassing digital ID system. If you're wondering how Australia's new system will play out, I'll tell you here.

And also, how Australians who don't want a digital ID can attempt to protect least for a short while. 

In Iceland, the digital ID system is linked to each person's kennitala, or social security number. I sign into everything with my electronic ID (rafraen skilriki) via my phone. Any time I access my bank account, phone services, accounting, tax, insurance, credit score, manage my assets (car/house), power bill, medical record, when I vote, or even want to pull up a store receipt of something I've bought, it's all linked to my digital ID.

Everything in one place. Everything.

You cannot NOT have a digital ID to live in Iceland. It's impossible. You can't get power turned on, get a phone number, buy or register a car, rent or buy a house, or even buy certain items without having a kennitala or digital ID. You need one. This has its benefits (it makes life more streamlined when you're trying to do something in daily life), but it also means there is no privacy at all in Iceland. Anyone can look up where I live. The license plate of my car. How much tax I paid last year. My phone number. You name it. It's public and available - and all you need is my kennitala to find it all out.

But the government has access to more.

The Icelandic government and tax office has access to my bank accounts and knows every transaction I make, what I spend, and what I earn. They don't need a warrant, or anything else to access it - it's theirs. They just need probable cause to look at it.

Australians, this is what's coming for you. Over the coming years, the government will make it impossible to opt out of the digital ID system. You'll need one for everything. And most importantly, they'll coerce Australians into adopting it by creating laws that link it to the most important thing you need to survive in today's modern world: your bank account.

They'll do it on the grounds of anti-money laundering and financial safety. The gov't will enforce laws onto banks (among the many ID and verification laws already mandated on banks) that if you don't have the digital ID, you won't be able to open, keep, or use a bank account. If you refuse, you'll effectively be locked out of society. Because in today's modern world, you need access to banking services to survive.

Banking will be first. Then everything else in society will be linked to your digital ID.

Nothing will ever again be private. Just like in Iceland today, the government will know everything. Always. Forever.

Stop Facial Recognition Surveillance.

facial recognition surveillance

Big Brother Watch

biometric Britain

Orwellian surveillancestop facial recognition


Facial recognition has no place in a free society. The technology can be abused, has been abused, and will be abused by tyrannical governments and the police forces they employ. Many people have already been falsely accused and arrested due to errors by facial recognition technology. All of us are potential victims. Although the technology can be used to reduce crime, its place is inside prisons, not surveilling the general public. Constant monitoring and tracking by the government crushes the human spirit, reducing us into little more than compliant, organic robots.

Learn more about this serious threat to freedom and how you can help stop it. 

Go to: for more information.

Governments Are Waging War On Internet Anonymity.

online internet anonymity

Governments around the world are attacking online anonymity. They are attempting to pass legislation that would require a government-issued or approved photo ID in order to gain access to social media sites. Some US states are also proposing ID requirements to view websites with 33% or more "adult content", but the definition of adult content is left purposely vague and could include virtually anything at the discretion of the "authorities".

In the same way that government-sponsored terrorism was used to enact anti-privacy rules in the financial realm (so-called "Know Your Customer" rules) governments use fear-based excuses to destroy our freedom, and internet anonymity is no exception. This time, children are being used, with politicians claiming we must protect the young ones from online hate, bullying, and porn. While these are valid arguments, locking down the internet to anyone who is unwilling or unable to satisfy government requirements is like killing a mosquito with a cannon. And it's not the government's job to protect us from web content. If children are viewing things they shouldn't be seeing, then it's the parent's job to monitor and control their children's internet browsing. And content filters are available to help parents keep their kids safe.

But this isn't about keeping kids safe. It's about ending anonymity for everyone, including whistleblowers, battered women hiding from their abusers, and political dissenters. It would mean everything you post online could be tied back to your employer, your bank, law enforcement, and eventually, your social credit score. It would have a chilling effect on bloggers, investigative reporters, and other content producers who work to expose the government's crimes. And it would put people at risk of losing their jobs if they dared to criticize their employers. 

Online anonymity creates a unique set of challenges that society has to deal with. But ending that anonymity would create even worse challenges, including unchecked abuses of power, self-imposed censorship, and the end of open and free debates. 

Write to your representatives and demand that they keep their hands off the internet and let it be the free and private community space that it was designed to be.

For more information on this, please watch the video below created by the great people at Reclaim The Net:

The Age of Surveillance Capitalism.


Big tech companies track everything we do, everywhere we go, and in many cases, everything we say. Then they use that data to program A.I. computer systems which in turn are used to control our behavior. This is on top of the profits they earn by selling our personal information to endless corporations. Google and Facebook are the biggest offenders, but even automakers are jumping into the game.

In this video, Professor Shoshana Zuboff explains how it all works, and how it puts human society at risk.

Please watch it and share it with your friends.

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