They Won't Stop Spraying: Chemtrails Over North Carolina.

chemtrails over High Point NC on January 26, 2025

chemtrails over Archdale NC on January 26, 2025

chemtrails over Greensboro NC on January 26, 2025

The sky on January 26, 2025. Top: High Point, NC. Middle: Archdale, NC. Bottom: Greensboro, NC.

We're not allowed to have blue skies anymore. Almost every bright clear day brings out the chemtrail sprayers. The narrow streaks quickly spread out into wide bands, which then continue to spread until the entire sky is obscured by gray clouds. It's the same pattern every single time.

Watch the sky and see it for yourself. And then start asking questions.

Are Trump's Technocrats Leading Us Into The New World Order?

Dr Mike Yeadon quote

"What I have is the realization that we’re in WW3, in which the aggressors are our own governments, wherever we live. Once you run that thought experiment, a very large number of dots almost join themselves." -- Dr Mike Yeadon

Read this again: the aggressors are our own governments. We're at war with the people who have taken oaths to protect us, but most people have no idea what's going on. Mike went on to say, the goal is "to impoverish almost everyone, rendering us desperate for an alternative, such as CBDC (and digital ID) as a matter of necessity." 

Where you have CBDC, you also have constant surveillance, social credit scores, limited mobility, and vital resources that will be rationed to you however artificial intelligence decides is appropriate.

Virtually the entire world is transitioning into global totalitarianism, where individual rights and needs no longer matter. Creativity will be destroyed. Happiness and joy will be forgotten. The focus will be on productivity and efficiency as decided by A.I.. People who can't contribute to the new system will be excluded from society. Artificial intelligence will make every decision for us. The wealthiest elites will own everything. This is the cold, dark future that's coming very soon. In fact, it's been under construction for decades, and the pace is quickening. And it doesn't matter what country you live in or what political party you support. The destination has been agreed upon by all. 

This is World War 3, and it doesn't look like any war we've ever been in before. It's taking place all around us, disguised by empty promises from dishonest leaders. The only way to win this war is to stop believing and obeying those who feed us lies while they work to enslave us.

But isn't Donald Trump going to save us, or at least the American corner of the world? It's not looking good. The proud father of the deadly mRNA COVID vaccines is now proposing a lot more of the same technology, this time enhanced by artificial intelligence, that's already harmed too many people. He's partnering with a team of billionaire technocrats hellbent on creating A.I. systems that will run our lives. These same systems will also likely destroy many lives. I don't doubt that Trump will do a number of things that will make him look like a hero, but we can't ignore the things he does in the background that bring us closer to the same New World Order that he claims to oppose. 

In the video below, David Icke says, "Two days in and the agenda I predicted has begun". I urge you to watch it and learn how things aren't really what they seem to be. 

Netanyahu Is A War Criminal.

message of Netanyahu is a war criminal projected onto a building

day 437 of the gaza genocide

It is day 437 of Israel's savage genocide against Gaza. 45,028 people have been killed in Gaza, and 106,962 have been injured, orchestrated by the madman Benjamin Netanyahu. There has been no meaningful action taken by any nation on Earth to try and stop the killing. And with Donald Trump being the president-elect in the United States, there's little chance the Zionists will be restrained by the man who seems fully supportive of Israel's expansion across the Middle East.

This is a barbaric event of historical significance. But not enough people care.


Heavy Spraying Over North Carolina.

photograph of chemtrails in the North Carolina sky

The photograph above was taken in central North Carolina on Friday, December 13, 2024. I don't understand how anyone could look at this sky and think anything about it is natural. Two of the most prominent chemtrails form an 'X', something I've frequently seen over the past year. It's as if the pilots are trying to get our attention the only way they can. But still, most people are oblivious to it all. I guess if you're staring at your phone, you can't see what's happening above your head.

Question Everything.

Question Everything meme

The deep state exists. Conspiracies exist. The government lies. The media lies. There is an agenda, and it involves YOU.

Question everything.

News From Clown World: November 08, 2024.

Donald Trump in MAGA hat

The Justice Department is alleging that Farhad Shakeri of Iran conspired to kill Donald Trump prior to the election. The DOJ says "Shakeri – who participated in recorded conversations with law enforcement – was originally tasked by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps to carrying out other assassinations against US and Israeli citizens inside the US. But IRGC officials told Shakeri on October 7 to focus only on Trump, court documents say, and that he had seven days to formulate an assassination plan." [source: CNN] But was this a real plot, or was Shakeri part of a set up, something the DOJ is reputed to frequently do?

Iran is the primary resistance against Israel's attempts to expand its territory across nearly the entire Middle East. With Iran out of the way, Israel is essentially free to do as it pleases, and for that reason, Iran has been a target of American neocon warmongers for decades. Senator Lindsey Graham practically foams at the mouth at the mere mention of bombing Iran. His desire to please his Zionist masters overrides any concerns about the horrors of war. Knowing the United States would like to wipe it off the map, one could almost expect Iran to take some sort of action against us, yet in the current Middle East conflicts, they've shown a remarkable level of restraint. By no means have they acted like the insane terrorists that the U.S. State Department portrays them as. But if they did do something, why would it involve Trump? One reason is that he ordered the successful assassination of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani in 2020. Another is Trump's endless promises to defend Israel and allow them to continue the genocide in Gaza. Iranian officials know that when Gaza has been bulldozed, Israel will move on to new targets such as Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen, and Iran. They expect Trump to support Israel in whatever it does. Despite this, I doubt the alleged plot by Farhad Shakeri has much validity. Just like we were lied to about weapons of mass destruction prior to the invasion of Iraq, the public must be angered to get it to support a war with Iran. An assassination attempt, even one conducted by operatives within our own government, would certainly create that anger. The truth will just have to wait a while.

Nancy Pelosi reelected at 84 years old

Rep. Nancy Pelosi has won another term in office. At 84 years old, a normal person would want to slow down and enjoy her final years alive. But Pelosi can't let go of the power and fame. She thinks she's doing a job that no one else can do. "The world needs me", she probably mutters each morning as she brushes her fangs. I was certain there had to be a psychological condition that fits her behavior, and here it is: megalomania.

"Megalomania is an unrealistic belief in one's superiority, grandiose abilities, and even omnipotence. It is characterized by a need for total power and control over others, and is marked by a lack of empathy for anything that is perceived as not feeding the self."

It also makes you run for public office when you're 84 years old.

Stay home, Nancy. You've done enough damage. We'll be fine without you.

media claims disinformation affected election

The mind-control news media is claiming "disinformation from adversaries and Americans swamped 2024 election". Left-leaning rag 'The Hill' claims "Russia, Iran, and China continued to promote content that sows division among Americans". I don't doubt that some of that took place, just like the United States government sends disinformation into Russia, Iran, and China. Turnabout is fair play, after all. But as usual, the news media lacks all self-awareness and can't see that much of the disinformation and misinformation about this year's political campaigns came from the news media itself. They made it their mission to lie about not just Donald Trump but all conservatives while hiding the truth about Democratic Party candidates from the public. Much of the news media, especially MSNBC, are little more than propaganda pushers for Democrats and other elements of the radical left. Anyone with a bit of time on their hands can debunk at least 25% of what we're told is news. And important stories never get covered while space is created for the latest Taylor Swift update.

More Americans than ever before now realize that the media (news, music, TV, and films) is not on our side and is actually doing real harm to our society. We don't have to worry about what foreign adversaries might do: our real enemies are right here in America, sending their garbage into our homes 24 hours a day.

asymptomatic bird flu claims

Finally for today, we see that the CDC is still trying to create a bird flu pandemic, at least in our minds. Despite repeated attempts to convince us that a few cases of pink eye came from chickens, so far the public hasn't been fooled. Many people now know that the PCR tests used to detect the alleged virus (H5N1) are not designed to diagnose diseases and at best, they find fragments of material that health officials claim is proof of a virus. What the officials never admit is that viruses have never been proven to cause transmissible illnesses. Many researchers say viruses don't exist at all, and if that's the case, there's nothing to test for, at least not with our current level of knowledge and technology. But claiming a virus is spreading and could potentially make us sick is a great way to control people. We're more obedient when we're afraid. We follow orders when we think those orders will keep us and our loved ones well. We voluntarily submit to vaccines that contain harmful ingredients and can create chronic health conditions that impair us for life. And we kill millions of animals destined for our food supply in a misguided attempt to prevent the spread of something that probably doesn't exist.

To add to this madness, the CDC now claims that you can have bird flu without feeling sick. Yes, that old myth of "asymptomatic illness" that was used so effectively during COVID is being tried again. The CDC has provided no proof of anything they claim, but science isn't their specialty. What they're really good at are propaganda campaigns and behavior modification.

After four years of COVID mania, I hope the majority of us have learned to be extremely skeptical of health officials and anyone else who uses health issues to control us or profit from us.

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