Another Look At The Indoctrinated Left On Social Media.

boy wearing water bottle as a face mask

It's time to take another look at the stupid, hateful, and sometimes insane posts I've found on left-leaning social media sites. Just when you think you've seen it all, someone, somewhere, is about to surprise you with a fresh dose of crazy. Let's take a look:

banners of intolerance

Our first post demonstrates the love and tolerance of the left. We have banners of a skull & crossbones, a pentagram, the ANTIFA logo, and right in the middle, a banner that says "trans rights or riot nights". Can you feel the love? This is the sort of tolerance that leads to mostly peaceful protests and burned cities.

CNN screenshot of mostly peaceful protest

Mastodon post about psychological projection

Seen above is a post on the leftist swamp called Mastodon. Chris accuses Republicans of "projection", the tactic of accusing the other side of things you're actually doing. Trouble is, Democrats are the masters of projection, having successfully used the tactic for decades. Nancy Pelosi is the queen of projection, something she's actually bragged about. I'm no fan of the Republican Party, but I have to defend them against this post. They suck at projection and most other psychological tricks, which is why they lose so many elections. Yes, most Republicans are scum, but the Democrats always manage to out-scum them, and that's quite an accomplishment.

Mastodon post of the left defending the IRS

And now the left is defending the IRS and taxes. In this post, 'Democracy Matters' is worried that cuts to the Internal Revenue Service's budget will add to the national debt. They can't comprehend the idea of cutting spending. They also don't question the legality of the IRS, which has no Constitutional authority to exist. Government is sacred to them, and they'll happily let it control every aspect of their lives. It's the last refuge of the mentally enslaved masses.

Matt Blaze defends Wikipedia

Someone needs to tell Matt Blaze that Wikipedia is no longer an impartial, independent source of information. It's been infiltrated by intelligence agencies such as the CIA and the FBI. Wikipedia has become politically biased and tends to serve up pro-establishment narratives. Co-founder of Wikipedia, Larry Sanger, had this to say: “If only one version of the facts is allowed then that gives a huge incentive to wealthy and powerful people to seize control of things like Wikipedia in order to shore up their power. And they do that.” He said it (Wikipedia) “seems to assume that there is only one legitimate defensible version of the truth on any controversial question. That’s not how Wikipedia used to be.” [source]

Perhaps Matt would like to rethink his post?

Mastodon post mocking Kyle Rittenhouse

In the post above, "Vee" has reposted something from Twitter/X. Kyle Rittenhouse posted a verse from the Bible, and Ryan Pinesworth replied with "You quoting scripture is like Dahmer quoting cookbooks." This is the kind of hateful comment we're gotten so used to from the left. Rittenhouse was acquitted of all charges, making his use of a firearm self-defense. But the left doesn't respect the law, they only respect power. If the law gets in the way of their agenda, the law has to be ignored, and that's why they see Rittenhouse as their enemy. He defended himself against radical leftists, and the court agreed. But that outcome doesn't help the agenda, so Rittenhouse is mocked and compared to a serial killer. It's essentially a mockery of the law.

Ferris Bueller anyone anyone

"your auntifa liza" posted this slice of mental chaos: "suburban white people not used to describing white monsters". Does anyone know what she's talking about? Anyone?

man defends wearing face masks 

Last for today, I'm seeing fresh fear from the left about COVID and bird flu. The global deep state seems determined to launch another "pandemic" to help usher in the technocratic world order. The fact that no viruses for either COVID or bird flu have ever been isolated and proven to exist makes no difference. Military-grade propaganda campaigns are the most powerful contagions of all. Social media sites are being seeded with scary news about outbreaks of bird flu and new "variants" of COVID, and the weak-minded and compliant leftists seem to be believing all of it. It's sad to see people fall for another psyop. But it's pathetic to see that people are still in so much fear from the last one that they're still wearing face masks. In the post above, "GeePawHill" declares, "I have worn a mask in every enclosed space I've been in for four years. I have not the slightest intention of allowing anyone, armed or not, ignorant or not, force me to remove it." What can I say to that? I'd like to insult "GeePawHill", but I can't. I actually feel sorry for him. He's listened to years of misinformation fed to him by government propagandists and medical industry profiteers. The propaganda was convincing and relentless, and it continues to this very day.

I hope he finds his way back to the truth and the light.

Notes From Clown World: October 26, 2024.

Kamala Harris will deliver for black men

I left the Democratic Party eight years ago because I got tired of their lies. Theirs is a party that gains and retains power through fear-mongering, division, promises of free stuff, and endless deception. It's an organization of wealthy political elites who pretend to care about us, but their real goal is keeping us broke and demoralized, dependent upon them for everything. For decades they've dishonestly pandered to black Americans, and sadly, their tactics have been very effective. Democrats traditionally win the majority of black votes, despite the party being the early foundation of the Ku Klux Klan and despite Hillary Clinton's hero, Margaret Sanger, being a eugenicist who targeted black Americans. The organization Sanger founded is now known as Planned Parenthood and is responsible for the murder of millions of black babies. 

Time passes, but little changes. Kamala Harris is promising free stuff to blacks and spreading fear within the black community in a desperate attempt to win this year's presidential election. On her website, she portrays Donald Trump as some sort of monster who is a "serious threat to the lives of black men", while providing no credible proof to back up her claim. She's promising 1 million forgivable loans of up to $20,000 each to black entrepreneurs, with the losses covered by hardworking Americans of all races who will have no say in the matter. She's pitching a vague plan to create a National Health Equity Initiative focused on black men, but there are no details on what this actually is or what it will cost, or why black women are excluded. And she's proposing price controls on food and rent, despite historical evidence that these sorts of schemes typically result in food and housing shortages which hurt minorities worst of all. 

Will black Americans take the bait once again and vote for Democrats in 2024? If the number of Kamala Harris yard signs I'm seeing in black neighborhoods is any indication, I'd have to say, "yes, this year more than ever". 

Perhaps some of her support is the result of endorsements from super-wealthy celebrities with more talent than brains. Already Harris has been endorsed by Bruce Springsteen, Willie Nelson, and Geraldo Rivera. Dozens of other musicians and Hollywood stars have jumped on the Kamala-train too, but doing the research so I can list them all would be nauseating. And considering what we know about the A-listers who visited Jeffrey Epstein's island and the stars allegedly involved in the Sean Combs (P Diddy) sex scandal, celebrity endorsements don't really help Harris' reputation. I doubt Willie Nelson shared baby oil with Jennifer Lopez over at Diddy's crib, but a lot of us have become very suspicious of anyone involved in the film and music industries, and rightly so. Unlike in the past, bragging about celebrity endorsements is not going to win over many hearts and minds in middle America. And this cuts both ways: endorsing a politician who pushes abortions, wars, forced vaccinations, censorship, and Communist economic policies isn't going to help movie and music sales. It could actually tank your career.

Bruce Springsteen endorses Kamala Harris

Willie Nelson endorse Kamala Harris

Geraldo Rivera endorses Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris Halloween decorations

"The scariest Halloween decorations have to be those Harris signs in people's yards."

Does Keith Olbermann have any friends who can check on him? His tweets make him look like an unhinged madman. I'm thinking he might need a psychiatric evaluation before he hurts himself. He recently said "We need to arrest and detain Elon Musk immediately". On what charges, Keith? For resisting the radical left and their tyrannical, authoritarian agenda? Olbermann says Musk is "operating on behalf of Russia" (as if Russia is actually our enemy), but he offers no proof. He doesn't even want to give Musk a trial: he demands that President Biden "lock him away in a military facility". 

What country does Keith Olbermann think he lives in? This isn't North Korea, Keith, although you and your kind are pushing us toward just such a Communist, hellish existence. 

Keith, if you'll send me your address, I'll send you a copy of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. I suggest you read it and learn how things are designed to work here in America. Sending people to gulags isn't part of the plan.

Keith Olbermann unhinged tweet

Finally today, we have an ANTIFA cartoon that's funny, but more true than I'd like to think. If Donald Trump wins in November, there is no doubt in my mind that Democrats and their allies of the radical left will refuse to accept the election results. I've heard that more than 40 lawsuits have already been written, ready to be deployed if Trump wins. And I expect violence to erupt as well, with indoctrinated leftists and paid agitators leaving their mom's basements to go and burn cities, just like in the 2020 "Summer of love". But I expect the protests will go on longer, and burn hotter, because the left is even more ignorant, intolerant, and filled with hate than they were four years ago. They have an irrational hatred of Trump and all who support him, and a Trump victory will push their frail minds over the edge. If they can't have their way, they'll try to tear everything down with the hope of launching a violent Communist revolution.

Right now, they're preparing. Are you?

Democrats holding ANTIFA by a leash

Kamala Harris Gives Us Joy.

Kamala Harris, the appointed presidential candidate of the radical left, has chosen "joy" as her campaign buzzword. All the communists, I mean, Democrats, are suddenly feeling joy and they want you to feel it too. So here's a short montage of the left's greatest hits. You can expect to see a lot more of this kind of joy if Harris wins in November.

[video sourced from Telegram. creator unknown.]

The Democrat's Shocking Slide Toward Violence And Depravity.

It's not your imagination. The Democratic Party really has lost its way. The political party of peace-loving hippies, John F. Kennedy, and Jimmy Carter has become the home of angry, immoral, irresponsible goons. They hate freedom, they hate America, they hate you, and they even hate themselves. They love big government, depravity, and violence.

They make fun of religion, but they worship authority, technology, Big Pharma, and anything sexual.

Their destructive terror troops call themselves ANTIFA, yet they're the real Fascists, trying to scare us into silence and compliance. They're the useful idiots for the wealthy elites who are financing the enslavement of humanity.

The Democratic Party has been hijacked by left-wing extremists. No moral, self-respecting person should support the cesspool that is has become.

The Civil War Has Begun.

There was no official announcement and no shots have been fired, but if you look around you can see the United States is clearly divided into opposing tribes: Leftists including Democrats, Socialists, and Communists on one side.  On the other side are patriots defending the Constitution, freedom, and the rule of law. Most Republicans are on the side of the patriots but many elected officials from the GOP have yet to prove which side they're on. 

We are a damaged and divided nation thanks to years of sabotage by Communists who have hidden their true identities while infiltrating the government, our education system, and our news media. They have systematically steered public sentiment toward the Left using legislation, propaganda, and most recently, by taking advantage of the COVID-19 pandemic to crash our economy and enable them to manipulate us even further using the time-tested tool of fear.

And there are rumors that the Chinese Communist Party sent soldiers to the United States using fake ID's to train ANTIFA thugs and provoke the BLM and Defund Police rioting that we suffered through most of the year. We're also hearing reports that the Chinese may also have been involved in election interference, including printing thousands of fake ballots that were used to throw the election to Joe Biden. And Biden himself is compromised and a national security threat thanks to his many years of  questionable deals and suspicious cooperation with the CCP. Add to this the real possibility that some (perhaps many) in the deep state are sympathetic to China and may have done their own brand of damage to our nation and it adds up to a serious and immediate threat to the ability of the United States to continue forward united in any way. It's also no secret that members of the world's financial and political elite, as represented by the World Economic Forum and the United Nations, are pushing for a one world government and the United States has been the major roadblock to their plans. This is why it looks like the entire world is trying to destroy Donald Trump. He sees what is going on and has been trying to stop it, but the opposition has been overwhelming. It appears that his new strategy is to make the people aware of the plot to make the US subservient to a centralized government, before it's too late to protect what's left of the Republic.

But that will be a Herculean task, since the people on the Left are either sworn to Marxism or else are so solidly programmed by news media propaganda that they refuse to believe anything except the propaganda.  Facts don't matter to them if the facts don't support their worldview. Case in point: Democrats have called Trump a Fascist and claim he's a tyrant, while they completely ignore the fact that Wall Street bankers and powerful tech companies overwhelmingly backed Joe Biden. And the vast majority of unconstitutional pandemic mandates came from Democratic Governors who have let big businesses stay open while forcing small local businesses and places of worship to shut down. That's Fascism and tyranny in full view, but Democratic voters can't see it.

We're at a critical point where the nation is under attack from multiple fronts: the pandemic response, internal disruption by the Left possibly promoted by the Chinese, the global elite who want us to submit to them, a compromised federal government full of traitors and profiteers, and a corrupt news media that supports all of it.

Normally if the public was given good information we could see through the nightmare and come together as Americans, but the sabotage has been going on too long and the damage is too severe. The division of Left and Right is so extreme that communication is breaking down and friendships and even family relationships are falling apart along ideological lines. The Left has begun its attack using censorship and the "cancel culture" to silence us. Soon they'll find a way to further exploit COVID-19 and vaccines to push us further down. Already there is serious talk of requiring a digital proof of vaccination if we want to have a job, collect government benefits, or in some proposals, leave our homes at all. Paper currency is on the way out, soon to be replaced entirely by digital money, and when that happens, tech companies, banks, and the government will have the ability to track our every move and forbid us from buying items they don't want us to own. It will also give them power over businesses by refusing to process transactions if they don't comply with the rules of the elite. Already VISA, MasterCard, and PayPal have shut down the ability of some companies to accept payments. Gab is a good example of company put on a permanent blacklist and their only crime is protecting free speech. What happens if the banks decide they'll no longer do business with gun companies? What happens if the government shuts off Social Security payments to anyone who refuses the vaccine? It's an attack on freedom just as damaging as cannon fire, and much of it is happening right now.

So yes, we're already in a civil war. We haven't divided ourselves geographically but there's no denying that Left and Right are as opposed to each other right now as the north and south were in 1861.

And we know how that ended.

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