United Nations Agenda 2030 Is A Plan For Global Totalitarianism.

Revellati image United Nations Agenda 2030

Investigate United Nations Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030.

"The most important factor working in the elite’s favor is the massive and widespread public disbelief in their schemes, because the scale is simply unimaginable for the average person to comprehend.

It is indeed hard to believe that a small group of people, disconnected from compassion, empathy, and the rest of humanity, would actively promote war, depopulation, and the destruction of the Earth. But the evidence shows that all of this exists, and is happening right before our eyes.

This is exactly the calculated response that those in power want to achieve: to hide the truth in plain sight, turning it into a joke or science fiction. (Conspiracy theory, disinformation)." 

[source: Revellati Online]

The United Nations’ Agenda 2030 (formerly known as Agenda 21), also known as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), is a comprehensive plan of action for people, planet, and prosperity. Adopted by all UN member states in 2015, it sets out 17 interconnected goals to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure peace and prosperity for all.

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals:
1. No Poverty: End poverty in all its forms everywhere.
2. Zero Hunger: End hunger, achieve food security, and improve nutrition.
3. Good Health and Well-being: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.
4. Quality Education: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities.
5. Gender Equality: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
6. Clean Water and Sanitation: Ensure access to water and sanitation for all.
7. Affordable and Clean Energy: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy.
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth: Promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all.
9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation.
10. Reduced Inequalities: Reduce income and social inequalities within and among countries.
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.
12. Responsible Consumption and Production: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
13. Climate Action: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
14. Life Below Water: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources.
15. Life on Land: Protect, restore, and promote the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, forests, wetlands, and other ecosystems.
16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies, access to justice, and effective institutions.
17. Partnerships for the Goals: Strengthen global partnerships, mobilize resources, and enhance international cooperation.

While these goals sound like things we should all be working toward, as always, the devil is in the details. And one big detail often ignored is that Agenda 2030 is a backdoor way of implementing global communism, eventually leading to neo-feudalism and enforced by totalitarianism. There's a reason the World Economic Forum used to say "you'll own nothing and be happy". You'll own nothing because the wealthy elites will steal everything and then allow you to rent it back from them. And you'll be happy thanks to mind-numbing entertainment, endless propaganda, and regular doses of sedatives and other brain-damaging drugs forced upon you in the name of "public health". 

"The ultimate goal is to remove our individual freedoms, destroy our inalienable rights and enslave us all.  It is “collectivism on an international scale”. --  David Skripac

But don't take my word for it. Here are a few links to help you understand the dangers of Agenda 2030:

United Nations official website for Agenda 2030

Whitney Webb: Sustainable Slavery

The 2030 Agenda: The Totalitarian Trojan Horse

Agenda 2030: A Power-Mad Document

The John Birch Society: Stop Agenda 2030

Rosa Koire: Democrats Against Agenda 21 

Book: Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21 by Rosa Koire

The United Nations Agenda For World Domination 

17 Goals Toward Enslavement: Exposing The Real Agendas Behind The 2030 Agenda

Spanish Bishop: Behind Agenda 2030 lies an attempt to change civilization

What you need to know about Agenda 2030 and the Fourth Industrial Revolution

We are moving toward a Global Empire and enslavement of humanity in a digital gulag

Jab the world: Immunization Agenda 2030

Video link: Understanding Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 (3 mins, 32 secs)

Video below: UN Agenda 2030: If you control the food, you control the people.

Agenda 2030: the great slavery

Revelations: September 02, 2024.

'Revelations' is a new, recurring feature of my blog that will expose immorality in the world. I realize these posts may seem negative and depressing, but I think the best way to stop evil is to shine a light on it and not let it hide. Unfortunately, we live in a world where powerful people and a dishonest news media twist facts, invert the truth, and hide reality to keep us controlled and themselves in power. 'Revelations' will help you see the deceit.

“Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.” - Ephesians 5:11

Israeli hatred in their own words

The hatred and immorality of Israeli's, in their own words.

protest for 18,000 dead children in Gaza

From the United Kingdom: An elderly man with crutches took part in a pro-Palestine demonstration in Blackburn, holding a sign condemning the brutal killing of children in Gaza. How many more innocent kids must die to satisfy Israel's bloodlust?

kamala harris pro-abortion bus tour

Kamala Harris announced a 50-stop "reproductive rights" bus tour. I don't understand the radical left's obsession with killing babies. They seem to under the influence of dark, anti-human forces that compel them to sacrifice children. The Democrats have become the party of pedophilia and infanticide, and sadly, many Republicans are compromising their morals and supporting abortion in a desperate attempt to maintain political power.

democrats love abortion

children should be protected by law

"Children and unborn children should be protected by law and welcomed into life." Protect the innocent.

polio vaccination in Gaza

Israel pauses genocide to give kids toxic vaccines

As if killing innocent children with bombs and bullets isn't enough, the massacre in Gaza is being paused just long enough to administer harmful polio vaccines to children, despite overwhelming evidence that polio isn't caused by a virus. Past polio outbreaks have been linked to exposure to toxins such as mercury and DDT. It's incredible that the world community can find a way to inject kids with chemicals but can't find a way to provide food and clean water.

From NeedToKnowNews.com

"The United Nations is hoping to vaccinate an estimated 640,000 children in Gaza after traces of the polio virus were found in the sewage system using flawed PCR tests that can be manipulated. A UN report admitted that the virus that was found was vaccine-derived. 

The World Health Organization (WHO) and the UN children’s fund (UNICEF) have targeted children aged between one day and 10 years to receive the type two poliovirus vaccine, to be administered as two doses of novel/new oral polio vaccine type 2 (nOPV2). Critics predict that the new oral polio vaccine, instead of the polio ‘virus’, will be the cause of illness in vaccinated children.

Israel’s war on Gaza has killed more than 40,700 Palestinians, including close to 17,500 children. Instead of allowing food and water into Gaza and rebuilding sanitation systems, polio vaccines will be forced on the population under the claim of concern for children. In the past, vaccines have caused illness, death and sterility. Sadly, in the weeks and months ahead we will see babies and children die and become crippled in Gaza, not only due to the war, but also because of this mass vaccination campaign with the new Oral Polio Vaccine."

Finally for today, the video above shows Irish teacher Enoch Burke being arrested in Ireland for defying orders to refer to a male student as "she/her," standing firm in his refusal due to his Christian beliefs. The formerly strong and free nation of Ireland has fallen to the oppressive New World Order model of police-state authoritarianism. Will the Irish people rise up before it goes full totalitarian?

New Documentary Exposes The Frightening Agenda Of Klaus Schwab.

Filmmaker Richard Jeffs has put together a great documentary that exposes Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum, and the global plans for a "great reset". Although similar films have been made before, this one brings together all the seemingly unrelated elements of Schwab's plan and shows us how they all lead to one place: communism. Or I should say, communism engineered by sociopaths and enforced by constant surveillance and artificial intelligence. A hellish world where the top 1/2 of one percent own everything, and the rest of us get crumbs, but only if we behave and obey the elites.

I highly recommend you watch 'Stakeholder Communism' and let it connect the dots about the frightening future heading our way, unless we rise up and stop it now.

You can watch it here, but if you prefer to see it on the Rumble site, here's the link: Stakeholder Communism

Switzerland Protects Criminal Globalists.

This brief video featuring Pascal Najadi gives an overview of how Switzerland protects criminal globalist organizations, such as GAVI, the World Health Organization, and the World Economic Forum, by giving them immunity from prosecution. Swiss neutrality must be restored so these organizations can be held accountable, and future generations can live free from medical tyranny.


The Real Threats To America.

The two biggest threats to America are: the globalist's who want to destroy the nation, and the socialist's who want to take over the nation. 

Any elected official, politician, or news outlet not talking about it is probably in on it.

Notes From Clown World: March 19, 2023.

The demonic fascists controlling western nations are now accusing Vladimir Putin of war crimes and have issued a warrant for his arrest. The ICC (International Criminal Court) says Putin is suspected of "overseeing the unlawful abduction and deportation of children from Ukraine to Russia." Corrupt cadaver Joe Biden dutifully nodded his head in appreciation of the ICC's action, saying "He’s (Putin) clearly committed war crimes", but offered no proof to back up his statement. Russia has accepted refugees from war-torn Ukraine as a humanitarian act, and children are among the refugees, but no sane person would consider that to be "unlawful abduction". The real illegal act is NATO's use of Ukraine to destroy Russia in NATO's ongoing effort to dominate the entire world. Propaganda that includes children is a disgusting part of that effort and should be condemned by all decent people.

It's no secret that the psychopaths in the US deep state & NATO want world domination. After Russia they plan to attack China. Recent weapons deals made with Australia indicate they'll be the next "Ukraine", a nation to be sacrificed for the new world order. Expect an increase in anti-China rhetoric over the next few years as the west builds up Australia's offensive military capabilities.

Fortunately, not everyone in the world is fooled by NATO's actions. This meme circulating on social media shows that at least some of us see through the scams:

And speaking of world domination, with each day we see evidence of the "elite's" contempt for the rest of us. In the UK, when Member of Parliament Andrew Bridgen tried to speak about vaccine injuries, almost every other MP got up and left the room. We now live in a fascist society, where governments are nothing more than administrators of corporate agendas. Governments exist to make us think we still have a voice in national affairs, but our "elected" officials are paid off and compromised and dance to whatever tune the bankers and industrialists play. Anyone who thinks we can elect our way out of this mess is living in a fantasy. 

Finally today, former President Donald Trump posted on social media that he expects to be arrested Tuesday on charges by the Manhattan district attorney over his alleged role in paying hush money to adult film star Stormy Daniels. I'm not sure what Trump hopes to achieve by posting his prediction other than creating so much public outrage that the DA backs down and drops the investigation. I'm maintaining neutrality on Trump's guilt or innocence. I've always said that if it's proven he's guilty of any crime, he should be prosecuted just like any ordinary person. But at the same time it's obvious that most of these investigations are nothing but political hit jobs by the radical left and other government-loving authoritarians who are obsessed with destroying Trump and ending any hope of him winning another term in the White House. 

Meanwhile, the most corrupt [alleged] President in American history continues to lie to us every day while ignoring the Constitution and federal laws, and he gets away with it, his crimes totally ignored by the Department of Justice, most members of Congress, and the fascist news media. It's up to us to keep talking about it and keep the pressure growing.

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