Has America Lost Its Morality?

graphic: arrested for genocide versus applauded for genocide

Mahmoud Khalil: arrested by the Trump administration for protesting against Israel's genocide in Gaza.

Benjamin Netanyahu: celebrated and applauded by the U.S. Congress for committing genocide in Gaza.

A nation that celebrates murder while silencing dissent cannot rightfully claim to be a moral nation.

Israel Kills Children.

Israel kills children

"Israel kills more children than all other countries in the world combined."

(Deaths from war and other state-sponsored acts of violence. Abortion not included.)

Netanyahu Is A War Criminal.

message of Netanyahu is a war criminal projected onto a building

day 437 of the gaza genocide

It is day 437 of Israel's savage genocide against Gaza. 45,028 people have been killed in Gaza, and 106,962 have been injured, orchestrated by the madman Benjamin Netanyahu. There has been no meaningful action taken by any nation on Earth to try and stop the killing. And with Donald Trump being the president-elect in the United States, there's little chance the Zionists will be restrained by the man who seems fully supportive of Israel's expansion across the Middle East.

This is a barbaric event of historical significance. But not enough people care.


Question Everything.

Question Everything meme

The deep state exists. Conspiracies exist. The government lies. The media lies. There is an agenda, and it involves YOU.

Question everything.

Candace Owens Destroys Conservatives Who Support The Genocide In Gaza.

Candace Owens

Staying silent is cowardice. [video above]

"The dishonesty, the deception, the western media smearing and libeling anybody who has a soul and the decency to say that children should not be murdered like this...I'm so embarrassed that I ever had anything to do with the woke right. It took October 7 for me to see their true colors, and I will not allow them to forget that they stood on platforms, called themselves "pro-life", called themselves "anti-woke", collected money, went out to donors and asked for investments, and then when it actually mattered, they shirked their responsibility, they completely cowered."

Slaughtering innocent children is never OK. Netanyahu’s genocide of Palestinians has stained the Jewish people and their fascinating and rich history. Whatever your nationality, race, or religion, we must join together to stop this genocide.

Palestinian children look at the destruction after Israeli airstrike in Gaza

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