They Live. They Lie.

meme parodying MSNBC

MSNBC: telling you what to think since 1996. Shameless propaganda for the indoctrinated and gullible left, brought to you by the Democratic Party and the entrenched deep state.

Question Everything.

Question Everything meme

The deep state exists. Conspiracies exist. The government lies. The media lies. There is an agenda, and it involves YOU.

Question everything.

The System Won't Reform Itself.

Revellati quote: A country run by banks will always be in debt

A country run by banks will always be in debt. Health care controlled by big pharmaceutical companies will never cure disease. A state run by war will never know peace. A nation run by the media will never know the truth.

[content source: Revellati Online]

Notes From Clown World: October 26, 2024.

Kamala Harris will deliver for black men

I left the Democratic Party eight years ago because I got tired of their lies. Theirs is a party that gains and retains power through fear-mongering, division, promises of free stuff, and endless deception. It's an organization of wealthy political elites who pretend to care about us, but their real goal is keeping us broke and demoralized, dependent upon them for everything. For decades they've dishonestly pandered to black Americans, and sadly, their tactics have been very effective. Democrats traditionally win the majority of black votes, despite the party being the early foundation of the Ku Klux Klan and despite Hillary Clinton's hero, Margaret Sanger, being a eugenicist who targeted black Americans. The organization Sanger founded is now known as Planned Parenthood and is responsible for the murder of millions of black babies. 

Time passes, but little changes. Kamala Harris is promising free stuff to blacks and spreading fear within the black community in a desperate attempt to win this year's presidential election. On her website, she portrays Donald Trump as some sort of monster who is a "serious threat to the lives of black men", while providing no credible proof to back up her claim. She's promising 1 million forgivable loans of up to $20,000 each to black entrepreneurs, with the losses covered by hardworking Americans of all races who will have no say in the matter. She's pitching a vague plan to create a National Health Equity Initiative focused on black men, but there are no details on what this actually is or what it will cost, or why black women are excluded. And she's proposing price controls on food and rent, despite historical evidence that these sorts of schemes typically result in food and housing shortages which hurt minorities worst of all. 

Will black Americans take the bait once again and vote for Democrats in 2024? If the number of Kamala Harris yard signs I'm seeing in black neighborhoods is any indication, I'd have to say, "yes, this year more than ever". 

Perhaps some of her support is the result of endorsements from super-wealthy celebrities with more talent than brains. Already Harris has been endorsed by Bruce Springsteen, Willie Nelson, and Geraldo Rivera. Dozens of other musicians and Hollywood stars have jumped on the Kamala-train too, but doing the research so I can list them all would be nauseating. And considering what we know about the A-listers who visited Jeffrey Epstein's island and the stars allegedly involved in the Sean Combs (P Diddy) sex scandal, celebrity endorsements don't really help Harris' reputation. I doubt Willie Nelson shared baby oil with Jennifer Lopez over at Diddy's crib, but a lot of us have become very suspicious of anyone involved in the film and music industries, and rightly so. Unlike in the past, bragging about celebrity endorsements is not going to win over many hearts and minds in middle America. And this cuts both ways: endorsing a politician who pushes abortions, wars, forced vaccinations, censorship, and Communist economic policies isn't going to help movie and music sales. It could actually tank your career.

Bruce Springsteen endorses Kamala Harris

Willie Nelson endorse Kamala Harris

Geraldo Rivera endorses Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris Halloween decorations

"The scariest Halloween decorations have to be those Harris signs in people's yards."

Does Keith Olbermann have any friends who can check on him? His tweets make him look like an unhinged madman. I'm thinking he might need a psychiatric evaluation before he hurts himself. He recently said "We need to arrest and detain Elon Musk immediately". On what charges, Keith? For resisting the radical left and their tyrannical, authoritarian agenda? Olbermann says Musk is "operating on behalf of Russia" (as if Russia is actually our enemy), but he offers no proof. He doesn't even want to give Musk a trial: he demands that President Biden "lock him away in a military facility". 

What country does Keith Olbermann think he lives in? This isn't North Korea, Keith, although you and your kind are pushing us toward just such a Communist, hellish existence. 

Keith, if you'll send me your address, I'll send you a copy of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. I suggest you read it and learn how things are designed to work here in America. Sending people to gulags isn't part of the plan.

Keith Olbermann unhinged tweet

Finally today, we have an ANTIFA cartoon that's funny, but more true than I'd like to think. If Donald Trump wins in November, there is no doubt in my mind that Democrats and their allies of the radical left will refuse to accept the election results. I've heard that more than 40 lawsuits have already been written, ready to be deployed if Trump wins. And I expect violence to erupt as well, with indoctrinated leftists and paid agitators leaving their mom's basements to go and burn cities, just like in the 2020 "Summer of love". But I expect the protests will go on longer, and burn hotter, because the left is even more ignorant, intolerant, and filled with hate than they were four years ago. They have an irrational hatred of Trump and all who support him, and a Trump victory will push their frail minds over the edge. If they can't have their way, they'll try to tear everything down with the hope of launching a violent Communist revolution.

Right now, they're preparing. Are you?

Democrats holding ANTIFA by a leash

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