Has America Lost Its Morality?

graphic: arrested for genocide versus applauded for genocide

Mahmoud Khalil: arrested by the Trump administration for protesting against Israel's genocide in Gaza.

Benjamin Netanyahu: celebrated and applauded by the U.S. Congress for committing genocide in Gaza.

A nation that celebrates murder while silencing dissent cannot rightfully claim to be a moral nation.

Israel Kills Children.

Israel kills children

"Israel kills more children than all other countries in the world combined."

(Deaths from war and other state-sponsored acts of violence. Abortion not included.)

The Vaccines Have Frozen Them In Time

screenshot of the video, frozen in time by childrens health defense

In the heartbreaking video above, parents speak with CHD's Polly Tommey about the injuries their children suffered from vaccines. The children are "frozen in time", the mother said.

Vaccines harm children. The childhood vaccine schedule that parents are bullied into giving to their kids is causing horrific, irreversible injuries. The list of shots is long, and many make no sense at all. Why are infants given Hepatitis B vaccines at birth? Why are they given a flu vaccine at six months old? Many vaccines are given as multiple injections all at once, yet no scientific studies have been done to see how these vaccines react with each other in the human body. By the time a child reaches the age of 18, he or she has received up to 80 vaccines, including boosters.

According to Children's Health Defense, "vaccines contain numerous concerning ingredients including aluminum, mercury, aborted fetal cell lines, antibiotics, monkey kidney cells, formaldehyde and more." Most doctors have no idea what's really in the shots they're pushing to trusting parents. And pharmaceutical companies have complete immunity from liability for any vaccine recommended on the CDC’s childhood schedule.

Before you make a mistake you can't change, check out this information on the CHD website:

Vaccine Curriculum: What Parents Need To Know

Once the needle goes in, you can't change your mind and pull the poison back out.  

May God Have Mercy On Their Souls.

meme about children being sacrificed by doctors using the covid vaccines

"When children have almost zero chance of being negatively impacted by coronavirus but you sacrifice them for the greater good, may God have mercy on your souls...because we won't."

There is no valid science proving that SARS-CoV-2, the virus blamed for coronavirus, actually exists outside of a computer model. But many people still believe the myth that led to the pronouncement of a global pandemic in 2020. We now know that COVID was a psychological operation that rebranded ailments such as the flu into something that looked much more deadly, a psyop that could only succeed thanks to endless fear-mongering by the mainstream news media. People behaved irrationally for more than two years, and some wear masks even today. Doctors and hospitals were paid huge sums of money to diagnose people with COVID even when no symptoms existed. They were paid again when they vaccinated their patients.

Many of those patients were innocent, vulnerable children. 

Yet according to statistics, children were never at any risk. In fact, according to all-cause mortality data from around the world, there were no excess deaths in 2020. People died, but the numbers weren't higher than in past years. And children didn't seem to be suffering at all from any unusual illnesses. 

And yet they were vaccinated against COVID, often multiple times.

Now we have evidence that the COVID vaccines may be causing a long list of health conditions, including "brain fog", myocarditis, pericarditis, strokes, seizures, Guillain-Barré syndrome, cancer, and sudden death. 

Sadly, vaccinated children are experiencing these conditions now. But instead of stopping the jabs, we're being fed propaganda that tries to convince us that it's almost normal for children to have heart attacks. They tell us it's not the vaccines causing the harm, but rather it's the after effects of having COVID. Yet when challenged to prove a COVID virus actually exists, they have nothing.

Cedars-Sinai report on why they think children are having heart attacks

Instead of admitting that the COVID vaccines are hurting our children, they double-down and tell us the jabs are "safe and effective" while they line their pockets with evil profits. A quick search for "should children get covid vaccines?" yields dozens of sites from the CDC and other medical institutions encouraging parents to have their kids vaccinated against COVID at least twice, and this is on top of the dozens of other dangerous vaccines that the medical industrial complex bullies parents into giving to their children.

search results for the question, should children be vaccinated for covid

Are we to believe that infants are born without enough vaccines in their bloodstreams? We have to keep injecting them with potentially toxic ingredients to keep them alive, as if God made a mistake?

"God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him."

Doctors are sacrificing the future health of children. The do it for profit. They do it out of fear of losing their jobs. They do it out of ignorance. And some do it to satisfy the demonic influences that control them. 

They better hope that God has more compassion for them than the parents who one day find out the truth of what was done to their children.

May God have mercy on their souls...because the parents won't.


"We Need To Talk" by the Chalkboard Campaign shows how vaccines are harming children. Take 4 minutes out of your day to view it, and then share it with your friends and family. You might save a life.

Proud To Be An Anti-Vaxxer.

proud to be an anti-vaxxer

If by calling me an 'anti-vaxxer' you mean that I'm totally opposed to injecting synthetic carcinogens made by habitually criminal companies who aren't liable for injury or death, you'd be right.

And I'm proud of it.

How Wars Really Work.

how wars really work: all players dead except for the kings and queens

Kings and queens celebrate while everyone else dies. It's time to stop playing their game.

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