Never Tested, Never Jabbed.

I survived the psychopandemic of 2020

I survived the psychopandemic of 2020, probably the most intensive psychological operation ever conducted against mankind. Although we may never know the names of all the people involved in this crime against humanity, at least we now know there was no virus and there was no pandemic. It was all trickery designed to frighten the public into accepting bio-weapon injections that were apparently created for depopulation. The psyop also trained the public to obey all kinds of ridiculous and unscientific behaviors: masking, the six-foot rule, plexiglass in all the stores, and endless dousing of the hands with alcohol-based sanitizers. It convinced us to be afraid of other people, for they might be dirty and diseased. It told us that sunlight, vitamins, and exercise weren't needed in order to stay healthy. It allowed liquor stores and Walmart to stay open while gyms and hair salons were forced to close. It was a time of madness, and most people played along.

But not me. And hopefully not you.

Never tested. Never jabbed. And never sick.

Revelations: September 30, 2024.

La Resurrezione

Pictured above is Pope Francis sitting in front of a sculpture by Pericle Fazzini known as 'The Resurrection' (La Resurrezione) in the Paul VI Audience Hall in Rome. Officially, the sculpture was intended to capture the anguish of 20th century mankind living under the threat of nuclear war. La Resurrezione depicts Jesus rising from a nuclear crater in the Garden of Gethsemane. Fazzini summarized the action of the statue as "Christ rises from this crater torn open by a nuclear bomb; an atrocious explosion, a vortex of violence and energy." [source: Wikipedia]

If you're Catholic, it may be hard to put aside your bias, but for the rest of us, this sculpture seems totally inappropriate for a place that's supposed to be Holy. In fact, it looks like something spit up from the depths of Hell. The artist claimed it depicts Jesus, and in some warped way it might, but I suspect the inspiration was more demonic than divine. It doesn't help that the Paul VI Audience Hall looks like the head of a snake, including fangs.

Paul VI Audience Hall

Maybe it's all perfectly innocent, but for a church that has been plagued by scandals, especially of the pedophile variety, having an audience hall reminiscent of a serpent decked out with a hellish sculpture isn't going to convince the world that you're doing the work of God. 

child receiving vaccine

As reported in, an explosive study has revealed the COVID mRNA shots are “directly” linked to 74% of all recorded deaths. "The damning study uncovered evidence in autopsy data showing that Covid injections contributed to a staggering 73.9% of all deaths around the world," reports Slay. 

In the “Background” section of the study’s paper, the researchers explain:

“The rapid development of COVID-19 vaccines, combined with a high number of adverse event reports, has led to concerns over possible mechanisms of injury including systemic lipid nanoparticle (LNP) and mRNA distribution, Spike protein-associated tissue damage, thrombogenicity, immune system dysfunction, and carcinogenicity." 

The most implicated organ system among cases was the cardiovascular (49%), followed by hematological (17%), respiratory (11%), and multiple organ systems (7%). The study comes amid a growing body of evidence linking the COVID mRNA injections to multiple deadly health conditions and related sudden deaths, reports Slay.

For the entire story and a link to the study, click here.

CGI virus

In another COVID-related story, Canberra Daily News of Australia has reported something I've been saying for years: there are no records of the “COVID virus”. In an article written by Christine Massey, she discusses how she and a team of volunteers sent Freedom of Information (FOI) requests to health officials around the world for all studies held by the institutions, from anywhere, that found and purified alleged virus particles from any human. Said Massey, "We now have official responses from 224 institutions in 40 different countries. Not one of them was able to provide or cite such a study, hence none have scientific evidence of the alleged virus. It is clear that there is no valid independent variable to study in their experiments, which means that virology is based in pseudoscience."

She goes on to say, "We eventually expanded our investigation to other alleged viruses. No matter which institution is asked or which alleged virus we ask about, the results are always the same: no records. Put simply, this means that the “viruses” were imagined to exist but have never been found."

And if the viruses don't exist, then there was no need for the COVID vaccines which have injured and killed so many people. In fact, there's no need for any kind of vaccine at all.

For the whole story, click here

Jared Kushner and Benjamin Netanyahu

Finally today, if you think there will be peace on earth if Donald Trump is elected in November, his son-in-law Jared Kushner has news for you. Kushner, a hardcore Zionist who directed much of Trump's foreign policy in his first term, recently said the US must support the "peace-seeking nation of Israel" launching a ground invasion of Lebanon to "finish the job."

Anyone who thinks Israel is a "peace-seeking nation" is either a propagandist for Israel, or a victim of Israeli propaganda. Most of the world now agrees that Israel is a war-mongering nation of terror that has kept the middle east destabilized for decades. They have a stated goal of expanding far beyond their current borders, and nations such as Iran and Lebanon are standing in their way. This is why American politicians constantly accuse them of all kinds of criminal activities, including making the baseless claim that Iran is behind the assassination attempts on Trump. By portraying Iran, Lebanon, Yemen, and Iraq as threats to world peace, the excuse is made to go to war on behalf of Israel. 

If Trump becomes president again, you can bet he'll be closely listening to the advice given by Kushner, and American troops (and national debt) will become involved in a large conflict in the middle east that could lead to World War III, assuming the Ukraine conflict doesn't take us there first.

Israel has become like a disease, and Zionism is like a pandemic. Both are threats to humanity and both must be reigned in if the middle east, and indeed the entire world, is ever to see lasting peace.

The easiest way to do that would be for the United States to cut off funding to Israel. But that will never happen since our government is heavily influenced by lobbying from AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee), which seems to have more control of our elected officials than the citizens do.

Notes From Clown World: September 16, 2024.

hide yo pets

Everyday Americans are finally beginning to see the problems associated with mass immigration. From Venezuelan crime gangs roaming the streets of Colorado, to deadly fentanyl destroying families, to the severe housing crisis that grows worse by the day, people are seeing the impact of letting millions of foreigners enter the country. Most of the newcomers are here illegally, something the Marxists in the Democratic Party are fine with. But even many Republicans are looking the other way when the right amount of money is involved. Now adding to the stress is the introduction of Haitian refugees to the city of Springfield Ohio. Haitians destroyed their own nation, so American politicians decided it would be a great idea to bring a bunch of them here rather than helping the Haitians fix their homeland. It's amazing how we can spend billions of dollars on banker's wars around the world, but the international community can't come together to make Haiti a livable place. Send them to Ohio instead. And now we're getting multiple reports from the residents of Springfield that their new Haitian neighbors are misbehaving, violating private property, driving like madmen, and even abducting and eating people's pets. Of course, government officials, who are perpetual liars, are denying anything is wrong at all. These officials are ignoring the pleas of local citizens, probably because of the millions of dollars the federal government gives state and local governments to accept immigrants into their communities. Money buys a lot of corruption, and politicians are notoriously corrupt. That won't change any time soon. So I suggest you buy a gun, build a fence, and "hide yo pets".

Austrian covid conviction

A woman in Austria was found guilty of fatally infecting her neighbor with COVID-19 in 2021. A judge sentenced the 54-year-old on Thursday to four months’ suspended imprisonment and an 800-euro fine ($886.75) for grossly negligent homicide. The victim died of pneumonia that was allegedly caused by the coronavirus, according to Austrian news agency APA. A virological report showed that the virus DNA matched both the deceased and the 54-year-old woman, proving that the defendant “almost 100 percent” transmitted it, an expert told the court.

Obviously the "expert" and the judge aren't aware that SARS-CoV-2, the alleged virus that causes COVID-19, has never been isolated, replicated, or otherwise proven to exist. Hundreds of FOIA (Freedom Of Information Act) requests have gone out all over the world, but proof of SAR-CoV-2 has never been provided. In fact, government agencies usually reply that they have nothing at all.

It's hard to believe that in the 21st century, a person can be convicted of purposely infecting another person with a virus, since viruses have never been proven to cause any diseases. There's even a considerable amount of uncertainty that viruses exist at all. Virology is a theory, nothing more. And yet the medical industrial complex portrays it as scientifically proven and then sells us dangerous, useless vaccines to protect us from things they can't prove exist. Governments jump on the bandwagon and use viruses as tools for social control. Without the mythical little bugs, there could be no forced masking, no social distancing, and no lockdowns. Virology is a scam that needs to end. The sooner, the better.

liberals in a nutshell

I like this cartoon. It really illustrates the mindset of most Democrats. I've never met one who really cares who the candidate is or what their policy positions are. As long as the candidate is a Democrat, nothing else matters. Nothing proves this better than Kamala Harris' presidential campaign. A few years ago she dropped out of the race because no one liked her. She couldn't win a primary anywhere. During her nearly four years as vice-president, she was largely ignored and dismissed by party loyalists. Then the party's elites anointed Harris as their grand leader without letting rank & file Democrats vote on the matter, and just like the elites expected, everyone got in line behind her and the praise has been non-stop ever since. Are Democrats unable to think for themselves? Why are they so eager to comply with whatever the party's elites tell them to do? I can only assume that weak minds crave direction. But weak minds are also very easy to manipulate.

statin drugs for kids

The corrupt medical industrial complex is now pushing statin drugs for children. Although many doctors have said statin drugs are the most dangerous ever created, causing numerous health problems while not reducing overall fatalities from heart disease (the reason the drug is prescribed), rather than take statins off the market, doctors are doubling down and recommending them to even more people. It's hard to imagine why a 15 year old would benefit from taking heart medication. Can we look at the child's lifestyle, such as their daily exercise, the types of foods they're eating, or the environmental toxins they're exposed to? Nope, just get them on pills and keep them dependent on the medical system until their insurance runs out of money. That's what we now call "healthcare" in the western world. If you're smart, you won't play their game. Your health is your own responsibility. Take charge of it.

Revelations: September 02, 2024.

'Revelations' is a new, recurring feature of my blog that will expose immorality in the world. I realize these posts may seem negative and depressing, but I think the best way to stop evil is to shine a light on it and not let it hide. Unfortunately, we live in a world where powerful people and a dishonest news media twist facts, invert the truth, and hide reality to keep us controlled and themselves in power. 'Revelations' will help you see the deceit.

“Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.” - Ephesians 5:11

Israeli hatred in their own words

The hatred and immorality of Israeli's, in their own words.

protest for 18,000 dead children in Gaza

From the United Kingdom: An elderly man with crutches took part in a pro-Palestine demonstration in Blackburn, holding a sign condemning the brutal killing of children in Gaza. How many more innocent kids must die to satisfy Israel's bloodlust?

kamala harris pro-abortion bus tour

Kamala Harris announced a 50-stop "reproductive rights" bus tour. I don't understand the radical left's obsession with killing babies. They seem to under the influence of dark, anti-human forces that compel them to sacrifice children. The Democrats have become the party of pedophilia and infanticide, and sadly, many Republicans are compromising their morals and supporting abortion in a desperate attempt to maintain political power.

democrats love abortion

children should be protected by law

"Children and unborn children should be protected by law and welcomed into life." Protect the innocent.

polio vaccination in Gaza

Israel pauses genocide to give kids toxic vaccines

As if killing innocent children with bombs and bullets isn't enough, the massacre in Gaza is being paused just long enough to administer harmful polio vaccines to children, despite overwhelming evidence that polio isn't caused by a virus. Past polio outbreaks have been linked to exposure to toxins such as mercury and DDT. It's incredible that the world community can find a way to inject kids with chemicals but can't find a way to provide food and clean water.


"The United Nations is hoping to vaccinate an estimated 640,000 children in Gaza after traces of the polio virus were found in the sewage system using flawed PCR tests that can be manipulated. A UN report admitted that the virus that was found was vaccine-derived. 

The World Health Organization (WHO) and the UN children’s fund (UNICEF) have targeted children aged between one day and 10 years to receive the type two poliovirus vaccine, to be administered as two doses of novel/new oral polio vaccine type 2 (nOPV2). Critics predict that the new oral polio vaccine, instead of the polio ‘virus’, will be the cause of illness in vaccinated children.

Israel’s war on Gaza has killed more than 40,700 Palestinians, including close to 17,500 children. Instead of allowing food and water into Gaza and rebuilding sanitation systems, polio vaccines will be forced on the population under the claim of concern for children. In the past, vaccines have caused illness, death and sterility. Sadly, in the weeks and months ahead we will see babies and children die and become crippled in Gaza, not only due to the war, but also because of this mass vaccination campaign with the new Oral Polio Vaccine."

Finally for today, the video above shows Irish teacher Enoch Burke being arrested in Ireland for defying orders to refer to a male student as "she/her," standing firm in his refusal due to his Christian beliefs. The formerly strong and free nation of Ireland has fallen to the oppressive New World Order model of police-state authoritarianism. Will the Irish people rise up before it goes full totalitarian?

Notes From Clown World: August 20, 2024.

DNC messages projected on Trump Tower

According to Psychology Today magazine, "projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another."

Projection in this sense is something the Democrats have practiced for decades. It seems that whatever they accuse the Republicans of doing, you can bet real money the Democrats are the ones actually doing it. But at the DNC convention in Chicago, they've taken their psychological trick to a new level...literally.  The DNC is using a projector to put various messages on the face of the Chicago Trump Tower, without permission, of course. The most comical of the messages is the one that reads, "Trump-Vance "Weird As Hell"". Do the Democrats see the irony of this message, or are they completely lacking self-awareness? 

There are a lot of things Kamala Harris could attack Trump on, but calling someone else "weird" is something she should probably avoid. Aside from her own word-salad speeches and the time she's spent being the number two person to a mumbling, shuffling corpse, she recently picked communist Governor Tim Walz of Minnesota as her vice presidential running mate. It would be hard to find anyone more weird than Walz. Apparently the man was a complete tyrant during the COVID lockdowns, happily destroying small businesses so that big box stores could thrive. It's not that he likes big box stores; it's that he's a weak man who went after even weaker targets without the means to fight back. That makes him a bully. I've also heard reports from Minnesota residents that he imposed a curfew and then ordered the National Guard to yell at citizens who dared to sit outside on their front porches for a little fresh air. Offenders were shot at by the Guard using paintball guns. And let's not forget that Gov. Walz bribed parents with $200 payments to get them to inject their kids with unproven, experimental injections falsely labeled as "vaccines". Some of those children will grow up to have lifelong, chronic health issues, thanks to Walz.

Tim Walz vaccine bribes 

Even more weird: the Democrats endorse the transgender agenda, woke culture, censorship, forced vaccination, exposing children to sexual behavior, and abortion. They believe the climate change myth, they worship government as a form of religion, and they think blue is an acceptable color for hair.

Democrats: Weird As Hell. 

Trump promising more immigration

[screenshot above - not a playable video]

Of course, Trump is doing enough harm to his reputation without the help of the Democrats.  As if his obsession with Israel and the Zionists isn't bad enough, he still thinks being the "father of the COVID vaccines" is a good thing. Apparently he loses no sleep thinking about the millions of people around the world who were injured or killed by his toxic jabs. And now, despite his 2016 promise of building a wall on the southern border, or his 2024 promise of deporting illegals, he's now promising to "let a lot of people come in". Trump seems to think that artificial intelligence will require more people, but in reality, A.I. (especially when combined with robots) will destroy millions of jobs around the world, and the United States will not be immune from the carnage. Very soon, machines will begin taking our jobs at a pace that most of us simply aren't prepared for. It will come slowly at first, and then wash over us like a tsunami. Some people will be retrained for the new economy, but there simply won't be enough work for the rest of us. What will we do then? What will Trump's immigrants do then? Build the wall, finally? And I have to laugh at his statement of "we're going to make sure they're not murderers and drug dealers". How's he going to do that? We can't even stop the CIA from trafficking drugs and murdering people.

Alex Jones monkeypox from gay men's butts

And finally today, perpetual grifter Alex Jones had this image up on his website today. It was part of an article discussing monkeypox, also known as "M-Pox" to the easily offended. Here we have Jones shamelessly perpetuating the myth of viruses, saying Monkeypox will be "the next bio-attack", even though it has never been isolated or proven to exist any more than any other virus has. He (or his staffers) even make the outlandish claim that "monkeypox comes out of the butts of gay men". The claim is made with zero proof, and seems designed to attract viewers at the expense of gay men. Inadvertently or on purpose, Jones is dividing us just as surely as social distancing, masking, and vaxxed/unvaxxed statuses did. For a man who claims to hate the globalists, it's disappointing to see him making their job a little easier. 

Oh, in case you missed it (above), he also said "COVID came out of China". This is more misinformation from Jones and the Infowars staff. It can't be proven that COVID came out of China, because it's never been proven that SARS-CoV-2 actually exists anywhere in the world. Hundreds of FOIA (Freedom Of Information Act) requests have found nothing. SARS-CoV-2 exists only as a computer generated model. There is no virus. There was no pandemic. So we can't say that COVID came out of China. To do so is just yellow journalism, a divisive bit of fiction that helps to sell products but gets us no closer to the truth. 

they want us to hate each other don't let them win

Notes From Clown World: August 13, 2024.

Kier Starmer poison

I start this edition of 'Clown World' with a meme about U.K. Prime Minister Kier Starmer, simply because in the short time since he began leading the country, it's already devolved into chaos and increased tyranny. Starmer is another in a long line of deep state globalists who don't seem to actually care about the United Kingdom or anyone who lives there. I suspect he's there to help destroy the nation and hasten its transition to neo-feudal slave colony that serves the international elites. Neo-feudalism is being sold to us as socialism with heavy doses of social control enforced by tyrannical laws and brutal policing. It's is poison, and it can quickly sicken the entire world. Let's hope that Starmer fails in all his endeavors and is exposed as a clown instead of a sociopath.

alleged Muslim terror cells in the United States

I found this scary looking map in a Telegram group. Allegedly it shows where all the Muslim terrorist cells are located. I have to wonder how anyone knows where the cells are. If we know, why aren't we doing anything about them? Then I began thinking about why the United States is at such risk of terror attacks. Like most people, I used to believe government propaganda about Muslims hating our freedom. George Bush said so, right? But now I see how the U.S. has spent billions of dollars over several decades overthrowing legitimately elected governments in the Middle East and starting wars so we can steal their resources. I've heard one after the other member of Congress pledge allegiance to Israel, a nation that openly talks about dominating the Middle East and destroying Iran in the process. The U.S. financially and militarily supports Israel's endless reign of terror, and the people in Arab nations can plainly see it. I hope there's never another attack inside America, but at the same time I understand the motivation. The citizens of the United States are at risk because of the foreign policies of our own government. Our leader's blind obsession with Israel combined with the theft of oil and gas for the benefit of big energy corporations makes us a target for retaliation and revenge. 

Arab nations don't hate our freedom. But they do hate being bullied, robbed, and repeatedly kicked in the teeth. We needn't be surprised when our horrible actions create horrible reactions. Have politicians never heard of karma?

beef being tested for bird flu

The bird flu scam just won't go away. The U.S. Department of Agriculture is going to expand bird-flu testing of cows in an attempt to destroy our food supply and make us dependent upon the growing authoritarian Marxist government. Well they didn't say all that but the end-goal is obvious to anyone with two brain cells to rub together. Just like with COVID, the virus that allegedly causes bird flu has never been isolated and proven to exist. But health officials, the same people who think children need more than 70 vaccines before the age of 18, are pushing the false narrative that a virus is flying around the world infecting birds who are then infecting cows. It's the stuff of science fiction, yet the government is putting its full weight and weaponry behind it. They've even got a new bird flu vaccine ready that promises to protect you from the virus that doesn't exist. If the bird flu vaccine as safe as the COVID jabs, the funeral homes are going to be really busy, really soon.

wastewater tested for covid

If infected birds and cows haven't scared you yet, the CDC has released this anxiety-inducing map showing where cases of COVID are the most active, based on tests of wastewater. Yes, they're testing our poop for that same old virus that has never been proven to exist anywhere in the world. But they think they can find it, or traces of it, in municipal sewer systems. Even if it's all a lie, they can still create maps like this to scare the most gullible among us into taking another depopulation injection. 

slapped cheek syndrome

My goodness. The myth of virology keeps on Big Pharma and the medical industrial complex. Now we have "slapped cheek syndrome", supposedly caused by...wait for it....a virus! Symptoms in the first phase are flu-like and can include fever, headache, malaise, muscle aches, cough, sore throat, and joint pain. In the second phase, a characteristic "slapped cheek" rash develops. Wow, those symptoms sound the same as a whole bunch of other things kids get. Sounds like just another detox to me, but we shouldn't rule out the possibility of it being a reaction from vaccines. In fact there are a number of environmental factors that could cause those symptoms, but none will be seriously explored as long as the cult of virology exists.

pineapple meth

Finally, we check on New Zealand, where tasty pineapple candies have been handed out to homeless people. Did I say candy? I meant methamphetamine. Apparently someone donated the meth disguised as candy, not knowing that each piece contained up to 300 times the level of the drug someone would usually take. Luckily no one was seriously injured, and police are investigating.

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