Are Your Thoughts Your Own?

are your thoughts your own?

"If you hate people you've never met, if you cheer the deaths of people you don't know....based on what other people have told've been propagandized and your thoughts aren't your own." - Timo Malum

When You Understand The Game You Don't Panic.

When you understand the game you don't panic

[image and text by Revellati Online]

When you understand the game you don't panic.

We live in a system that uses fear as a tool of control. Mass panic is encouraged to make people more susceptible to manipulation, whether through the media, politics or the economy. When you understand the game, you realize that many crises are manufactured or amplified to keep the population in a constant state of insecurity. Fear limits the capacity for critical thinking and makes us accept imposed solutions without question. However, those who see beyond the smokescreen do not get carried away by hysteria and learn to act strategically, instead of reacting in despair.

Knowledge and awareness are the true keys to freedom.

Fluoridated Humans Become Obedient Sheep.

fluoride blank stare

[graphic and text by Revellati]

"Aquele olhar fluoretado que você recebe quando explica para os desavisados ​​que uma prisão digital está sendo silenciosamente construída ao redor deles."


"That fluoridated look you get when you explain to the unsuspecting that a digital prison is being silently built around them."

Learn the truth about fluoride at Fluoride Action Network.

For an introduction to the digital prison, also known as the biosecurity state, check out the video COVID 911 by James Corbett.

Look For The Truth Beneath The Layers Of Deception.

Revellati truth and deception

The deceptive art of directing public attention to one thing by focusing on an illusion.

Yet another AGENDA goes unnoticed. It is a deliberate strategy used to influence, manipulate and control public perception and behavior.

These operations create narratives that shape our understanding of reality, often obscuring the truth for other hidden agendas.

Truth becomes a victim of this war of perception, leaving the masses in a state of confusion and manipulation.

It is part of a “classic technique”, it is a reminder to question everything and look for the truth beneath the layers of deception.

In times of universal deception, the best weapon is to arm yourself with knowledge, question the narratives and dress your conscience with pride.

Stay alert, stay informed and never stop asking!

[content contributor: Revellati Online]

The System Is Designed To Control You.

Jason Christoff quote about the design of society

"The entire design of the system is to make you so poisoned, so brain damaged, so mind controlled and so indoctrinated...that you don't notice the design of the system." -- Jason Christoff

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