Massive Terror Attack Likely In October.

terrorized girl viewing explosion

Image by Alex Vyshnikov

Most people who are paying attention now realize the deep state, working in cooperation with the radical Democratic Party, is at war with the American people. We've seen suspicious elections, corrupt & politically biased courts, weaponized federal agencies, medical assaults, attacks on our infrastructure including food production, and the entry of millions of illegal immigrants. We have a housing crisis, high inflation, attacks on free speech, runaway spending, a fentanyl epidemic, and military conflicts that could lead to World War III. We're in a lot of trouble, but we didn't get here by accident. 

We're in a Marxist coup, and our domestic enemies want to tear everything down so they can rebuild as a Communist society that imposes total control over all of us, or at least, those of us who aren't sent to the death camps. Who are the Marxists? They are the people who now control the Democratic Party, and they include Barack Obama, Kamala Harris, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Alejandro Mayorkas, Nancy Pelosi, Gavin Newsom, Tim Walz, Hakeem Jeffries, Chuck Schumer, Antony Blinken, Josh Shapiro, Roy Cooper, Kathy Hochul, Katie Hobbs, and many others. Helping them are a large number of media personalities such as Joy Reid, Joy Behar, Brian Stelter, Rachel Maddow, Joe Scarborough, Jimmy Kimmel, and Stephen Colbert, and the propagandists at The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Daily Beast, Daily Kos, The Hill, and hundreds of local television stations from coast to coast.

Marxists have been playing a long game since the 1960's, carefully taking over our institutions and indoctrinating us with their collectivist hive-mind bullshit for decades. They've been very patient, but their slowness has given many of us time to wake up and realize what's going on. And then the election of Donald Trump sent them into crisis mode as they began to realize their dreams of a Communist revolution might never become reality. They pulled every stunt they could think of, including a fake pandemic, to get Trump out of the way and to traumatize the rest of us so that we would blindly obey while they completed their coup. But we didn't obey. We organized and communicated. And Trump came back for round two. 

They're getting desperate. They want their revolution. They want total control of everyone and everything. They want to destroy the one thing they talk about the most: democracy. But how will they do it?

The least likely way forward is a win for Kamala Harris in November. It would take a lot of cheating to get Harris in the White House, and you can bet the fraud will be rampant again this year. But she's so unpopular I'm not sure it's possible to cheat enough to guarantee a victory. They need another plan.

The other plan is a false flag event, a massive terror attack so horrible, so traumatic, that it either divides the nation with civil war, or is so disruptive that the election can't take place.

Earlier this year, researcher Ole Dammegard said his intel suggests the next false-flag attack will be either an attack on the Statue of Liberty, or some sort of major event in Florida. I suspect an attack on the Statue of Liberty would be the most traumatic to Americans and would therefore have the most political value to anyone wanting to create social chaos. But a civil war could be sparked by a terror event at Mar-A-Lago, especially if Donald Trump was injured or killed. Recently I've also heard chatter that the White House or the U.S. Capitol building could be targeted, but those buildings are so heavily guarded that choosing either as the target might be so incredible that the public wouldn't accept it as anything but an inside job. But regardless of what is targeted, the attack would be planned and carried out by operatives of the deep state, with the CIA and FBI being the likely suspects, but we can't rule out involvement by Israel's Mossad.

And then the blame game begins. Depending on what is attacked, we'll be told it was done by one of these three: Russia, Iran, or "white nationalists". If Russia or Iran is blamed, a fully kinetic war involving American troops would be the next step in the plan. If white nationalists are blamed, it could be the beginning of a full-on Communist revolution, with martial law and gun confiscation imposed in the name of "public safety", and that could be another way to start a civil war.

Unfortunately, there's no way to predict exactly what will happen next. The people controlling our nation are morally derelict and mentally depraved. They're capable of doing anything, and they're desperate enough to do anything. They're lying to us now and they'll continue lying to us until real justice is restored and the traitors receive whatever punishment is handed to them by a court of moral Americans who respect the Constitution.

But that's in the distant future. We now have less than a month before the election. The threats I've outlined are real possibilities that could happen at any time between today and November 5. Let's pray that God's hand intervenes and keeps us all safe.

The Shame Of America.

U.S. Congress celebrating Netanyahu

Members of the United States Congress are shown celebrating Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the man responsible for the genocide in Gaza. Earlier this year, the International Criminal Court's prosecutor requested arrest warrants for Netanyahu for alleged war crimes. The official death toll in Gaza since October 7, 2023, is 38,664, as reported by the Gaza Health Ministry on July 16, 2024. However, a study published in The Lancet on July 12, 2024, estimates that the true death toll could be 186,000 or more. Half of the deaths were of women and children. [video below:]

Netanyahu speech and pepper spray

While Netanyahu was speaking to Congress, the police were deploying pepper spray on the protesters outside. 

“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -- Kevin Alfred Strom

police arresting peaceful protesters

Peaceful protesters opposing Netanyahu's visit to Congress are arrested by Capitol police. True freedom of speech no longer exists in America, and this is especially true about any criticism of Israel and the Zionists. [video below:]

The sad reality we face is that our elected officials don't actually represent us. Their loyalty is to Israel first, followed by corporate entities such as Big Pharma and the military industrial complex. The vast majority of the members of Congress are being bribed, blackmailed, or otherwise threatened to sell out their own nation. Deep state agencies such as the CIA and the FBI are helping to compromise America's politicians, aided by foreign agencies such as MI6 and Mossad.

We have become an authoritarian police state that is quickly becoming a totalitarian police state enabled by A.I. surveillance technology. 

The immoral clowns celebrating Netanyahu don't care about our Constitution or protecting our republic. They're focused on themselves and the people who control them.

If America has a future, it's up to us to save it.

Anti-Zionism Isn't Anti-Semitism.

anti-Zionism isn't anti-semitism

With protests against Israel's atrocities in Gaza erupting on college campuses across the nation, propagandists working on behalf of Zionists are working overtime to spin the news in their favor. News reports and dishonest statements by our elected officials completely ignore the ongoing genocide while attempting to link support for Palestinians with Communism and Nazism. In the nation where freedom to assemble is a basic Constitutional right, police officers have been ordered to brutally assault and arrest people who are simply trying to stop the senseless murders of thousands of children in Gaza. But attempts to stop the protests have done nothing but reveal the dirty truth: America is ruled by Zionists. Our politicians, who receive hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars from lobbyists such as AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) are putting the interests of foreign nations ahead of their own, and then using police state tactics to hide their crimes. But we see it now. We know the motivation driving people like Mike Johnson, Mitch McConnell, Dan Crenshaw, Adam Schiff, and so many others.  It's not patriotism for the United States. It's money. It's greed. And possibly even a bit of blackmail and extortion. 

Dare we call it treason?

Notes From Clown World: March 15, 2023.

The Chaos Is Intentional.

With everything that is going on in the world today, it's easy to become overwhelmed and not connect the dots. Wars, diseases, vaccine injuries, government tyranny & corruption, trans madness, and banking meltdowns are in the news every day now, it seems. It looks like everyone is going crazy, and perhaps we are. But it's not happening naturally. It's all being engineered, quite intentionally, by the international bankers and the globalists they control. Out of chaos comes order, but in this case the order is the New World Order. Their plan is simple but evil: divide us in every possible way so that we begin fighting among ourselves, and while we're distracted they're taking over governments, infiltrating media outlets, weakening churches, destroying the economy, and turning schools into indoctrination centers. Everything we used to trust is being turned inside out. Society is being set up to collapse. They want things to fail. They want us angry. They like it when our protests turn violent. And when things get really bad and we begin to lose all hope, a "hero" of their choosing, someone they're likely training right now, will step onto the world's stage and proclaim himself to be our savior. Just do as he says and follow his rules and peace and security will be ours again. Take another jab, accept a microchip in your wrist, use their digital money, surrender your property, and snitch on your friends & family members who resist the new ways.

Just comply, and there will be no more chaos. But I have a better idea. Let's endure their engineered chaos and show them the human spirit can't be broken. And then let's take our society back so that the predators & parasites who create our suffering can hurt us no more. I think we can fit all the bankers and globalists on a small volcanic island somewhere in the south Pacific. Let them create their New World Order there, alone.

Australian Army Recruits Thugs To Attack The Public.

The Australian army has put out a new recruiting video that suggests their focus is shifting away from foreign invaders and will in the future aim their wrath at local residents who dare to speak up against the government. Remember when Australia was a free nation? Now it's the poster child for violent authoritarianism and endless surveillance. Hopefully the Australian people will soon find a way to take their nation back from the tyrants who are turning it into a hell-hole for the globalist agenda.

Police Brutality In France.

In France, protesters took to the streets to show their opposition to changes the government is making to their retirement pension fund. Rather than listening to the people's concerns, the government sent in the police to violently attack men, women, and children. Part of the globalist's agenda for world domination, extreme displays of power are increasingly being used as part of a psy-op to beat us down and make us think they run the show and we can't stop them.

Dutch Farmers Continue To Resist The Fascists.

But as the Dutch farmers are proving, there's a lot we can do when we join together to protect our rights and defeat tyranny.

The World's Not That Bad.

The world's not that bad. It's your government that sucks.

No Escape.

Those who are responsible will be held accountable. Crimes against humanity will not go unpunished. There is no escape for the guilty.

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