They Won't Stop Spraying: Chemtrails Over North Carolina.

chemtrails over High Point NC on January 26, 2025

chemtrails over Archdale NC on January 26, 2025

chemtrails over Greensboro NC on January 26, 2025

The sky on January 26, 2025. Top: High Point, NC. Middle: Archdale, NC. Bottom: Greensboro, NC.

We're not allowed to have blue skies anymore. Almost every bright clear day brings out the chemtrail sprayers. The narrow streaks quickly spread out into wide bands, which then continue to spread until the entire sky is obscured by gray clouds. It's the same pattern every single time.

Watch the sky and see it for yourself. And then start asking questions.

Heavy Spraying Over North Carolina.

photograph of chemtrails in the North Carolina sky

The photograph above was taken in central North Carolina on Friday, December 13, 2024. I don't understand how anyone could look at this sky and think anything about it is natural. Two of the most prominent chemtrails form an 'X', something I've frequently seen over the past year. It's as if the pilots are trying to get our attention the only way they can. But still, most people are oblivious to it all. I guess if you're staring at your phone, you can't see what's happening above your head.

Notes From Clown World: October 26, 2024.

Kamala Harris will deliver for black men

I left the Democratic Party eight years ago because I got tired of their lies. Theirs is a party that gains and retains power through fear-mongering, division, promises of free stuff, and endless deception. It's an organization of wealthy political elites who pretend to care about us, but their real goal is keeping us broke and demoralized, dependent upon them for everything. For decades they've dishonestly pandered to black Americans, and sadly, their tactics have been very effective. Democrats traditionally win the majority of black votes, despite the party being the early foundation of the Ku Klux Klan and despite Hillary Clinton's hero, Margaret Sanger, being a eugenicist who targeted black Americans. The organization Sanger founded is now known as Planned Parenthood and is responsible for the murder of millions of black babies. 

Time passes, but little changes. Kamala Harris is promising free stuff to blacks and spreading fear within the black community in a desperate attempt to win this year's presidential election. On her website, she portrays Donald Trump as some sort of monster who is a "serious threat to the lives of black men", while providing no credible proof to back up her claim. She's promising 1 million forgivable loans of up to $20,000 each to black entrepreneurs, with the losses covered by hardworking Americans of all races who will have no say in the matter. She's pitching a vague plan to create a National Health Equity Initiative focused on black men, but there are no details on what this actually is or what it will cost, or why black women are excluded. And she's proposing price controls on food and rent, despite historical evidence that these sorts of schemes typically result in food and housing shortages which hurt minorities worst of all. 

Will black Americans take the bait once again and vote for Democrats in 2024? If the number of Kamala Harris yard signs I'm seeing in black neighborhoods is any indication, I'd have to say, "yes, this year more than ever". 

Perhaps some of her support is the result of endorsements from super-wealthy celebrities with more talent than brains. Already Harris has been endorsed by Bruce Springsteen, Willie Nelson, and Geraldo Rivera. Dozens of other musicians and Hollywood stars have jumped on the Kamala-train too, but doing the research so I can list them all would be nauseating. And considering what we know about the A-listers who visited Jeffrey Epstein's island and the stars allegedly involved in the Sean Combs (P Diddy) sex scandal, celebrity endorsements don't really help Harris' reputation. I doubt Willie Nelson shared baby oil with Jennifer Lopez over at Diddy's crib, but a lot of us have become very suspicious of anyone involved in the film and music industries, and rightly so. Unlike in the past, bragging about celebrity endorsements is not going to win over many hearts and minds in middle America. And this cuts both ways: endorsing a politician who pushes abortions, wars, forced vaccinations, censorship, and Communist economic policies isn't going to help movie and music sales. It could actually tank your career.

Bruce Springsteen endorses Kamala Harris

Willie Nelson endorse Kamala Harris

Geraldo Rivera endorses Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris Halloween decorations

"The scariest Halloween decorations have to be those Harris signs in people's yards."

Does Keith Olbermann have any friends who can check on him? His tweets make him look like an unhinged madman. I'm thinking he might need a psychiatric evaluation before he hurts himself. He recently said "We need to arrest and detain Elon Musk immediately". On what charges, Keith? For resisting the radical left and their tyrannical, authoritarian agenda? Olbermann says Musk is "operating on behalf of Russia" (as if Russia is actually our enemy), but he offers no proof. He doesn't even want to give Musk a trial: he demands that President Biden "lock him away in a military facility". 

What country does Keith Olbermann think he lives in? This isn't North Korea, Keith, although you and your kind are pushing us toward just such a Communist, hellish existence. 

Keith, if you'll send me your address, I'll send you a copy of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. I suggest you read it and learn how things are designed to work here in America. Sending people to gulags isn't part of the plan.

Keith Olbermann unhinged tweet

Finally today, we have an ANTIFA cartoon that's funny, but more true than I'd like to think. If Donald Trump wins in November, there is no doubt in my mind that Democrats and their allies of the radical left will refuse to accept the election results. I've heard that more than 40 lawsuits have already been written, ready to be deployed if Trump wins. And I expect violence to erupt as well, with indoctrinated leftists and paid agitators leaving their mom's basements to go and burn cities, just like in the 2020 "Summer of love". But I expect the protests will go on longer, and burn hotter, because the left is even more ignorant, intolerant, and filled with hate than they were four years ago. They have an irrational hatred of Trump and all who support him, and a Trump victory will push their frail minds over the edge. If they can't have their way, they'll try to tear everything down with the hope of launching a violent Communist revolution.

Right now, they're preparing. Are you?

Democrats holding ANTIFA by a leash

Massive Terror Attack Likely In October.

terrorized girl viewing explosion

Image by Alex Vyshnikov

Most people who are paying attention now realize the deep state, working in cooperation with the radical Democratic Party, is at war with the American people. We've seen suspicious elections, corrupt & politically biased courts, weaponized federal agencies, medical assaults, attacks on our infrastructure including food production, and the entry of millions of illegal immigrants. We have a housing crisis, high inflation, attacks on free speech, runaway spending, a fentanyl epidemic, and military conflicts that could lead to World War III. We're in a lot of trouble, but we didn't get here by accident. 

We're in a Marxist coup, and our domestic enemies want to tear everything down so they can rebuild as a Communist society that imposes total control over all of us, or at least, those of us who aren't sent to the death camps. Who are the Marxists? They are the people who now control the Democratic Party, and they include Barack Obama, Kamala Harris, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Alejandro Mayorkas, Nancy Pelosi, Gavin Newsom, Tim Walz, Hakeem Jeffries, Chuck Schumer, Antony Blinken, Josh Shapiro, Roy Cooper, Kathy Hochul, Katie Hobbs, and many others. Helping them are a large number of media personalities such as Joy Reid, Joy Behar, Brian Stelter, Rachel Maddow, Joe Scarborough, Jimmy Kimmel, and Stephen Colbert, and the propagandists at The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Daily Beast, Daily Kos, The Hill, and hundreds of local television stations from coast to coast.

Marxists have been playing a long game since the 1960's, carefully taking over our institutions and indoctrinating us with their collectivist hive-mind bullshit for decades. They've been very patient, but their slowness has given many of us time to wake up and realize what's going on. And then the election of Donald Trump sent them into crisis mode as they began to realize their dreams of a Communist revolution might never become reality. They pulled every stunt they could think of, including a fake pandemic, to get Trump out of the way and to traumatize the rest of us so that we would blindly obey while they completed their coup. But we didn't obey. We organized and communicated. And Trump came back for round two. 

They're getting desperate. They want their revolution. They want total control of everyone and everything. They want to destroy the one thing they talk about the most: democracy. But how will they do it?

The least likely way forward is a win for Kamala Harris in November. It would take a lot of cheating to get Harris in the White House, and you can bet the fraud will be rampant again this year. But she's so unpopular I'm not sure it's possible to cheat enough to guarantee a victory. They need another plan.

The other plan is a false flag event, a massive terror attack so horrible, so traumatic, that it either divides the nation with civil war, or is so disruptive that the election can't take place.

Earlier this year, researcher Ole Dammegard said his intel suggests the next false-flag attack will be either an attack on the Statue of Liberty, or some sort of major event in Florida. I suspect an attack on the Statue of Liberty would be the most traumatic to Americans and would therefore have the most political value to anyone wanting to create social chaos. But a civil war could be sparked by a terror event at Mar-A-Lago, especially if Donald Trump was injured or killed. Recently I've also heard chatter that the White House or the U.S. Capitol building could be targeted, but those buildings are so heavily guarded that choosing either as the target might be so incredible that the public wouldn't accept it as anything but an inside job. But regardless of what is targeted, the attack would be planned and carried out by operatives of the deep state, with the CIA and FBI being the likely suspects, but we can't rule out involvement by Israel's Mossad.

And then the blame game begins. Depending on what is attacked, we'll be told it was done by one of these three: Russia, Iran, or "white nationalists". If Russia or Iran is blamed, a fully kinetic war involving American troops would be the next step in the plan. If white nationalists are blamed, it could be the beginning of a full-on Communist revolution, with martial law and gun confiscation imposed in the name of "public safety", and that could be another way to start a civil war.

Unfortunately, there's no way to predict exactly what will happen next. The people controlling our nation are morally derelict and mentally depraved. They're capable of doing anything, and they're desperate enough to do anything. They're lying to us now and they'll continue lying to us until real justice is restored and the traitors receive whatever punishment is handed to them by a court of moral Americans who respect the Constitution.

But that's in the distant future. We now have less than a month before the election. The threats I've outlined are real possibilities that could happen at any time between today and November 5. Let's pray that God's hand intervenes and keeps us all safe.

The Worst Terrorists Wear Suits.

meme the worst terrorists wear suits

The worst terrorists wear suits, and Benjamin Netanyahu is probably the best example of this. #GazaGenocide

Revelations: September 20, 2024.

news anchors are paid actors

"Never forget: these are paid actors reading a script crafted to manipulate your perception of reality."

We live in a fake world. It's a world of many layers, each one made of propaganda, misinformation, fear porn, and outright lies. These layers were created by manipulative people who want to control your life and steal your money. The fake world keeps us busy chasing things of no real value while struggling to survive. It distracts us with television, sports, fake news, and soul-killing jobs. It numbs us with alcohol, drugs, and sex. Reality exists, but it's not what we're told it is. Reality, as near as it gets in the physical realm, is simple, spiritual, and directly connected to the divine. But the demons who currently run this world want you disconnected from your true nature and instead consumed by confusion, anxiety, false ideas, and fear.

It's the job of the news media to keep you disconnected. They pretend to be informing you while hiding the truth and reading carefully crafted scripts to keep you in the grip of illusions, a victim of the fake world. 

Believe nothing they say. Assume they are lying. Know that they'll never tell you what you really need to know.

They are agents of the devil, complicit in chaos and death.

headlines about injuries at Trump rallies

Just when you thought politics couldn't get any worse, we're now getting reports that attendees of a recent Trump rally are complaining of painful physical symptoms, mostly involving their eyes. While some speculate that a chemical weapon may have been used, others have suggested that a directed energy weapon may have been deployed. Similar weapons were used in Australia in 2020 and 2021 when the government was trying to disperse anti-COVID lockdown rallies. As far as we know, directed energy weapons have never before been used against U.S. citizens, but we now have a leftist authoritarian regime doing the bidding of the maniacs in the deep state, so anything is possible. We've already seen two attempted assassinations against Donald Trump that appear to be linked to either the FBI or the CIA. These are rogue, anti-American agencies that only care about un-Constitutional power. No one should be surprised if they begin physically targeting U.S. citizens who are deemed to be threats to that power.

Wuhan virus psyop

It's the lie that never ends. Even though there is no proof that SARS-CoV-2 exists anywhere in the world, and even though researchers have proven there was no pandemic in 2020, the deep state and the devils in the news media continue to push the lie that a virus escaped from Wuhan, China. The first thing they need to do is prove that viruses are real and can actually cause diseases. They've never done it because they know they can't. Virology has been totally debunked by a number of doctors and researchers around the world, and in my opinion it's a dead theory we should be moving on from. But the theory of viruses is good for controlling the masses and keeping us in fear. Fearful people are obedient people. And in the case of China, by trying to pin "COVID" on a Wuhan lab, the deep state creates an evil nemesis we can all rally against when American psychopaths decide to start their next war in Asia. That's why the Wuhan virus story is so important to them and won't go away. They love their wars, and they'll tell any lie as an excuse to start dropping bombs.

xec covid variant

Still on the subject of viruses, in the fake news today they're warning about 'XEC', an alleged new variant of COVID-19. Rest assured that this is nothing but more fear porn from the mind-control media. How they can identify a new variant of a virus that has never been isolated, replicated, and proven to exist? They might as well tell us they've found a new kind of unicorn. And notice in the headline above, they tell us "vaccines should provide some protection from it". How? Protection from something that doesn't exist? And they're still not mentioning the millions of injuries and the hundreds of thousands (some say millions) of deaths attributed to the COVID vaccines. Hiding this information is a crime against humanity.

no children in Gaza

Finally today, I give you this heart-wrenching photo of children mourning the death of another child, a victim of the terrorist nation of Israel. One observer noted, "There are no children in Gaza. They are either killed by Israel, or forced to grow up fast."

Stop the killing. Stop the #GazaGenocide.

death count in Gaza day 348

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