Which Candidate Will Shrink The Federal Government? Let's Take A Look.

As a lifelong libertarian, I've always felt that the biggest obstacle to a free and prosperous society is an oppressive and parasitic government. In the United States we have a federal government that began with good intentions more than 200 years ago, but has since become a hostile, angry monster that can never be fed enough. The size of the government is staggering: as of 2022, "the federal government employs nearly 9.1 million workers, comprising nearly 6 percent of total employment in the United States. The figure includes nearly 2.1 million federal employees, 4.1 million contract employees, 1.2 million grant employees, 1.3 million active duty military personnel, and more than 500,000 postal service employees." [source: The Hill] There are more federal employees than the total population of Austria. The federal budget for 2024 is $6.9 trillion, and that number is expected to grow no matter who is elected president in November. The national debt is currently more than $35 trillion [source: Statista] and that number rises by another trillion dollars every 100 days. The federal debt to GDP ratio is now at 122%, meaning we're broke.

The United States is a bankrupt nation that functions on debt and the intimidation of the world through our military. This is an unsustainable situation, and an economic crash is inevitable unless drastic action is taken to reign in the spending. Painful decisions will have to be made to ensure the long-term security of the nation. But politicians don't like to make decisions that cause pain. They'd rather kick the proverbial can down the road and hope someone else comes up with a real solution, after they've left office.

And beyond the financial woes, our monstrous government is a burden on society, imposing oppressive laws, rules, regulations, and red tape that cripple our ability to get anything useful done. Picture Star Wars' 'Jabba the Hut' sitting on a throne and eating everything in sight and you'll have a good idea of what our government has become.

It's critical that we reign in this obese monster before it destroys and consumes everything it can reach. But will anyone do it? Does anyone have the courage? I decided to take a look at the campaign platforms of the top four candidates and see if any of them are taking the situation seriously with plans to shrink the government. 

Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris (and the establishment players she represents), offers little hope or change in the size of the federal government. She is the face of the deep state, the entrenched bureaucrats who remain in power for decades and run the nation un-Constitutionally via policies and regulations. Harris is the vice-president because of the deep state, so you can bet she won't do anything to upset them. One of the first items in her platform says she will "make affordable health care a right, not a privilege by expanding and strengthening the Affordable Care Act" (socialism). She claims she will "make millionaires and billionaires pay their fair share in taxes", although she doesn't say what a "fair share" is. She brags about the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the CHIPS and Science Act, the Inflation Reduction Act, and the American Rescue Plan, all of which combined added trillions to the national debt. 

Unfortunately for us, Harris' platform contains very little other than references to things she did in the past. On issue after issue, her website talks about what she did as a prosecutor in California or as a member of Congress. There are no specific plans listed for what she will do in the future, except vague statements such as promising to work on the (alleged) climate crisis, or saying she'll end the fentanyl crisis by "signing the bipartisan border bill that will fund detection technology to intercept even more illicit drugs". 

So we're left wondering what she'll actually do. But we know her ideology is rooted in Marxism, so it's a fair guess to say a Harris presidency will be one of taxing, spending, unfettered government growth, and more intrusions into our lives.

Jill Stein

Jill Stein of the Green Party, starts out with drastic cuts to our military (50-75%). I applaud her desire to close military bases overseas, disband NATO, and stop military funding of Israel and Ukraine. But she then pledges those funds as a "peace dividend" to a number of spending plans, such as the bogus "climate change" agenda and "universal access to basic human needs for food, clean water and sanitation, education, and health care for every human being on Earth". Stein is promising to build 15 million green, union-built, publicly-owned homes, expand HUD and US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development Programs for first-time home buyers, guarantee lifelong free public education for all institutions of learning, including trade schools and Pre-K through college and graduate school, and guarantee free childcare. 

In other words, Jill Stein loves a big government, as long as that government is administering far-left social programs instead of wars. Her platform doesn't mention the federal budget or the national debt at all, except to recommend that we "tax the ultra-wealthy and giant corporations heavily". Unfortunately for Stein, even if the government stole every penny of every wealthy person in the country, it still wouldn't make a dent in the $35 trillion debt. 

Cornel West

Our next Marxist candidate is Cornel West. His platform repeats the word "justice" 17 times just in the category list alone. This should give you some idea of where a West presidency would end up. His platform mentions universal basic income, an expansion of parental leave & disability benefits, "fostering businesses that embody the principles of collective ownership" (communism), a "vow to significantly amplify funding for maternal health initiatives tailored to the needs of Black women (racism), free tuition for higher education, "climate reparations to recognize the deep injustices of climate change" (fake science), on top of a number of other so-called "green" initiatives that you and I will have to pay for. Like Stein, West proposes cuts to the military, including "disbanding NATO" and closing overseas bases. But then he says we need to cancel the debts of developing nations, despite the U.S. itself being bankrupt. It's hard to make the math work on his Marxist vision for America.

Cornel West loves a big government that taxes heavily, spends freely, and imposes itself upon us at every turn. That's not much different than what we already have. The only real difference is what the money gets spent on.

Donald Trump

As the MAGA Republican candidate, we should expect Donald Trump to be the candidate most likely to tame the savage beast that is our government. But what does he have to say about it?

He says he wants to "stop outsourcing and turn the United States into a manufacturing superpower". Reducing imports and increasing exports would certainly help our situation, but Trump offers no details on how he will actually do this. Will it involve more government spending or the creation of a new trade agency? He doesn't say. Unfortunately he does say he will increase military spending, including by building a "great iron dome missile defense shield over our entire country". Such a system, which has proven to be a failure in Israel, will cost us billions of dollars...possibly trillions, and isn't needed since we have no enemies with intercontinental missiles who are foolish enough to start World War 3. An iron dome is nothing but a hand-out to the military industrial complex, the same people who have helped to bankrupt our nation and have kept wars going throughout the 20th and 21st centuries. 

Trump also says he will "rebuild our cities", but again doesn't say how he'll do it. Is this another spending program? It sure looks like it to me.

I wish I could tell you more, but Trump's platform is completely lacking in details. It's a collection of grand words and concepts. But I can tell you there's nothing in it that mentions shrinking the government, cutting spending, or reducing the debt.

If you dig a little deeper, you can find the Republican Party's platform which is different in some ways than what you'll find on Trump's campaign website. There, you will see the Republican's promise to "rein in wasteful federal spending: Republicans will immediately stabilize the economy by slashing wasteful government spending and promoting economic growth." How will it be slashed? They don't say. They also promise to "cut costly and burdensome regulations: Republicans will reinstate President Trump's deregulation policies, which saved Americans $11,000 per household, and end Democrats’ regulatory onslaught that disproportionately harms low and middle-income households." That one statement alone is the most encouraging thing I've seen on any of the platforms. But I question why it's on the Republican Party's platform but not on Trump's website.

Another positive note on the Republican's platform is this: "Republicans will end Democrats’ unlawful and un-American crypto crackdown and oppose the creation of a Central Bank Digital Currency. We will defend the right to mine Bitcoin, and ensure every American has the right to self-custody of their digital assets, and transact free from government surveillance and control." That's a huge statement, and I hope the Republicans have the guts to follow through. 

While there isn't much in either Trump's or the RNC's platforms that suggest they'll cut spending, (and Trump's platform has the wasteful "Iron Dome" boondoggle) their agendas do appear to have the goal of stimulating the economy, reducing the trade deficit, ending at least some of the government's burdensome regulations, and protecting the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. None of the other three candidates are proposing anything similar.

My reservation with Donald Trump and the Republican Party is we've had a lot of promises in the past and an equal amount of disappointments. We don't need four more years of excuses. We need results. And we need results that will last beyond the next election season. 

And it's important to note that none of the candidates have said anything in their campaign platforms about reversing Joe Biden's massive funding increase to the IRS that would enable up to 80,000 new agents to be hired. None of the candidates mention eliminating or greatly downsizing any of the "three letter agencies" such as the CIA, the FBI, the CDC, or the FDA, that have done so much harm to the American people in the past several years. They won't even touch easy targets such as cutting funding to Planned Parenthood or NPR.

But after reading the campaign platforms, I can say without any doubt that the only candidate who has a chance of controlling the "hostile, angry monster that can never be fed enough" is Trump. The other three candidates don't even pretend to care about the problem.

Vote accordingly.

Notes From Clown World: August 26, 2024.

RFK jr tweet about Keith Olbermann

Robert F. Kennedy Jr kicked Keith Olbermann to the curb recently on Twitter/X. Olbermann, who frequently goes on rants that make him look like an unhinged mental patient, tweeted "To my old friend @RobertKennedyJr: You're a fucking anti-American disaster." Kennedy replied, "You were never my friend."

Boom! Olbermann is destroyed in one sentence. 

If given the chance, I'd like to ask Olbermann why he thinks Kennedy is an anti-American disaster. But I think I already know the answer: other than the usual irrational Trump derangement syndrome, which Olbermann has long suffered from, the radical left have bizarrely convinced themselves that it's "American" and "democratic" to support Communism. In their twisted little minds, the United States is destined to become a Communist nation. That is the America they dream of. So anything that gets in the way of their dream is "anti-American". I have to give them credit for one thing: they're masters at perverting the definitions of words to hide their evil agenda.

Kerry Kennedy

Speaking of perversions, Kerry Kennedy, who is the sister of Robert F. Kennedy Jr, got on her soapbox to publicly trash her brother. Ms Kennedy said, "I’m outraged and disgusted by my brother’s gaudy and obscene embrace of Donald Trump. And I completely get out and separate and dissociate myself from Robert Kennedy Jr. in this flagrant and inexplicable effort to desecrate and trample and set fire to my father’s memory.”

She went on to say “I think … the stakes this November couldn’t be higher, which is exactly why my whole family will be fighting so hard to reelect Kamala Harris and Coach Walz, who’ve been champions for the values that my family has fought for, for years."

I never thought John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy Sr were Communists or that they encouraged pedophilia, or that they honored politicians who lied about their military service. John and Robert were flawed men, but by all accounts they loved America and strongly supported the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are Marxists hell-bent on destroying America so it can be "built back better" as a godless Communist police state. It's possible the Kennedy family's morals have declined to the point they think Harris and Walz are acceptable candidates, but they shouldn't try to drag John, Robert, and Robert Jr into their sad worldview.

Keith Kidwell

North Carolina House of Representatives member Keith Kidwell is in the news for allegedly being a member of an "anti-government militia group", as if that's a bad thing. Kidwell has been outed as an “off-the-books” member of 'American Patriot 3 Percent'. 

According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, a Marxist nonprofit that catalogs so-called "hate" groups, AP3 is made up of “Three Percenters,” who subscribe to “a sub-ideology or common belief that falls within the larger anti-government militia movement. AP3 is an “attempt to organize a national network of Three Percenter groups across the country.”

“Three Percenterism is at its core a vanguard extremist movement that claims to be ready to carry out armed resistance to perceived tyranny,” the SPLC writes.

As someone who has read the founding documents of our nation, I see nothing wrong with AP3, at least not based on SPLC's description of it. In fact, the Declaration of Independence states, "When a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government." Militia's are formed with the directives of the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights in mind. It's ludicrous for the Southern Poverty Law Center or the mainstream media to imply that being a part of a militia group is dangerous. Actually it may be dangerous to the deep state and the Communists who want to turn the United States into something radically different than it's supposed to be, but to true patriots, a militia is as American as apple pie. I applaud Representative Kidwell for having the courage to be a part of something that is trying to protect the rights of all of us. 

cartoon mocks DNC convention

Finally, I'll close out with this cartoon by Ben Garrison. It mocks the Democrat's national convention, which was little more than a fake, scripted, festival of lies. Garrison captured the event better than I could ever fully describe it.

The Shame Of America.

U.S. Congress celebrating Netanyahu

Members of the United States Congress are shown celebrating Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the man responsible for the genocide in Gaza. Earlier this year, the International Criminal Court's prosecutor requested arrest warrants for Netanyahu for alleged war crimes. The official death toll in Gaza since October 7, 2023, is 38,664, as reported by the Gaza Health Ministry on July 16, 2024. However, a study published in The Lancet on July 12, 2024, estimates that the true death toll could be 186,000 or more. Half of the deaths were of women and children. [video below:]

Netanyahu speech and pepper spray

While Netanyahu was speaking to Congress, the police were deploying pepper spray on the protesters outside. 

“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -- Kevin Alfred Strom

police arresting peaceful protesters

Peaceful protesters opposing Netanyahu's visit to Congress are arrested by Capitol police. True freedom of speech no longer exists in America, and this is especially true about any criticism of Israel and the Zionists. [video below:]

The sad reality we face is that our elected officials don't actually represent us. Their loyalty is to Israel first, followed by corporate entities such as Big Pharma and the military industrial complex. The vast majority of the members of Congress are being bribed, blackmailed, or otherwise threatened to sell out their own nation. Deep state agencies such as the CIA and the FBI are helping to compromise America's politicians, aided by foreign agencies such as MI6 and Mossad.

We have become an authoritarian police state that is quickly becoming a totalitarian police state enabled by A.I. surveillance technology. 

The immoral clowns celebrating Netanyahu don't care about our Constitution or protecting our republic. They're focused on themselves and the people who control them.

If America has a future, it's up to us to save it.

The Republican Party Has Surrendered To The Zionists.

Shabbos Kestenbaum at the Republican national convention

This week's Republican national convention looked more like Zionist love-in than a meeting of MAGA Americans. At times it looked like Israel was more important than the United States, and to some of our politicians, it is. If past statements by Donald Trump, Nikki Haley, Lindsey Graham, and Mike Johnson weren't enough to convince you that Israel and Jewish Americans are the priority of the Republican Party, the parade of speakers at the convention should have at least caused concern. The party that constantly bangs on about defending our Constitutional rights actually let Shabbos Kestenbaum brag about his work to subvert the 1st Amendment while also demanding "antisemitic" hate speech laws. I would expect such a demand would be met with booing, but the conservative crowd, some wearing cowboy hats, cheered him on. Incredible. What's next? If a rabbi is shot and killed somewhere in America, will the Republicans demand gun control to prevent antisemitic violence? Five years ago I would have thought, "no way". Now, I'm not so sure. After all, we now have millions of Christian conservatives defending Israel's genocide in Gaza, as if the deaths of tens of thousands of Palestinian's don't matter because of something they read in the Bible. (Hint: if your god is okay with the murder of children, you might be worshiping the wrong god.)

Seen at the 2024 Republican national convention:

man wearing MAGA kippah at Republican national convention

And in case you are living under the delusion that Israel is an innocent victim of terrorism rather than being the instigator of terror around the world, here's a short video of the IDF targeting and striking a Palestinian family with a rocket as they were traveling in an animal-drawn cart along a road in Gaza. It was a senseless act of violence, something Israel takes pride in.

And apparently, so does the Republican Party.

Different Paths...Same Destination.

Biden and Trump lead to totalitarianism

"When you know the destination, you can see the journey." -- David Icke

The destination planned for all of us is a global totalitarian feudalistic society. The super-wealthy will own everything while the rest of us will own nothing. We'll be allowed to rent meager resources to help us stay alive, but only if our social credit scores are high enough for us to qualify for payment credits to be added to our CDBC accounts. Everything we do will be watched. Words spoken in public will be monitored. Our ability to travel will be restricted. Vaccines and other medical procedures will be forced upon us. Food will be administered by prescription. Work will be mind-numbing and constant. Joy will be an emotion of the past.

All of this will be controlled by a handful of elites who think their bloodline grants them the world. They'll be helped by artificial intelligence, which will micromanage every asset on the planet...every inch of land, every tree, every drop of water, and every person. There will be no revolts; the chemicals in the food, water, and air will keep us dim-witted and docile.

It will be an open-air prison. There will be no escape, not now and not for 1000 years. This prison is being built all around us right now, and some of our fellow humans are actually demanding it to be built, so they can feel safe, or because they think the technology behind it is cool and convenient. They can't see the danger.

It seems there's an unseen force driving us toward our own misery and enslavement, and few politicians are willing to stop it. Even many of our religious leaders are turning a blind eye to the darkness that approaches.

Here in the United States, we have two major candidates running for president. But whether you vote for Donald Trump or Joe Biden, our destination remains unchanged. Only the path changes.

If Trump wins in November, the radical left won't accept the outcome and they'll riot once again, burning cities and terrorizing the public. Trump will likely impose martial law and suspend our rights, saying he has no choice. It's possible he'll even confiscate our guns, and many in the MAGA crowd will go along with it because of their blind trust. When calm is finally restored, our rights won't come back, and neither will our guns. But few will complain because the trauma of the riots will be too great. "Never again", the people will say, as they demand to be kept safe.

If Biden (or successor) wins in November, conservatives will take to the streets but they won't riot. There will be peaceful protests, but nothing will burn. Talks of secession will begin, but before any progress is made, the left will launch false flag attacks on government buildings and officials and blame it on conservatives. Martial law will be imposed and our rights will be taken away. Guns will be confiscated. Mass arrests will be made. Independent media will be shut down. Social media will be purged of any posts deemed to be "anti-government". The left will scream for a revolution, and the right will be frightened into submission.

(Similar extreme measures could also come from either side if "bird flu" is used as the excuse for another fake pandemic.)

Either way, left or right, the nation will fall into an authoritarian police state status, from which it won't emerge. And as it weakens and declines, it will increasingly align with the globalists and their totalitarian feudalistic society.

America, the last piece needed, will be fitted into place. And the open-air prison will be complete.

Notes From Clown World: July 08, 2024.

TSA airport security

"More than three million pass through U.S. airport security in a day." Nothing says "Independence Day" like waiting in line to be probed and fondled in a TSA humiliation ritual. As I've said before, airport security is obedience training for humans, in addition to being humiliating. It serves no real purpose except to let us know that the government is in charge and we had better obey them if we want to go anywhere much farther away than the local 7-Eleven. Look at the photo above. Isn't that the most pathetic thing you've ever seen? Hundreds of taxpayers, who have deluded themselves into thinking they are "free", are dutifully lined up like cattle for their turn at the hands of government agents who have the power to steal their stuff, stop them from traveling, and even arrest them if they misbehave in any way. How is the line at airport security much different than the cafeteria line in a prison? And yet they weave through the fabric corral, thinking "that's just the way it is". 

One day, probably sooner than we expect, our acquiesence to tyranny will lead to much worse horrors than having a TSA agent rubbing our genitals. So either stand up for your God-given rights, or get ready for a lot more humiliation.

headline about hot weather

In case you haven't heard, it's now Summer in the northern hemisphere, and that means it's hot. Temperatures have reached 100 degrees (Fahrenheit) in many parts of the United States, and in Death Valley temps shot up to 129 degrees, which seems extreme but still isn't the hottest day on record. Reasonably intelligent people know that it's hot in the summer and even hotter in the desert. But the mind-control specialists in the news media want you to think that the temperatures we're seeing are some freak event, no doubt caused by man-made climate change. It's not that big fiery ball in the sky that's making you sweat. And it's not geoengineering either. Your armpits are moist because people are selfish and irresponsible: How dare you cook beef on a gas grill (insects or tofu, anyone?). How dare you not go into massive debt to buy an electric car that isn't actually eco-friendly but let's pretend it is, okay? How dare you use air conditioning when you could just as easily drop ice cubes in your underwear. Stop being selfish and get with the globalist's program of totalitarian control...er, I mean...go green!

I wonder how long it's going to be before the self-proclaimed experts and their news media puppets begin saying that people are dying "with climate-related complications", similar to how they claimed everyone who died had "COVID". I can imagine someone being found dead after being hit by a car, and the hospital writes it up as "death from impact related to climate", or some similar nonsense. Uncle Bob may be 100 years old when he finally dies, but if he's still warm to the touch when they find him, that's climate change! Maybe you should have hosed him down before you called the paramedics.

scam victim

People are becoming stupid. Yes, people have always been sort of stupid but now they're becoming REALLY stupid. My apologies to the woman pictured above. I pulled the image from a Telegram channel post and it made me think about the current data processing abilities of people in 2024. I don't mean to pick on her, but really Ms Leeks, how could you not know it wasn't really Kevin Costner you were giving your money to?

It's not just Ms Leeks I'm worried about. People everywhere are becoming downright loopy. At the grocery store self-checkout lanes, customers can't figure out how to scan the barcodes on their ultra-processed toxic frozen dinners. The credit card machine seems especially vexxing for many.  Social media posts are full of questions about the most basic tasks of life, as if people had gone straight from the womb to adulthood. I still see people alone in their cars, their faces covered up by useless paper surgical masks to protect them from the COVID that didn't exist four years ago and certainly doesn't exist now. And driving is especially dangerous, with people seemingly too feeble minded to realize they're supposed to stop at red stoplights, not turn right on red when the big sign says "No Right Turn On Red", or realize more than two seconds in advance that their exit is coming up. Why think ahead when you can just sweep across three lanes of congested traffic to turn in to the Walmart? Just a couple of nights ago I was driving home on a six lane highway and it began to rain. It wasn't a heavy rain; just a mild shower. Immediately almost every driver hit their brakes, slowed to a crawl, and turned on their hazard flashers as if they were splashing through a monsoon. Because of how everyone was spaced across all the lanes, I had to weave around to get past this blob of morons afraid of raindrops. People weren't afraid to drive in the rain five years ago. Now, it's a crisis event.

Are people losing their minds? Is the fluoride in the water finally taking its toll? Have televisions destroyed our critical thinking skills? Is the aluminum in the chemtrails making us retarded? Or, as one study suggests, are the COVID vaccines causing dementia? Will we soon have thousands of brain-injured people roaming around Death Valley, looking for the airport security queue and wondering why it's hot?

Sadly, the evidence suggests, "yes".

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