We Live In A Mad Society.


"We live in a mad society, where the most insane are chosen to lead, and the people who call out the madness are ridiculed and silenced." -- Timo Malum

Weaponized Fear.

Revellati meme about weaponized fear

Não há doença maior que o medo; e não há ameaça maior do que aqueles que o usam como arma contra nós.


There is no greater disease than fear, and there is no greater threat than those who use it as a weapon against us.

[image and text by Revellati]

The De-Evolution Of Society In One Sentence.

quote about the de-evolution of society

When compliance and conformity is rewarded and any shred of critical thinking is punished, when the purpose of education has become to teach how to obey orders...you get a society helplessly dependent on authority, desperately magnetized by tyranny, and hopelessly afraid of freedom.

Being Called Crazy Is A Sign Of Freedom.

Meme: Being considered crazy by those who are still victims of cultural conditioning is a compliment

Ser considerado louco por aqueles que ainda são vítimas de condicionamento cultural é um elogio.

Ser chamado de louco é um sinal de liberdade; mostra que você escapou das amarras do pensamento comum e ousou ver o mundo com seus próprios olhos.


Being considered crazy by those who are still victims of cultural conditioning is a compliment.

Being called crazy is a sign of freedom; it shows that you have escaped the shackles of common thinking and dared to see the world with your own eyes.

[text and graphic by Revellati]

The Madness Of Society.

Catherine Austin-Fitts quote about the madness of society

"When a society loses its bearings, you get real madness. And we're dealing more and more with people who are literally losing their minds." -- Catherine Austin-Fitts

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