They Won't Stop Spraying: Chemtrails Over North Carolina.

chemtrails over High Point NC on January 26, 2025

chemtrails over Archdale NC on January 26, 2025

chemtrails over Greensboro NC on January 26, 2025

The sky on January 26, 2025. Top: High Point, NC. Middle: Archdale, NC. Bottom: Greensboro, NC.

We're not allowed to have blue skies anymore. Almost every bright clear day brings out the chemtrail sprayers. The narrow streaks quickly spread out into wide bands, which then continue to spread until the entire sky is obscured by gray clouds. It's the same pattern every single time.

Watch the sky and see it for yourself. And then start asking questions.

Heavy Spraying Over North Carolina.

photograph of chemtrails in the North Carolina sky

The photograph above was taken in central North Carolina on Friday, December 13, 2024. I don't understand how anyone could look at this sky and think anything about it is natural. Two of the most prominent chemtrails form an 'X', something I've frequently seen over the past year. It's as if the pilots are trying to get our attention the only way they can. But still, most people are oblivious to it all. I guess if you're staring at your phone, you can't see what's happening above your head.

No Species That Claims To Be Intelligent Destroys Its Own Ecosystem.

Revellati graphic about the ecosystem

"The true intelligence of a species should be measured by its ability to preserve and harmonize with the environment that sustains it. In a world where all life depends on the balance of the ecosystem, any action that degrades or compromises that balance is an act against its own survival. Civilizations that claim to be advanced need to recognize that progress and nature are not opposites, but complementary. Destroying the ecosystem is, ultimately, destroying the very possibility of a secure future." 

[image & text by Revellati Online]

This isn't a commentary about man-made climate change, which is more of a component of politics than science. Rather, it's a warning that we face greater threats than a degree or two of warming. It's not carbon dioxide that we need to worry about. CO2 is the gas of life, and without it the planet dies. But we're told by the wealthy elites and the news media outlets they own that we need "net zero carbon". They rarely, if ever, mention the toxins their companies force upon an unsuspecting public.

Substances such as glyphosate, pesticides, plastic waste, pharmaceutical drug residue in our water, pollution from mining, and heavy metals emitted in the exhaust of cargo ships and jet aircraft are proven to be real threats to our ecosystem and our health. Even our drinking water is intentionally polluted by many government authorities with a fertilizer by-product called fluoride. Cutting down forests lowers air quality and destroys animal habitats. And let's not forget or ignore the harm being inflicted on all life forms by EMF radiation from a rapidly growing number of sources.

It's time to focus on the things that really make a difference to our survival: clean air, clean water, clean soil, and clean food. And while we're at it, let's demand serious studies on the effects of EMF radiation and place a moratorium on new transmitter construction until its safety can be determined.

Our continued existence requires it. And demands it.

It's A Slow Moving Apocalypse.

meme about a slow moving apocalypse with bees

It's super fun right now because the vibe is "It's a slow moving apocalypse, but let's act like normal", and we're just trying to go about our day in end-times trauma. It's like trying to clean a room that's swarming with bees.

Is This The Cause Of Global Warming?

global warming caused by the sun?

It's just a wild guess, but I'm thinking global warming might be caused by that giant ball of fire in the sky. I wonder why the climate cultists never mention it? Maybe it's because they can't tax and control the sun, but they can tax and control us!

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