Question Everything.

Question Everything meme

The deep state exists. Conspiracies exist. The government lies. The media lies. There is an agenda, and it involves YOU.

Question everything.

The System Won't Reform Itself.

Revellati quote: A country run by banks will always be in debt

A country run by banks will always be in debt. Health care controlled by big pharmaceutical companies will never cure disease. A state run by war will never know peace. A nation run by the media will never know the truth.

[content source: Revellati Online]

Slavery Never Ended. It Evolved To Include All Of Us.

modern day slavery

Click image for high resolution version, or click here. Image is also mirrored at my cloud storage.

Here's another great graphic from The Light Paper UK. The left half shows the ten ways we've been covertly enslaved in the past, and didn't notice. They include: voting, legislation, the economy, licenses, state power, school training, injustices, taxes, hypocrisy, and deception. The right half shows the ways they plan to tighten their grip on us, making escape nearly impossible: carbon (CO2) footprint, travel allowances, energy usage, city limit violations (so-called 15 minute cities), vaccine & medical status, and work performance. They don't mention it, but a key component of slavery in the future will be CBDC's, or "Central Bank Digital Currencies", which will eventually replace physical forms of payment. CBDC's are programmable digital coupons that will be issued instead of the money we use today. They'll be tied to your social credit score (which includes everything on the right half of the graphic above), giving the government the ability to restrict what you're able to buy, where you're able to buy it, and how much wealth you're able to accumulate, since CBDC's will have expiration dates. Spend it or lose it.

The new digital slavery will likely also include a "snitch" component, allowing the government to reward people who report violations of an ever-growing number of laws or even social transgressions. You would never be able to trust anyone again, for fear of being turned in and punished.

We're living in an inhuman system created by people who hate humanity, who intend to finish the job of turning the world into a totalitarian police state with a feudalistic economy, enforced by robotics and digital technology. 

Our children may never experience anything resembling freedom, hope, or joy. We must create a better future for them. 

Who Really Runs The World?

Click image for high resolution version, or click here. Image is also mirrored at my cloud storage.

According to The Light Paper UK, "no matter who you vote for, it is these people who make most decisions for ALL governments": the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers (and JPMorgan Chase), Henry Kissinger (now deceased) and the Trilateral Commission, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, George Soros, Larry Fink (Blackrock), Tony Blair, Larry Page, Mark Carney, Peter Thiel, Rupert Murdoch, Elon Musk, King Charles III, Simon Case, and Sue Gray. 

Before you dismiss any of these choices, read the explanations provided by each person's photo. Many of these people are influential in ways you may not have thought of. 

I think the list is accurate, but there's no doubt in my mind that several other shady characters could be added too. Benjamin Netanyahu is hugely influential, especially in American and UK politics. Barack Obama doesn't run the world, but he's still hanging out with powerful people in the United States, pushing the radical left agenda within the Democratic Party. Albert Borla, CEO of Pfizer, is another person who has exerted a tremendous amount of power in nations all over the world, strong-arming leaders into buying his toxic vaccines that were then forced upon the public. And let's not forget William J. Burns, the director of the CIA, along with all the prior directors of that insanely wicked agency that conducts illegal experiments on American citizens, overthrows foreign governments, instigates wars, and tirelessly spreads propaganda to manipulate the world stage. 

And some would argue that everyone mentioned here is nothing but a puppet for the truly powerful people who remain carefully hidden in the shadows. But the light is getting brighter, and soon there will be no more shadows, no more places to hide.

Digital ID Laws Will Destroy Your Privacy & Freedom.

This tweet from Iceland resident Leon Hill vividly describes what it's like to live in a nation with digital ID's. Although having a single, government-approved form of identification may seem safe and convenient, Hill makes it clear that convenience comes with a heavy price: the complete elimination of your privacy, where anyone can find out anything about your life. Your ability to rent an apartment, buy a home, have a bank account, and receive medical care all revolve around your digital ID. Any life choice you make that gets linked to your ID number can be viewed by the police without a warrant. You'll never know who is watching you, or why. Of all the challenges facing humanity today, digital ID's have to be at the top of the stack. Without them, the rest of the totalitarian control grid can't be built. Stand up and fight back...we're running out of time.

Leon Hill digital ID tweet 1

Leon Hill digital ID tweet 2

Leon Hill digital ID tweet 3

Transcript of images:

"Australia just passed its Digital Identity Bill into law. I'm Australian, but live in Iceland: a county that already has an all-encompassing digital ID system. If you're wondering how Australia's new system will play out, I'll tell you here.

And also, how Australians who don't want a digital ID can attempt to protect least for a short while. 

In Iceland, the digital ID system is linked to each person's kennitala, or social security number. I sign into everything with my electronic ID (rafraen skilriki) via my phone. Any time I access my bank account, phone services, accounting, tax, insurance, credit score, manage my assets (car/house), power bill, medical record, when I vote, or even want to pull up a store receipt of something I've bought, it's all linked to my digital ID.

Everything in one place. Everything.

You cannot NOT have a digital ID to live in Iceland. It's impossible. You can't get power turned on, get a phone number, buy or register a car, rent or buy a house, or even buy certain items without having a kennitala or digital ID. You need one. This has its benefits (it makes life more streamlined when you're trying to do something in daily life), but it also means there is no privacy at all in Iceland. Anyone can look up where I live. The license plate of my car. How much tax I paid last year. My phone number. You name it. It's public and available - and all you need is my kennitala to find it all out.

But the government has access to more.

The Icelandic government and tax office has access to my bank accounts and knows every transaction I make, what I spend, and what I earn. They don't need a warrant, or anything else to access it - it's theirs. They just need probable cause to look at it.

Australians, this is what's coming for you. Over the coming years, the government will make it impossible to opt out of the digital ID system. You'll need one for everything. And most importantly, they'll coerce Australians into adopting it by creating laws that link it to the most important thing you need to survive in today's modern world: your bank account.

They'll do it on the grounds of anti-money laundering and financial safety. The gov't will enforce laws onto banks (among the many ID and verification laws already mandated on banks) that if you don't have the digital ID, you won't be able to open, keep, or use a bank account. If you refuse, you'll effectively be locked out of society. Because in today's modern world, you need access to banking services to survive.

Banking will be first. Then everything else in society will be linked to your digital ID.

Nothing will ever again be private. Just like in Iceland today, the government will know everything. Always. Forever.

What Is The Anti-Human Agenda?

anti-human agenda

We're in a war, but I'm not talking about Ukraine or Palestine. I'm talking about the war on humanity being waged against us by the wealthy parasite class and their technocratic partners who have convinced themselves there are too many people on the planet. Rather than sacrifice themselves to a cause they strongly believe in, they're trying to get rid of the rest of us. They think they're better than everyone else and have somehow inherited the Earth for themselves. The other 7.9 billion of us are merely taking up space and using up resources, and so we must be eliminated. The wealthy parasite class plans to keep some of us around as slave workers, but eventually human slaves will be replaced by robot slaves. This anti-human agenda won't happen overnight. It will be completed in steps, and many of those steps are already being engineered and put into place. 

The online magazine 'OffGuardian' created the graphic above and related articles that comprehensively explain the agenda so you can understand the threats and prepare for them, while also (hopefully) educating others. To get started, click on any link below and you'll be taken to an OffGuardian page for that topic. 

War On Food

War On Money

Climate Agenda

Health Tyranny

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