Has America Lost Its Morality?

graphic: arrested for genocide versus applauded for genocide

Mahmoud Khalil: arrested by the Trump administration for protesting against Israel's genocide in Gaza.

Benjamin Netanyahu: celebrated and applauded by the U.S. Congress for committing genocide in Gaza.

A nation that celebrates murder while silencing dissent cannot rightfully claim to be a moral nation.

Israel Kills Children.

Israel kills children

"Israel kills more children than all other countries in the world combined."

(Deaths from war and other state-sponsored acts of violence. Abortion not included.)

Technology Will Undo Our Capacity To Think.

Aldous Huxley quote about technology leading to oppression and ignorance

"People will come to love their oppression, to adore the technologies that undo their capacities to think." - Aldous Huxley

“Have you seen those zombies who roam the streets with their faces glued to their smartphones? Do you think they control the technology, or does the technology control them?” - Yuval Noah Harari

"I fear the day when the technology overlaps with our humanity. The world will only have a generation of idiots." - Albert Einstein

“Every day millions of people decide to grant their smartphone a bit more control over their lives or try a new and more effective antidepressant drug. In pursuit of health, happiness and power, humans will gradually change first one of their features and then another, and another, until they will no longer be human.” - Yuval Noah Harari

“If we continue to develop our technology without wisdom or prudence, our servant may prove to be our executioner.” – Omar Bradley

How Wars Really Work.

how wars really work: all players dead except for the kings and queens

Kings and queens celebrate while everyone else dies. It's time to stop playing their game.

What World Do You See?

image: what world do you see?

[image by Revellati]

A maioria das pessoas não enxerga com clareza porque as mentiras do mundo encobrem seus olhos.


Most people do not see clearly because the lies of the world cloud their eyes.

(What world do you see?)

We Live In A Mad Society.


"We live in a mad society, where the most insane are chosen to lead, and the people who call out the madness are ridiculed and silenced." -- Timo Malum

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