Notes From Clown World: July 30, 2024.

George Takei touching men

Democrats are nothing if not entirely and predictably on script. A new talking point is created by someone among the party's elite, and the same day other Democrats across the nation will begin parroting that talking point like the reliable Borg drones that they are. I'm not sure who started the most recent one, but this week Democrats began calling Donald Trump and J.D. Vance "weird", and now it's being repeated by people who, in most cases, are much weirder than Trump or Vance could ever hope to be. Kamala Harris has said it, as have Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, Senators Brian Schatz of Hawaii and Chris Murphy of Connecticut, and even our favorite super-liberal man-loving Trek star, George Takei. But as the photo above reveals, Takei should probably sit this one out. His behavior is about as weird as anyone can imagine. What exactly is he doing to those men? I can't say, but if it turns out to be something bad, you can bet he'll blame Trump.

headlines about the threat of war

In an article that looks like it came straight from the Pentagon, we're warned "U.S. faces most serious threat of major war in 80 years and we aren't prepared: experts". The purpose of the article seems to be to frighten Americans into giving up more of our hard-earned (and rapidly shrinking) money to give to the military industrial complex. But let's examine the bullshit being fed to us. 

The bipartisan Commission on the National Defense Strategy warned we face “the most serious and most challenging” threats in 80 years. The commissioners, who said they were unanimous in their findings, said the U.S. faces “the potential for near-term major war.”

But war with whom? They say threats loom from Russia, China, Iran, North Korea and others. But most of those threats are due to aggressive actions taken by the United States and NATO. Russia entered Ukraine only after years of warnings to NATO that they not push any closer to Moscow. NATO pushed anyway. This gang of war criminals now has military installations all along Russia's western border with missiles within easy reach of Russia's capitol city. The U.S. and NATO provoked the war, and now they make the false claim that Putin wants to invade and conquer all of Europe. It's a complete lie, but it justifies endless spending on weapons, which keeps the military industrial complex and international bankers very happy. What about China? Yes, it's a scary totalitarian nation that treats its people like soulless robots, but it's never been very big on war. Other than invading Tibet several decades ago, China has largely kept to itself militarily. It has expanded its influence through economic development programs, largely in Africa, rather than using the American tactic of bombing nations to steal resources. China would like to bring Taiwan back into the family, claiming the island nation has always been a part of China. But other than Taiwan, which the United States has pledged to protect as a way of poking China in the eye, China has posed no threat to us except economically. And much of the economic advantage they have is thanks to American politicians selling us out through various trade agreements. What about Iran? We're told it's a threat mainly because they stand up to Israeli aggression in the middle east. The U.S. government obeys Israel and supports it in terrorism and war. Israel has admitted they want to annex a huge chunk of the middle east, and Iran stands in the way. So we're fed propaganda that Iran is full of terrorists who hate America because of our "freedom". It's yet another lie to keep the war machine going. In truth, Iran is a target of the Zionists who want to claim it as their own. That, apparently, makes Iran our enemy. Last on the countries named is North Korea. It's no threat to anyone. A nation that lacks food and electricity and equips its soldiers with fake wooden rifles isn't going to start a war. They'll sit there continuing to do what they've always done: fire missiles into the sea, attempt to hack into American computer networks, and counterfeit U.S. dollars. 

The article goes on to say that American military spending is inadequate and that we must increase the budget. It doesn't mention that in 2023, the U.S. military budget accounted for approximately 36% of the world’s total military expenditure. It also doesn't mention that the U.S. military budget is larger than the combined military budgets of the next eight countries: China, India, Japan, Germany, France, the UK, Italy, and South Korea. In 2018, the United States spent more on defense than China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, India, France, the UK, and Japan combined. But we need to spend more? Where did the money we've already spent go? Are Pentagon officials lighting cigars with hundred dollar bills? Or are they lying about the threats while funding so-called "black" projects, like directed energy weapons powerful enough to set some place on fire...some place like Lahaina, Hawaii, maybe? Or maybe they're funding the next round of bio-weapons disguised as vaccines. Who really knows? 

I do know this: the biggest threats we face come from Washington DC, not Russia, China, Iran, or North Korea. 

Venezuela election chaos

Venezuela just held elections, and the results have thrown the nation into turmoil. Both presidential candidates are claiming victory, and accusations of election fraud are being thrown from all sides. 

I'm not terribly concerned, which is the opposite of what the establishment wants. The fact that the CIA-influenced news media wants me to care about Venezuela's election makes me suspicious. Any time a story is shoved down our throats repeatedly by all the corporate news sources, you can bet there's an agenda behind it. Their game works: already on social media I'm seeing people taking sides on an election that they know little about and that has no bearing on their lives whatsoever. Do they know that Maduro's opponent, Edmundo González, was probably funded by the U.S. State Department, which has coveted Venezuela's massive oil reserves for decades? Probably not, but they do know what has been carefully fed to them: that Maduro is a socialist who cheated for the win. But did he cheat, or are we being told he cheated because that's the story the State Dept and the CIA want us to believe? The U.S. government wants their guy to win, even if their guy ends up being the worst dictator the world has ever seen, because they intend to steal all the natural resources Venezuela has...especially the oil. 

Is Maduro a good guy? Probably not. But neither is his opponent. Sometimes there are no good guys. But there is always truth, that elusive thing we should always try to find no matter what we're told to believe by government spooks and media propagandists.

Jesus barn

Since today's "Notes From Clown World" was more serious than usual, and since we've just endured a weekend that exposed us to the perversion and degeneracy of the Olympics opening ceremonies, I'm closing today with this barn that I spotted outside Lexington, North Carolina. Even non-Christians should be able to see that the message on the barn is one of hope and faith. And we could all use more of that right about now.

Notes From Clown World: June 20, 2024.

lindsey graham and richard blumenthal

These two creatures from the deep state, uniparty Senators Richard Blumenthal and Lindsey Graham, have shamelessly introduced legislation that declares Russia is a "state sponsor of terror". 

"The bill introduced Thursday would require the State Department to classify Russia as a state sponsor of terror, which would unlock a new set of sanctions, restrict any U.S.-based foreign aid, and severely curtail immunity for Russia from suits in the U.S. If the bill passes, U.S. nationals could sue a state sponsor of terror for offenses like torture, extrajudicial killing and hostage-taking." [source: The Hill]

As usual, the deep state is accusing another nation of doing exactly what the occupied United States government has been doing for decades: creating wars, arming terrorists, overthrowing foreign governments, torturing prisoners, and kidnapping political opponents. 

And now a little background info on Blumenthal and Graham:

Richard Blumenthal is a Jewish Democrat from Connecticut with a net worth of more than $100 million, despite being a "public servant" for most of his life. Apparently he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and he married into money. And despite all his anti-Russia pro-war rhetoric, "Blumenthal received five draft deferments during the Vietnam War, first educational deferments, then deferments based on his occupation. In April 1970, he enlisted in the United States Marine Corps Reserve, which, as The New York Times noted, "virtually guaranteed that he would not be sent to Vietnam"." [source: Wikipedia]

Lindsey Graham is a pro-Zionist Republican and war-hawk from South Carolina. He was practically created by the deep state, having spent most of his life either in the military (as a military judge) or holding various public offices. Other than being a solid supporter of war and genocide, Graham seems unable to stand by his own beliefs. In 2015, he said "You know how you make America great again? Tell Donald Trump to go to hell." In February 2016, Graham said of Trump: "I think he's a kook. I think he's crazy. I think he's unfit for office." But in November 2017, Graham criticized the media's reporting on Trump: "What concerns me about the American press is this endless, endless attempt to label the guy some kind of kook not fit to be president." [source: Wikipedia]

With "leaders" like Blumenthal and Graham in Washington DC, is it any wonder our nation has become an empire in decline, desperately accusing other nations of crimes to divert attention away from the rot that is destroying us from within?

birds being culled due to bird flu

Speaking of the deep state, it looks like they're going all-out in their attempts to create a new pandemic. Their servants in the media have been pumping out endless stories about cases of bird flu simultaneously popping up all over the world, just like they claimed COVID did. But the only way birds, and now cows, are getting sick at the same time on multiple continents is if they're being purposely infected or poisoned, most likely to create the impression that a global pandemic is beginning. Like COVID, this psyop is being driven by cases, not actual sick animals. Using the same PCR technology that was fraudulently used to scare people into rolling up their sleeves for the toxic jabs immorally called "vaccines", health officials are testing chickens and cows to find anything they can claim is going to cause a new pandemic. A single case is enough to trigger the mass murder of millions of animals that aren't really sick. This in turn is hurting our food supply, and taken to its extreme, could eventually result in worldwide famine and millions of human deaths. It will also be used as an excuse for more lockdowns, masking, and forced vaccinations, as well as travel bans. But it's all a big scam, another step forward in the deep state's agenda of creating a one-world totalitarian government. 

The big question is: will enough people realize they're being conned again?

Starlink satellite map

And speaking of cons, Elon Musk just launched another batch of Starlink satellites into space. The image above gives you an idea of how many satellites he intends to deploy; enough to blanket most of the planet. This is a hugely expensive project that I suspect is being paid for by US taxpayers via the Department of Defense, the NSA, and the CIA. Elon Musk likes to use other people's money rather than his own to fund his companies, so a partnership with the US government would work well for both him and the government. Musk gets to brag about bringing internet access to the entire world, and the feds get a global surveillance network without raising any alarms that they might be up to something shady. I think it's safe to assume that every bit of data that touches a Starlink satellite will be directly routed through the NSA's computers. I suppose to keep it sort of legal they'll send American traffic to MI6 or Mossad. Regardless, there should be no expectation of privacy when using Musk's new system. But beyond sniffing data, I believe intelligence agencies will be using Starlink satellites for other surveillance and social control activities related to the deep state's agenda of a one-world totalitarian government. I suspect they'll be a vital part of "15 minute cities" and the technocratic world where most people are chipped and connected to the A.I. hive mind. Worldwide internet coverage will be needed for such a system. 

So, take a look at the that photo again.

Notes From Clown World: May 11, 2024.

news about Rudy Giuliani

Rudy Giuliani has been suspended from his radio show on WABC. Station owner John Catsimatidis said “We’re not going to talk about fallacies of the November 2020 election." This is the latest of an endless string of censorship efforts against Americans who are rightfully concerned about the outcome of the 2020 elections. That election was essentially a coup by the deep state for the benefit of the Marxists who are trying to destroy our nation so it can be rebuilt under Communism. But increasingly, we're not allowed to talk about it. Despite mountains of evidence, the mind-control media labels our concerns as "baseless allegations" while activist judges refuse to even look at the proof. If that wasn't bad enough, lawfare has been waged against those who have managed to gain any attention and traction in their efforts to expose the truth.

Love him or hate him, Rudy Giuliani has the right to speak his mind about 2020 or anything else he wants to talk about. But as the dark shadow of totalitarianism spreads across the planet, the shutting down of discussions is becoming a daily thing...unless you're speaking on behalf of the radical left.

Dominic Cummings

Finally, some sanity out of the United Kingdom! I was beginning to wonder if any sane people still lived in the island kingdom, but Dominic Cummings, a former advisor to Boris Johnson, has come out with harsh words to describe NATO's ridiculous war in Ukraine. In an interview with I News, Cummings said, "“We should have never got into the whole stupid situation." He also described Ukraine as a “corrupt shit-hole that doesn’t matter at all." He added, "This whole Ukrainian corrupt mafia state has basically conned us all and we’re all going to get fucked as a consequence. The lesson we’ve taught Putin is that we’re a bunch of total fucking jokers. I mean, Putin already knew that before the war. But this has emphasized it and broadcast it to the entire world, what a bunch of clowns we are.”

Hearing the truth is refreshing, don't you think?

NASA moon train

NASA (Not A Space Agency) has announced their plan to build a levitating robot train on the moon. You might want to read that again. Yes, the fake space agency that still claims they put men on the moon using technology far less advanced than your $40 cell phone wants you to think they can actually complete this daft project. I suspect the billions of dollars that will be spent on this will actually be funneled to various black-ops projects in support of the demonic deep state before NASA eventually admits their grand scheme is a failure. They'll blame Russia, China, or Trump, and our tax burden will increase to cover the scam.

wanted poster for manhole monsters

Finally, I found this post in Dr Lee Merritt's Telegram channel. She posted it without comment, because what can you really say about it? Although it's most likely a joke put up by someone with a twisted (but fun) sense of humor, there have been a lot of discussions lately about alleged underground wars against creatures of some sort. Dr Merritt has been posting news reports about manhole explosions in cities around the world, and special units of the American armed forces have received training in subterranean combat. Many people believe humanity is secretly controlled, or at least influenced, by a race of reptilians who prefer to stay out of sight. And I've long said that UFO's and space aliens don't come from space at all. I think they live here, with us, possibly in the inner earth. There's a reason our attention is focused on the infinity of space: it stops us from looking beneath our feet.

Think about that the next time you go for a walk alone in the woods.

News Bites: February 19, 2024.

Nikki Haley

Nikki Haley is desperately trying to stay relevant by demonizing Russia and Putin. Just like without a roadrunner, the coyote would have no one to chase, neo-cons like Haley must keep pushing the fake news that Putin is our enemy, even though there's little evidence to support the claims. I've gotten to the point that anyone promoting "Russia is evil / Putin is a dictator" propaganda is automatically dismissed as a paid tool of NATO, the military industrial complex and slimy bankers, and can't be trusted under any circumstances.

Liz Cheney Donald Trump

Nikki Haley isn't the only propagandist for the deep state's agenda. Liz Cheney keeps on rising up from the swamp to impart her wisdom to millions of Americans who couldn't care less about what she has to say. Here she is talking about Alexey Navalny's death but she doesn't mention that Navalny allegedly conspired with MI-6 to start a color revolution in Russia. If true, that's treason, and Russia was justified in jailing him. Meanwhile, Cheney ignores the plight of the January 6 protesters who continue to rot away in Joe Biden's Communist gulag. Cheney should go home and take up knitting and leave politics to people who really care about America.

Louisiana National Guard

Down in Louisiana, Governor Jeff Landry has announced plans to send 150 members of the National Guard to the Texas border. While that seems like a worthwhile mission, at the same time, Landry has put Louisiana into a "state of emergency" due to rising crime and a severe shortage of police officers. If crime is that bad in the state, why not station the Guard where they can help to maintain law and order? Apparently New Orleans is a hotbed of criminal activity. Shouldn't the Guard be stationed there? Or this going to be used by Landry as an excuse to restrict freedom, using curfews, checkpoints, and surveillance? Never forget that tyranny can come from both the left and the right. We can't become complacent when politicians are involved.elderly bank robber

Finally, on a humorous note, an elderly bank robber and his accomplice have been arrested for a string of heists in the Chicago area. The robbers have a striking resemblance to Joe Biden and son Hunter. I'm sure it's just a coincidence. Or was Joe in town trying to round up money to send to Ukraine?

Not All Demons Have Horns.

Lindsey Graham overseeing Hell

"Your freedom ends where my ability to raise my family safely begins. So I would urge every American to vaccinate their children and I would reject any effort to stop vaccinations until someone can show me a scientific reason to do so."

"Free speech is a great idea, but we're in a war."

"I hope we follow Mr. Snowden to the ends of the Earth to bring him to justice."

"At the end of the day, Mitt Romney and Ann Romney are two fine people."

“You know how you make America great again? Tell Donald Trump to go to hell.”

"You’ve got guns. Use them. We give you guns for a reason, use them. Lethal force should have been used. How come you didn’t protect us? It’s doing your job." (Graham criticizing the Capitol Police after the January 06 riots)

"Russians are dying. It's the best money we’ve ever spent." (Graham discussing the blood sacrifice in Ukraine, largely financed by U.S. taxpayers)

“We’re in a religious war here and I am with Israel. Do whatever the hell you have to do to defend yourself. Level the place." (Graham encouraging genocide in Gaza)

"I have been saying for six months now...hit Iran. Blow it off the map."

"Is there any limit what Israel should do to the people who are trying to slaughter the Jews? The answer is no. There is no limit.”

"The only way this ends is for somebody in Russia to take this guy [Putin] out. You would be doing your country — and the world — a great service."

Notes From Clown World: March 19, 2023.

The demonic fascists controlling western nations are now accusing Vladimir Putin of war crimes and have issued a warrant for his arrest. The ICC (International Criminal Court) says Putin is suspected of "overseeing the unlawful abduction and deportation of children from Ukraine to Russia." Corrupt cadaver Joe Biden dutifully nodded his head in appreciation of the ICC's action, saying "He’s (Putin) clearly committed war crimes", but offered no proof to back up his statement. Russia has accepted refugees from war-torn Ukraine as a humanitarian act, and children are among the refugees, but no sane person would consider that to be "unlawful abduction". The real illegal act is NATO's use of Ukraine to destroy Russia in NATO's ongoing effort to dominate the entire world. Propaganda that includes children is a disgusting part of that effort and should be condemned by all decent people.

It's no secret that the psychopaths in the US deep state & NATO want world domination. After Russia they plan to attack China. Recent weapons deals made with Australia indicate they'll be the next "Ukraine", a nation to be sacrificed for the new world order. Expect an increase in anti-China rhetoric over the next few years as the west builds up Australia's offensive military capabilities.

Fortunately, not everyone in the world is fooled by NATO's actions. This meme circulating on social media shows that at least some of us see through the scams:

And speaking of world domination, with each day we see evidence of the "elite's" contempt for the rest of us. In the UK, when Member of Parliament Andrew Bridgen tried to speak about vaccine injuries, almost every other MP got up and left the room. We now live in a fascist society, where governments are nothing more than administrators of corporate agendas. Governments exist to make us think we still have a voice in national affairs, but our "elected" officials are paid off and compromised and dance to whatever tune the bankers and industrialists play. Anyone who thinks we can elect our way out of this mess is living in a fantasy. 

Finally today, former President Donald Trump posted on social media that he expects to be arrested Tuesday on charges by the Manhattan district attorney over his alleged role in paying hush money to adult film star Stormy Daniels. I'm not sure what Trump hopes to achieve by posting his prediction other than creating so much public outrage that the DA backs down and drops the investigation. I'm maintaining neutrality on Trump's guilt or innocence. I've always said that if it's proven he's guilty of any crime, he should be prosecuted just like any ordinary person. But at the same time it's obvious that most of these investigations are nothing but political hit jobs by the radical left and other government-loving authoritarians who are obsessed with destroying Trump and ending any hope of him winning another term in the White House. 

Meanwhile, the most corrupt [alleged] President in American history continues to lie to us every day while ignoring the Constitution and federal laws, and he gets away with it, his crimes totally ignored by the Department of Justice, most members of Congress, and the fascist news media. It's up to us to keep talking about it and keep the pressure growing.

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