All-Cause Mortality Data Shows There Was No COVID-19 Pandemic.

Denis Rancourt on Jerm Warfare

If you want to make someone's head explode, let them listen to this podcast between Jerm of 'Jerm Warfare' and Denis Rancourt of 'CORRELATION Research in the Public Interest'.  Rancourt has a PhD in Physics (1984, University of Toronto), is a former tenured Full Professor (University of Ottawa), and has published over one hundred articles in leading science journals. He and the team at CORRELATION have done the research others are afraid to do, and when looking at the data for "all-cause mortality" in 2020 and 2021, they made an interesting discovery: there were no excess deaths during what we've been told was one of the worst pandemics in human history. Rancourt asserts that the deaths that did occur were the result of other factors, such as the deadly ventilator and Remdesivir COVID protocols hospitals forced upon patients, the denial of early treatments for common infections that were falsely labeled as COVID, and the delays in testing for diseases such as cancer when patients were told to keep doctor's offices and hospital beds free for a pandemic that wasn't actually happening. 

Rancourt's data also shows that deaths didn't increase until the COVID injections (falsely marketed as vaccines) were rolled out to the public.

This is a "must-hear" interview that confirms what you've suspected all along. And it needs to be heard by more people so that humanity isn't tricked again. That's especially important now when government health officials are priming us for yet another fake pandemic, this time called "bird flu", with more injections sure to follow.

Here's how you can stream or download the podcast:

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To hear more from Jerm Warfare, visit

To see research from Denis Rancourt and CORRELATION Research in the Public Interest, visit

Are We Going Cuckoo For Bird Flu?

insane man in asylum with chickens

If you thought pandemic madness was over and life would soon return to normal, think again. The medical industrial complex and the corrupt public health officials who support it are pushing hard to create a new scare: bird flu. And just like last time, they're claiming a virus which has never been isolated and proven to exist is spreading wildly, but among birds, cows, and cats in addition to humans.

bird flu fear porn referencing cats

The symptoms are just as vague as they were with COVID, and cases are being found the same way too, using PCR tests that can be manipulated to find anything authorities want to find. So far, these tests have led to the deaths of millions of chickens. It only takes one bird testing positive for all the rest to be culled. In addition to economic damage to the industry, the policy of culling entire flocks creates unnecessary food shortages and drives up prices for consumers at the grocery store.

As expected, the discredited CDC is working with the paid propagandists of the news media to spread bird flu fear porn, and sadly, many Americans are believing the misinformation, having not learned any lessons from 2020. The latest propaganda says that the bird flu virus has "mutated", enabling it to infect people. But doctors outside of the medical industrial complex have said there's no way a virus can mutate and jump from species to species as fast as we're told it's allegedly happening, assuming viruses exist and cause infectious diseases at all.

sample headlines about bird flu

news graphic about bird flu

Although the fear porn has been endless, the actual symptoms human patients are exhibiting are hardly frightening. The main symptom mentioned so far is conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye. The media claimed one person in Louisiana died of bird flu, but state health officials luckily refused to validate that claim. It looks like we may be facing another round of "he died with COVID", not "he died of "COVID". Just replace "COVID" with bird flu and you're all set. How many people will be admitted to the emergency room after an accident and then be forced to get a PCR test that magically finds evidence of a virus, so that case numbers can be driven up? It happened before. It can happen again. Will we believe it next time?

Remember "asymptomatic infection"? That's a term dishonest health officials used back in 2020 to scare us into lockdowns and isolation. There was never any science behind it. If you have no symptoms, you aren't contagious. But the scare tactic worked, and people become afraid to be anywhere near another person. Since isolation is a great way to break people psychologically and make them obedient to authorities, they're using the same tactic again with bird flu. Dr. Theresa Tam, Canada's chief public health officer, began hinting about asymptomatic infection back on December 26. Her statements are part of the softening up stage before rolling out the psyop in full force. By slowing dripping buzzwords and scary comments into the public space months in advance, authorities hope we'll be more accepting of whatever they throw at us later. 

Dr Theresa Tam

[For more about Dr. Theresa Tam and her involvement in the bird flu psyop, check out this page and video by Dr. Sam Bailey.]

You might think none of this is any big deal. Surely people won't fall for another pandemic psyop so soon after the last one. But you'd be wrong. Already on left-leaning social media sites such as BlueSky and Mastodon, those connected to the hive mind are showing their fear. Many are demanding the return of face masks. I've even seen posts warning that COVID is still around, eagerly seeking someone to infect. 

social media post criticizing anti-maskers

Mastodon post about covid

We can't go down this road again. COVID was nothing but a psycho-pandemic, an invention of evil minds hellbent on destroying as many of us as they could and turning the rest of us into passive, obedient slaves. Bird flu is no different, except this time our food supply will be severely impacted, making us more dependent on government assistance. And government assistance always comes with a terrible price to pay, both financially and spiritually. We have to get out ahead of this and educate as many people as possible about this scam, while we still can. The authorities can "flip a switch" and turn this into a worldwide "pandemic" at any moment, locking us into our homes, destroying our food, and turning neighbors against each other through the power of global propaganda. They've already got some people believing pink eye is bird flu. What else are they capable of?

Absolutely anything.

Mengele trust the science

Another Look At The Indoctrinated Left On Social Media.

boy wearing water bottle as a face mask

It's time to take another look at the stupid, hateful, and sometimes insane posts I've found on left-leaning social media sites. Just when you think you've seen it all, someone, somewhere, is about to surprise you with a fresh dose of crazy. Let's take a look:

banners of intolerance

Our first post demonstrates the love and tolerance of the left. We have banners of a skull & crossbones, a pentagram, the ANTIFA logo, and right in the middle, a banner that says "trans rights or riot nights". Can you feel the love? This is the sort of tolerance that leads to mostly peaceful protests and burned cities.

CNN screenshot of mostly peaceful protest

Mastodon post about psychological projection

Seen above is a post on the leftist swamp called Mastodon. Chris accuses Republicans of "projection", the tactic of accusing the other side of things you're actually doing. Trouble is, Democrats are the masters of projection, having successfully used the tactic for decades. Nancy Pelosi is the queen of projection, something she's actually bragged about. I'm no fan of the Republican Party, but I have to defend them against this post. They suck at projection and most other psychological tricks, which is why they lose so many elections. Yes, most Republicans are scum, but the Democrats always manage to out-scum them, and that's quite an accomplishment.

Mastodon post of the left defending the IRS

And now the left is defending the IRS and taxes. In this post, 'Democracy Matters' is worried that cuts to the Internal Revenue Service's budget will add to the national debt. They can't comprehend the idea of cutting spending. They also don't question the legality of the IRS, which has no Constitutional authority to exist. Government is sacred to them, and they'll happily let it control every aspect of their lives. It's the last refuge of the mentally enslaved masses.

Matt Blaze defends Wikipedia

Someone needs to tell Matt Blaze that Wikipedia is no longer an impartial, independent source of information. It's been infiltrated by intelligence agencies such as the CIA and the FBI. Wikipedia has become politically biased and tends to serve up pro-establishment narratives. Co-founder of Wikipedia, Larry Sanger, had this to say: “If only one version of the facts is allowed then that gives a huge incentive to wealthy and powerful people to seize control of things like Wikipedia in order to shore up their power. And they do that.” He said it (Wikipedia) “seems to assume that there is only one legitimate defensible version of the truth on any controversial question. That’s not how Wikipedia used to be.” [source]

Perhaps Matt would like to rethink his post?

Mastodon post mocking Kyle Rittenhouse

In the post above, "Vee" has reposted something from Twitter/X. Kyle Rittenhouse posted a verse from the Bible, and Ryan Pinesworth replied with "You quoting scripture is like Dahmer quoting cookbooks." This is the kind of hateful comment we're gotten so used to from the left. Rittenhouse was acquitted of all charges, making his use of a firearm self-defense. But the left doesn't respect the law, they only respect power. If the law gets in the way of their agenda, the law has to be ignored, and that's why they see Rittenhouse as their enemy. He defended himself against radical leftists, and the court agreed. But that outcome doesn't help the agenda, so Rittenhouse is mocked and compared to a serial killer. It's essentially a mockery of the law.

Ferris Bueller anyone anyone

"your auntifa liza" posted this slice of mental chaos: "suburban white people not used to describing white monsters". Does anyone know what she's talking about? Anyone?

man defends wearing face masks 

Last for today, I'm seeing fresh fear from the left about COVID and bird flu. The global deep state seems determined to launch another "pandemic" to help usher in the technocratic world order. The fact that no viruses for either COVID or bird flu have ever been isolated and proven to exist makes no difference. Military-grade propaganda campaigns are the most powerful contagions of all. Social media sites are being seeded with scary news about outbreaks of bird flu and new "variants" of COVID, and the weak-minded and compliant leftists seem to be believing all of it. It's sad to see people fall for another psyop. But it's pathetic to see that people are still in so much fear from the last one that they're still wearing face masks. In the post above, "GeePawHill" declares, "I have worn a mask in every enclosed space I've been in for four years. I have not the slightest intention of allowing anyone, armed or not, ignorant or not, force me to remove it." What can I say to that? I'd like to insult "GeePawHill", but I can't. I actually feel sorry for him. He's listened to years of misinformation fed to him by government propagandists and medical industry profiteers. The propaganda was convincing and relentless, and it continues to this very day.

I hope he finds his way back to the truth and the light.

Never Tested, Never Jabbed.

I survived the psychopandemic of 2020

I survived the psychopandemic of 2020, probably the most intensive psychological operation ever conducted against mankind. Although we may never know the names of all the people involved in this crime against humanity, at least we now know there was no virus and there was no pandemic. It was all trickery designed to frighten the public into accepting bio-weapon injections that were apparently created for depopulation. The psyop also trained the public to obey all kinds of ridiculous and unscientific behaviors: masking, the six-foot rule, plexiglass in all the stores, and endless dousing of the hands with alcohol-based sanitizers. It convinced us to be afraid of other people, for they might be dirty and diseased. It told us that sunlight, vitamins, and exercise weren't needed in order to stay healthy. It allowed liquor stores and Walmart to stay open while gyms and hair salons were forced to close. It was a time of madness, and most people played along.

But not me. And hopefully not you.

Never tested. Never jabbed. And never sick.

Dr. Stefan Homburg Confirms COVID Was A Lie.

In this presentation (8 mins, 47 secs) German Professor, Dr. Stefan Homburg, confirms COVID was a lie, an illusion created by governments to take complete control over us.

“There were no more severe respiratory illnesses than usual in 2020 and 2021. The idea of a "pandemic" arose exclusively from new types of mass testing without cause, the results of which fluctuated enormously and led the public to believe that there were more sick people and deaths than usual. Which was not true."

Document Link: Corona: Five Official Facts by Prof. Dr. Stefan Homburg

Medical Science Is Now A Tool Of Oppression.

fda warning about bird flu

Revving up the fear machine: the public is being conditioned to accept the next big disruption. I don't think a new human pandemic with lockdowns will happen, but I do think bird flu will be used as the excuse to wipe out our food supply and create social unrest, panicking, and possibly rioting & looting. This will give our Zionist overlords the excuse they need to impose martial law. But if bird flu doesn't scare enough people, maybe they'll try whooping cough. 

Oops, they already did.

news headlines about whooping cough

The whooping cough propaganda is obviously a ploy to frighten parents into conforming with insane childhood vaccine schedules that governments impose upon healthy kids. It's big money for Big Pharma, greedy doctors, and bribed politicians. As increasing numbers of informed parents back away from unsafe & ineffective jabs, the control system has to pull them back in, using whatever dishonest tactics they can dream up. Side effects? They'll be hidden for eternity, with any data leaks immediately labeled as "misinformation".

Since 2020 we've lived in a world of constant, endless warnings of diseases and constant, endless propaganda to convince us we need constant, endless injections of mystery chemicals to stay alive. We're now experiencing the early stages of the biosecurity state, where everyone is considered to be dirty and diseased and a threat to others. Fake health scares have become the norm, followed by oppressive countermeasures pulled straight out of the most dystopian sci-fi movies you've ever seen. Increasing numbers of doctors no longer believe that viruses cause communicable diseases, yet viruses remain the number one tool of fear and control. We know "social distancing" rules had no scientific basis, yet people still keep their distance from others as if an angry monkey was about to attack. Face masks have been debunked so many times I've lost count, yet at every mention of a "disease outbreak", weak-willed politicians start talking about bringing back mask mandates. And every medical condition short of toe fungus seems to have its own vaccine now.

The reasons are clear. Many people are horribly ignorant, knowing nothing but what's been fed to them by the social controllers running almost all news media companies. They fear illness and death and they're desperate to avoid them both. And tyrannical politicians take advantage of ignorance and fear to push an agenda of totalitarian control. The people who rule over us want us tagged, cataloged, and tracked from the cradle to the grave. They want us to be completely obedient and spiritually broken. They don't want us rising out of poverty. They want us to be dependent on them, unable and unwilling to rise up and threaten their authority.

Medical science is the easiest way to achieve all that. Frightful propaganda throws us into a panic, ready to accept whatever limits to our freedom the government demands. As we saw during the COVID psyop, many people will ignore what they see with their own eyes and shut off all critical thinking when the fear of death is imagined to be near. The propaganda was so effective during COVID that we saw scenes where a person would die in a vaccination center as soon as the needle was pulled out of an arm, and the people in line watching the death wouldn't even leave. They stayed in line, rolled up their sleeves, and pretended they didn't see anything. This is the kind of madness that politicians exploit to gain unlimited power and control.

In decades past, many lives have been saved by our medical system. But times have changed, and what used to heal us is now being used to enslave us. I urge you to not fall for the fear campaigns currently spreading across multiple news sites. The people writing them, or paying to have them written, don't have your best interests at heart. 

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