All-Cause Mortality Data Shows There Was No COVID-19 Pandemic.

Denis Rancourt on Jerm Warfare

If you want to make someone's head explode, let them listen to this podcast between Jerm of 'Jerm Warfare' and Denis Rancourt of 'CORRELATION Research in the Public Interest'.  Rancourt has a PhD in Physics (1984, University of Toronto), is a former tenured Full Professor (University of Ottawa), and has published over one hundred articles in leading science journals. He and the team at CORRELATION have done the research others are afraid to do, and when looking at the data for "all-cause mortality" in 2020 and 2021, they made an interesting discovery: there were no excess deaths during what we've been told was one of the worst pandemics in human history. Rancourt asserts that the deaths that did occur were the result of other factors, such as the deadly ventilator and Remdesivir COVID protocols hospitals forced upon patients, the denial of early treatments for common infections that were falsely labeled as COVID, and the delays in testing for diseases such as cancer when patients were told to keep doctor's offices and hospital beds free for a pandemic that wasn't actually happening. 

Rancourt's data also shows that deaths didn't increase until the COVID injections (falsely marketed as vaccines) were rolled out to the public.

This is a "must-hear" interview that confirms what you've suspected all along. And it needs to be heard by more people so that humanity isn't tricked again. That's especially important now when government health officials are priming us for yet another fake pandemic, this time called "bird flu", with more injections sure to follow.

Here's how you can stream or download the podcast:

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To hear more from Jerm Warfare, visit

To see research from Denis Rancourt and CORRELATION Research in the Public Interest, visit

"Died Suddenly" Is The Must-See Documentary Of The Year.

I've been too busy to watch the new documentary "Died Suddenly" from the Stew Peters Network. I've heard a lot of comments about it, mostly positive but some negative. Tonight I finally had the time to watch it, and I must admit it was informative and well done. I'm no fan of Stew Peters. Some of the comments he's made on his podcast have been ignorant and bigoted, and I stopped listening to him several months ago. But his presence in the documentary is very limited, which was a good decision by either Peters or the film's directors. It allowed the film to focus on the scientists, the funeral professionals, and the vaccine's victims rather than being a showcase for Peter's huge ego. 

In only one hour it tries to paint the picture of what is really going on with not only the vaccines, but also with the covid pandemic. while gently tying in the past lies told and the verified conspiracies committed on the public by the government. It's a lot to pull together without overwhelming the viewers, but I think the directors did a commendable job.

"Died Suddenly" contains some graphic and disturbing images, but they weren't included for shock value. I really felt like the images, while uncomfortable to watch, needed to be seen. It's one thing to think of a vaccine as a "clot shot", but it's something else entirely when you see an embalmer pulling rubbery ropes out of a dead person's leg. It really drives home the point that something is seriously wrong with the covid vaccines despite all the propaganda telling us they're "safe and effective". We've known from the beginning that they're neither safe nor effective, and "Died Suddenly" proves we were right. 

This is a documentary everyone needs to see. But will they? I fear it will eventually fade away just like all the other excellent covid films that have been made, viewed only by people who have already woken up to the horrors of the genocide created by predatory globalists, and ignored by the people who really need to see it. 

But make the effort anyway to share it far and wide. Maybe this will be the one that breaks through the hypnotic spell that has too many people under its control.

And 'thank you' to Stew Peters and company for making it happen.

UPDATE November 29, 2022: The documentary has come under fire for including video clips of people collapsing who didn't actually die. It also shows an athlete collapsing but the incident happened before the covid vaccines were available. So I have to ask, was this sloppy research on the part of the producers, or did they intentionally include it knowing it would be discovered and cause the health freedom movement to look crazy and ignorant? Some speculate that Stew Peters is controlled opposition, and including easily debunked sudden deaths in his film doesn't help his reputation. I'm hoping this is the result of rushing the film to market and there are no nefarious motives. But either way, it gives our opponents new ammunition to attack us with. I still think "Died Suddenly" is important and the overall message is true, but if we're going to defeat the globalists and their friends in Big Pharma, we have to be 100% honest and factual in everything we do.

Watch it below or directly on Rumble.

Shameless Vaccine Propaganda From 2021: Do They Have Any Regrets?

Johnston Health vaccine propaganda

I found this ad in the December 2021 issue of 'Our State' magazine. I was scanning through it before throwing it into the trash when I saw the ad. It features three healthcare workers from Johnston Hospital, which has locations in Smithfield NC and Clayton NC. The hospital is part of the UNC Health Care system which is in turn owned by the University of North Carolina, the same university where Ralph Baric allegedly helped developed SARS-Cov2 using gain of function experiments. (

In the ad, Dedra, John, and Annette, who we're told are real employees at the hospital, tell us why we should get the covid jabs, which we now know are ineffective and dangerous. John can't wait to vaccinate his daughter. Annette suggests the jabs will prevent transmission of covid: "If anyone is questioning whether or not to get the vaccine, I would tell them to do it - for themselves, for their family, and for their coworkers."

I'm not suggesting these are bad people. Healthcare workers were lied to during the height of the pandemic and many were threatened. But I do wonder: do they have any regrets about promoting vaccines that have caused tens of thousands of deaths and hundreds of thousands of life-changing injuries? Would they do it again? Have they apologized to anyone who may have been damaged by their propaganda?

I can't answer those questions. But I do hope they now realize what they did, feel some regret, and have made peace with themselves. 


The Emperor Has No Clothes.

I didn't vote for Donald Trump in 2016 because I had an odd feeling that he would turn out to be a fraud. Even though I'd followed his career for years and had read a few of his books (which seemed to be mostly ghost written), there was something about him I couldn't put all my trust in. I felt like we were all being set up for a fall. After he was elected I began to feel better about him as I saw him trying his best while being relentlessly attacked by the Democratic Party and the Communists who were beginning to step out of the shadows after decades of pretending to be "progressives". So in 2020 I confidently voted for Trump, only to see the election stolen by the globalists and their deep state operatives. I supported and defended Trump as he challenged the election results, and hoped there was a path that would send him back to the White House. But his actions since leaving office have caused me to stop supporting him completely. 

The first thing that bothered me was his complete lack of support for the January 6 political prisoners held by the Biden regime in a grimy DC torture facility. Over a year has passed since the so-called "insurrection" occurred at a rally organized and promoted by Trump and many of the accused have still not had their day in court. The jailed complain about inhumane living conditions, abuse by the guards, and an inability to communicate with their families or attorneys. These are loyal Trump fans who sacrificed everything to support their President. In return, Trump has been silent and has done nothing to help free the prisoners or get them better treatment. It seems he has forgotten them, or else sees them as a liability to his future political and business ambitions.

Then in an interview on, researcher and author Susan Bradford revealed that Donald Trump is actually a Trojan horse for the globalists. According to Bradford, "Trump had been groomed for the Presidency decades ago to serve as a populist candidate indebted, and ultimately controlled, by the Rothschilds, the dynasty bankrolling and driving a New World Order. Trump ceased being his own man in 1987 when he acquired a 93 percent stake in Resorts International, a casino whose principal investors were Tibor Rosenbaum, David Rockefeller, and Baron Edmond de Rothschild. Once indebted to the international criminal elite, he was essentially owned by them." Bradford also theorizes that Trump's "Save America" rallies are nothing but money making events designed to save the Trump brand and that he has no interest in another term as President. 

As bad as those things are, Trump's worst sin is his ongoing promotion of the dangerous and deadly covid vaccines. When the jabs first became available, Trump was understandably proud of his "Operation Warp Speed" achievement. But when the injury and death reports began coming in, he ignored them. He kept on pushing his vaccines (which technically aren't really vaccines by any traditional definition) while the body count climbed. Even after tens of thousands of people had died from the covid jabs and hundreds of thousands had been seriously injured, Trump continued to promote the vaccines during televised interviews and at his rallies. He allowed himself to become one of Pfizer's and Moderna's best spokesmen. After more than 30,000 people had died, many conservative podcasters and political commentators began appealing to Trump, asking him to please stop promoting the jabs and warn people of the potential dangers. He refused to do so. In fact, when Alex Jones asked Trump to cease and desist, Trump reportedly replied "I don't want to hear about this again from anybody. I think it's good, and that's it." 

I'll say what others are afraid to say: We're in the worst genocide in human history. The pandemic psy-op was created to frighten people into taking the so-called vaccines, which are in reality bio-weapons designed to depopulate the planet. By pushing this poison upon the public and refusing to warn us about its dangers, Donald Trump is complicit in the genocide. Whether that's out of ignorance or malice doesn't matter to the victims and their families. People have died needlessly, fulfilling goals the globalists have been writing and talking about for decades

It's beginning to look like the entire MAGA movement was created by Trump to distract us while the globalists advanced their agenda of creating a global open-air slave colony that is basically a high tech version of old fashioned feudalism. We'll own nothing, and the wealthy elites think we'll be happy with that.

It's not too late for Trump to prove he's really on our side. He can speak up about the January 6 political prisoners. He can stop pushing toxic jabs upon his trusting followers. And he can publicly denounce the globalists and the World Economic Forum, The Great Reset, and Agenda 2030. And for extra points he can tell us what he knows about Jeffrey Epstein's child trafficking empire.

The world is waiting.

HIV & The Virus Deception: Scientist Blows Whistle On Entrenched Fraud.

The "science" on viruses is being increasingly debunked as brave researchers step forward and reveal the truth about the world of virology. Lives are being destroyed thanks to the money-driven deceptions being advanced by government agencies, NGO's, and research labs. This fascinating interview exposes it all and will shake your beliefs about what really causes diseases.

Here is the introduction to the interview ripped straight from Brendan D. Murphy's website:

"Ex-pharma senior scientist and medical whistleblower Mike Donio joins me for an insightful and disturbing show centered around the highly dubious “science” underpinning the HIV-AIDS myth. He details how he came through the education system and into the pharmaceutical industry with the best of intentions, hoping to do good science to make the world a better place. However he soon began finding reasons to question what he had been told about “viruses”, how they were supposedly worked with, “proved,” and how they were identified as so-called disease-causing agents. It turned out that nothing about HIV was as it initially seemed. Eventually, Mike realised the realm of corporately controlled Science wasn’t going to let him make a positive difference in the world, and was ultimately terminated from his job for refusing to take the experimental DNA-altering covax."

Watch the video here:

Or listen to the audio here:

The Data Doesn't Lie: Vaccines Aren't Safe.

Every day the pharmaceutical company propagandists tell us how safe vaccines are. But CDC data shows something different. In the past official reports of vaccine injuries have been relatively low, but since the COVID jabs entered the scene, injuries and deaths have skyrocketed. 

As you can see in the graphic above, there have been 2,237,447 reports of vaccine adverse events reported to VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) since the system began. Of those, 1,357,937 have been reported as reactions to the COVID vaccines. Breaking down the data, we see there have been 29,790 deaths attributed to the COVID jabs, which is the majority of the total vaccine related deaths reported. We see the same trend in total hospitalizations. 

And a Harvard University study funded by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) discovered that only 1% of vaccine injuries were reported to VAERS, meaning the real damage being done by vaccines is likely much greater than any official numbers we've seen. 

The data may be under-reported but the data doesn't lie: vaccines aren't safe. But they are very profitable, which is why Big Pharma's propagandists work so hard spinning their lies.

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