The True Goal Of Socialism.

image: the true goal of socialism

[image by Revellati Online]

O Verdadeiro Objetivo Do Socialismo: The True Goal Of Socialism.

The party elites enjoy luxuries while everyone else begs for food and shelter.

"Socialism means government dependency, rationed resources, and exorbitant taxation. It means the destruction of every incentive to achieve." -- Rachel Campos-Duffy

"The harsh reality is that socialism not only destroys economic freedom, it severely limits the capability of everyone to reach maximum potential. It's a system that doesn't provide more, but instead vastly less." -- Katie Pavlich

"Socialism requires that government becomes your god." -- Rafael Cruz

"Socialism is not a way of life. It is an unworkable formula which would apply to robots but not to men and women." -- Malcolm Fraser

"Wherever socialism spread, misery followed - and still follows." -- Greg Gutfeld

"Socialism is antithetical to freedom, because when it breeds and thrives, people die." --  Lisa Kennedy Montgomery

"In socialism, everything is supposed to be equal. And yet, it's always fascinating how the elite government bureaucrats (in socialist places like Venezuela, Cuba and Argentina) are the ones that wind up with all the money." -- Trish Regan

Bluesky Proves The Land Of The Left Is The Land Of The Lost.

bluesky land of the left is the land of the lost

It didn't take long. Another social media site run by the radical left has kicked me out. Not long after having my Mastodon accounts deleted without cause, Bluesky has now done the same. To be honest, I'm surprised I lasted as long as I did, but not because I broke any rules. To the contrary, I was polite and civil and did my best to link to sources whenever I posted anything related to health and science issues. But I did post news articles and podcasts that I hoped would open some minds and maybe create a dialog. For my efforts I was called a Nazi and a MAGA cultist, and my sources were all dismissed as being not good enough for the pseudo-intellectuals who read my posts. But I wasn't very active on Bluesky at all, preferring to keep a low profile and gently nudging rather than shoving in an attempt to not be cancelled. How did it work out? Here's the email I received from the "Bluesky Moderation Team":

cancellation email from Bluesky

Bluesky's moderators claim I posted content that promoted "hateful content" or was "disruptive to others". This claim is a lie. I was careful to be respectful of others. I'm not a bully and never have been, but I will stand up for myself if attacked and I will correct misinformation when I see it. But apparently in the land of the left, replying with factual data is perceived as being disruptive. The left has become so obsessed with conformity and obedience that instead of resembling the free-love hippies of the 1960's they're now more like the hive-mind Borg creatures of Star Trek. Independent thought isn't allowed. Be assimilated or be destroyed.

Borg army

They don't believe in shared truth. They use words as weapons. They rely on you implicitly assuming that they have good intentions and are aiming at shared truth. It's a deception. For Marxists, dialogue is not a way of attaining truth. It is a forum for manipulation.

Although I had low expectations, I did go through the motions of filing an appeal to my account's deletion. Two days later and no one at Bluesky has bothered to reply. And honestly, the only reply I expect to get is "appeal rejected", which is the reply I got from Mastodon and also a year earlier from Elon Musk's Twitter/X.

This is the world we now live in: a world where mentally weak anonymous authoritarians function as social media moderators and censor anything that upsets their frail emotions or is seen as a threat to their demonic Marxist agenda. It isn't possible to have a real conversation with these people. Dissenting opinions are dismissed without thought. Their minds are closed. Their science is settled. Nothing changes until new propaganda is sent to them like a software upgrade.

I gave it my best shot. I tried on three separate social media sites. And now I question if it's possible to co-exist with people who are so mentally shut down, intolerant, and (strangely) arrogant.

Bluesky has proven to me that the land of the left is the land of the lost. But I won't stop talking. I have a voice. It's too bad the people who need to hear it the most will hear nothing but echoes of propaganda and hate coming from the soulless entities that control them. image: I have a voice

Are Trump's Technocrats Leading Us Into The New World Order?

Dr Mike Yeadon quote

"What I have is the realization that we’re in WW3, in which the aggressors are our own governments, wherever we live. Once you run that thought experiment, a very large number of dots almost join themselves." -- Dr Mike Yeadon

Read this again: the aggressors are our own governments. We're at war with the people who have taken oaths to protect us, but most people have no idea what's going on. Mike went on to say, the goal is "to impoverish almost everyone, rendering us desperate for an alternative, such as CBDC (and digital ID) as a matter of necessity." 

Where you have CBDC, you also have constant surveillance, social credit scores, limited mobility, and vital resources that will be rationed to you however artificial intelligence decides is appropriate.

Virtually the entire world is transitioning into global totalitarianism, where individual rights and needs no longer matter. Creativity will be destroyed. Happiness and joy will be forgotten. The focus will be on productivity and efficiency as decided by A.I.. People who can't contribute to the new system will be excluded from society. Artificial intelligence will make every decision for us. The wealthiest elites will own everything. This is the cold, dark future that's coming very soon. In fact, it's been under construction for decades, and the pace is quickening. And it doesn't matter what country you live in or what political party you support. The destination has been agreed upon by all. 

This is World War 3, and it doesn't look like any war we've ever been in before. It's taking place all around us, disguised by empty promises from dishonest leaders. The only way to win this war is to stop believing and obeying those who feed us lies while they work to enslave us.

But isn't Donald Trump going to save us, or at least the American corner of the world? It's not looking good. The proud father of the deadly mRNA COVID vaccines is now proposing a lot more of the same technology, this time enhanced by artificial intelligence, that's already harmed too many people. He's partnering with a team of billionaire technocrats hellbent on creating A.I. systems that will run our lives. These same systems will also likely destroy many lives. I don't doubt that Trump will do a number of things that will make him look like a hero, but we can't ignore the things he does in the background that bring us closer to the same New World Order that he claims to oppose. 

In the video below, David Icke says, "Two days in and the agenda I predicted has begun". I urge you to watch it and learn how things aren't really what they seem to be. 

The De-Evolution Of Society In One Sentence.

quote about the de-evolution of society

When compliance and conformity is rewarded and any shred of critical thinking is punished, when the purpose of education has become to teach how to obey get a society helplessly dependent on authority, desperately magnetized by tyranny, and hopelessly afraid of freedom.

Another Look At The Indoctrinated Left On Social Media.

boy wearing water bottle as a face mask

It's time to take another look at the stupid, hateful, and sometimes insane posts I've found on left-leaning social media sites. Just when you think you've seen it all, someone, somewhere, is about to surprise you with a fresh dose of crazy. Let's take a look:

banners of intolerance

Our first post demonstrates the love and tolerance of the left. We have banners of a skull & crossbones, a pentagram, the ANTIFA logo, and right in the middle, a banner that says "trans rights or riot nights". Can you feel the love? This is the sort of tolerance that leads to mostly peaceful protests and burned cities.

CNN screenshot of mostly peaceful protest

Mastodon post about psychological projection

Seen above is a post on the leftist swamp called Mastodon. Chris accuses Republicans of "projection", the tactic of accusing the other side of things you're actually doing. Trouble is, Democrats are the masters of projection, having successfully used the tactic for decades. Nancy Pelosi is the queen of projection, something she's actually bragged about. I'm no fan of the Republican Party, but I have to defend them against this post. They suck at projection and most other psychological tricks, which is why they lose so many elections. Yes, most Republicans are scum, but the Democrats always manage to out-scum them, and that's quite an accomplishment.

Mastodon post of the left defending the IRS

And now the left is defending the IRS and taxes. In this post, 'Democracy Matters' is worried that cuts to the Internal Revenue Service's budget will add to the national debt. They can't comprehend the idea of cutting spending. They also don't question the legality of the IRS, which has no Constitutional authority to exist. Government is sacred to them, and they'll happily let it control every aspect of their lives. It's the last refuge of the mentally enslaved masses.

Matt Blaze defends Wikipedia

Someone needs to tell Matt Blaze that Wikipedia is no longer an impartial, independent source of information. It's been infiltrated by intelligence agencies such as the CIA and the FBI. Wikipedia has become politically biased and tends to serve up pro-establishment narratives. Co-founder of Wikipedia, Larry Sanger, had this to say: “If only one version of the facts is allowed then that gives a huge incentive to wealthy and powerful people to seize control of things like Wikipedia in order to shore up their power. And they do that.” He said it (Wikipedia) “seems to assume that there is only one legitimate defensible version of the truth on any controversial question. That’s not how Wikipedia used to be.” [source]

Perhaps Matt would like to rethink his post?

Mastodon post mocking Kyle Rittenhouse

In the post above, "Vee" has reposted something from Twitter/X. Kyle Rittenhouse posted a verse from the Bible, and Ryan Pinesworth replied with "You quoting scripture is like Dahmer quoting cookbooks." This is the kind of hateful comment we're gotten so used to from the left. Rittenhouse was acquitted of all charges, making his use of a firearm self-defense. But the left doesn't respect the law, they only respect power. If the law gets in the way of their agenda, the law has to be ignored, and that's why they see Rittenhouse as their enemy. He defended himself against radical leftists, and the court agreed. But that outcome doesn't help the agenda, so Rittenhouse is mocked and compared to a serial killer. It's essentially a mockery of the law.

Ferris Bueller anyone anyone

"your auntifa liza" posted this slice of mental chaos: "suburban white people not used to describing white monsters". Does anyone know what she's talking about? Anyone?

man defends wearing face masks 

Last for today, I'm seeing fresh fear from the left about COVID and bird flu. The global deep state seems determined to launch another "pandemic" to help usher in the technocratic world order. The fact that no viruses for either COVID or bird flu have ever been isolated and proven to exist makes no difference. Military-grade propaganda campaigns are the most powerful contagions of all. Social media sites are being seeded with scary news about outbreaks of bird flu and new "variants" of COVID, and the weak-minded and compliant leftists seem to be believing all of it. It's sad to see people fall for another psyop. But it's pathetic to see that people are still in so much fear from the last one that they're still wearing face masks. In the post above, "GeePawHill" declares, "I have worn a mask in every enclosed space I've been in for four years. I have not the slightest intention of allowing anyone, armed or not, ignorant or not, force me to remove it." What can I say to that? I'd like to insult "GeePawHill", but I can't. I actually feel sorry for him. He's listened to years of misinformation fed to him by government propagandists and medical industry profiteers. The propaganda was convincing and relentless, and it continues to this very day.

I hope he finds his way back to the truth and the light.

United Nations Agenda 2030 Is A Plan For Global Totalitarianism.

Revellati image United Nations Agenda 2030

Investigate United Nations Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030.

"The most important factor working in the elite’s favor is the massive and widespread public disbelief in their schemes, because the scale is simply unimaginable for the average person to comprehend.

It is indeed hard to believe that a small group of people, disconnected from compassion, empathy, and the rest of humanity, would actively promote war, depopulation, and the destruction of the Earth. But the evidence shows that all of this exists, and is happening right before our eyes.

This is exactly the calculated response that those in power want to achieve: to hide the truth in plain sight, turning it into a joke or science fiction. (Conspiracy theory, disinformation)." 

[source: Revellati Online]

The United Nations’ Agenda 2030 (formerly known as Agenda 21), also known as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), is a comprehensive plan of action for people, planet, and prosperity. Adopted by all UN member states in 2015, it sets out 17 interconnected goals to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure peace and prosperity for all.

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals:
1. No Poverty: End poverty in all its forms everywhere.
2. Zero Hunger: End hunger, achieve food security, and improve nutrition.
3. Good Health and Well-being: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.
4. Quality Education: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities.
5. Gender Equality: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
6. Clean Water and Sanitation: Ensure access to water and sanitation for all.
7. Affordable and Clean Energy: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy.
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth: Promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all.
9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation.
10. Reduced Inequalities: Reduce income and social inequalities within and among countries.
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.
12. Responsible Consumption and Production: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
13. Climate Action: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
14. Life Below Water: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources.
15. Life on Land: Protect, restore, and promote the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, forests, wetlands, and other ecosystems.
16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies, access to justice, and effective institutions.
17. Partnerships for the Goals: Strengthen global partnerships, mobilize resources, and enhance international cooperation.

While these goals sound like things we should all be working toward, as always, the devil is in the details. And one big detail often ignored is that Agenda 2030 is a backdoor way of implementing global communism, eventually leading to neo-feudalism and enforced by totalitarianism. There's a reason the World Economic Forum used to say "you'll own nothing and be happy". You'll own nothing because the wealthy elites will steal everything and then allow you to rent it back from them. And you'll be happy thanks to mind-numbing entertainment, endless propaganda, and regular doses of sedatives and other brain-damaging drugs forced upon you in the name of "public health". 

"The ultimate goal is to remove our individual freedoms, destroy our inalienable rights and enslave us all.  It is “collectivism on an international scale”. --  David Skripac

But don't take my word for it. Here are a few links to help you understand the dangers of Agenda 2030:

United Nations official website for Agenda 2030

Whitney Webb: Sustainable Slavery

The 2030 Agenda: The Totalitarian Trojan Horse

Agenda 2030: A Power-Mad Document

The John Birch Society: Stop Agenda 2030

Rosa Koire: Democrats Against Agenda 21 

Book: Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21 by Rosa Koire

The United Nations Agenda For World Domination 

17 Goals Toward Enslavement: Exposing The Real Agendas Behind The 2030 Agenda

Spanish Bishop: Behind Agenda 2030 lies an attempt to change civilization

What you need to know about Agenda 2030 and the Fourth Industrial Revolution

We are moving toward a Global Empire and enslavement of humanity in a digital gulag

Jab the world: Immunization Agenda 2030

Video link: Understanding Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 (3 mins, 32 secs)

Video below: UN Agenda 2030: If you control the food, you control the people.

Agenda 2030: the great slavery

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