A Look At The Indoctrinated Left.

group of people staring at their phones

Those of the leftist persuasion, whether you call them liberals, Democrats, Marxists, socialists, or communists, share common traits: faith in authority, science as a religion, a hive-mind mentality, and an arrogance that makes them think they're smarter than the rest of us even when they're simply repeating false propaganda. I recently spent some time on a couple of Mastodon social media sites (before I was kicked out for posting verifiable, scientifically accurate information), and the posts I saw from the mostly left-leaning crowd were at times sad and at other times comical. Take a look at a few of them:

Here's a post from a user in Colorado who seems to be upset because the company she works for isn't taking COVID seriously anymore. Her profile pic shows her wearing a mask of some sort, and one of the hashtags says #CovidIsNotOver. I feel sad about this post, because "Prainbow" is living in fear of a fake pandemic and a virus that's never been proven to exist. The evidence is overwhelming that the COVID pandemic was a psycho-pandemic -- a behavior modification experiment and wealth transfer on a massive scale that led to millions of people voluntarily taking a bio-weapon disguised as a vaccine, and bankrupting small businesses for the benefit of Wall Street. Four years into it, and most of the people on the left are still clinging to the fake narrative created by a fascist partnership between Big Pharma and world governments. 

social media post about covid

Here's a typical post from the left accusing Republicans of "lying through their teeth" throughout the election campaign. I'm not going to argue that Republicans don't lie. But for some reason, Democrats can never accept that their own team lies all the time. I left the Democratic Party a few years ago because of their endless lies and bullying. I doubt a more dishonest or corrupt political party has ever existed, yet the party's faithful voters are blind to it. They can watch Joe Biden say lie after lie in a debate but none of the lies register in their brains. But one thing that's correct in this post is the statement "We've created a post-truth society". Yes, the Democrats have definitely done that. It's a shame they can't accept what they've done.

social media post about Republicans

Below is a super-intelligent reply I received when I posted scientific data from the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) that said increased CO2 has been beneficial to plant life and has caused a "greening" of the planet. Somehow, "Dark Photon Studio" thinks carbon dioxide is pollution.

social media troll post

"Kelly" thinks the worst that's happened during COVID is "we've worn a mask and cleaned the air". She's ignoring the millions of injured and dead from the vaccines, the negative health effects of wearing masks, the years of censorship, the hospital death protocols of remdesivir and ventilators, the bankrupt businesses, the psychologically damaged children, the doctors who lost their licenses for refusing to support Fauci's lies, and the end of the public's trust of the medical system.  

social media post about covid and face masks

Here's another person afraid of "viruses" and their imaginary potential to create communicable diseases. If you're wondering if anyone will fall for another pandemic psyop, stop wondering. The left will fall for it hook, line, and sinker. (That's a fishing expression, for all you Marxists who never leave your mom's basement.) The rest of us know that when the government tells us "bird flu" is spread by cows and the top symptom is pink eye, we're being lied to...once again.

liberal social media post about bird flu

Mr Herman says Kash Patel "promoted the falsehood that the 2020 election was 'stolen'. Millions of Americans agree with Patel on that issue, thanks to seemingly endless stacks of evidence that have emerged over the past four years. Unfortunately, the biased news media dismissed the evidence with scarcely a glance, and many courts refused to let cases move forward claiming the plaintiffs "lacked standing" (meaning the plaintiffs weren't injured by the fraud). Mr Herman makes no mention of Hillary Clinton, who still whines about the 2016 election, or the Kamala Harris fans who still haven't taken Harris' campaign signs out of their yards. I recently saw a post on Bluesky that claimed the 2024 election had been stolen from Harris. And let's not forget Stacy Abrams of Georgia, who implied for months that she had won the election for Governor in 2020. She just couldn't let it go. 

It's also interesting how Mr Herman put the phrase "deep state" in quotes, implying he doesn't believe such a thing exists. Who do you think has been running the federal government the past four years? It certainly wasn't Joe Biden.

liberal's social media post about Kash Patel

This post from "BigDogBo" calls illegal immigrants "undocumented" for reasons only he can explain. Changing what you call something doesn't change what it is. He says he doesn't care if "undocumented immigrants" are in this country, which seems to be a typical stance of many on the left who pick and choose which laws are legitimate and which can be ignored. For example, vaccine mandates are good, but enforcing immigration laws is bad. That seems to be the way it works in lefty-land. "BigDogBo" then goes on to claim that illegal immigrants (oops, I mean "undocumented") aren't getting welfare. He follows up with some Marxist bullshit that's not worth my time to comment on. ("Hey kids! Socialism never worked before but I promise it will work next time!", says every socialist every time socialism fails once again.)

social media post defending illegal immigrants

I can't even make sense of what Andrea Junker is saying about Donald Trump. What is this "terrorist regime" she's talking about? As for nepotism, Joe Biden just pardoned his son Hunter after repeatedly promising he wouldn't. She might be right about the criminality to a degree. I just wish she'd open her eyes to what the Biden crime family has been doing for decades. It makes Trump look like a cub scout. And I don't know what to say about her suggesting Trump is using espionage to destroy the United States. I can only assume she's been watching MSNBC or reading the DailyKOS and confusing them with real journalism.

liberal's social media post warning about Trump

I hope you enjoyed this peek at how the other side thinks. As daft as some of their comments may seem to mainstream America, rest assured they think THEY'RE the moderates who represent normalcy. No matter how far they drift from the Constitution and the values this republic was built on, they'll never see how radicalized they've become. 

They're sincere in their beliefs. Don't underestimate what they're willing to do to protect them.

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