A Plague Of Devils.

The entire world seems to be consumed in fear and confusion. American cities are on fire thanks to Communists and the lack of leadership in Washington DC and many left-leaning states. Our southern border is being flooded with illegal immigrants invited here by our illegitimate President Joe Biden, the same President who is looking around the globe for a place to start a new war. We're told climate change and rising temperatures are existential threats to humanity at the same time that the Earth is cooling. Covid-19 is constantly in the news. People are bragging about taking experimental gene therapy injections misrepresented as vaccines against a virus that has never been proven to exist. Businesses remain closed. Actually, only small businesses remain closed. The ones owned by huge corporations are operating as usual but with record profits. Now even churches are being shut down, surrounded by fences paid for by taxpayers, and defended by militarized police forces. 

We are living in an age of complete madness. Yet if you look at the mainstream media news outlets, all is well. Things are normal, that is, the new normal. Vaccines are good. Riots help democracy. Small businesses struggling to survive are threats to our health. Laws promoting election integrity are racist. People who refuse to take the fake vaccines are domestic terrorists. Digital vaccine passports are needed if we're ever expected to return to the old "normal", even though the alleged virus has a greater than 98% survival rate. 

Up is down. Down is up. Truth is fiction. Why are people accepting all of this?

It's because we are fighting a plague of devils. 

These devils are the news media and entertainment celebrities who vomit out lies and propaganda 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. New World Order scabs like Joy Behar, Brian Stelter, Don Lemon, Cher, Rachel Maddow, Jimmy Fallon, Norah O'Donnell, Joe Scarborough, Chris Wallace, Joy Reid, and so many others, profit from our pain. They receive their marching orders from low level globalists like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and this mental sewage is spread nationwide to naive trusting viewers coast to coast. Similar things take place in other nations, such as in the United Kingdom where the BBC misleads people with lies from Boris Johnson and company. Of course all of this garbage comes from more centralized sources of misinformation such as the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, and the World Health Organization. And if you didn't already know, WHO is largely funded by the technocrat psychopath Bill Gates, who is a close ally to Dr Anthony Fauci. 

These power mad puppets of the super wealthy global elite hate us. They despise us. We're drinking their water. We're breathing their air. We're eating their food. We're occupying space they think we don't deserve. They are the elite. They are special. We're just useless eaters. 

And so they turn their media propaganda machine against us. They turn man against man, woman against woman, race against race, nation against nation. The lies don't matter. Only their complete domination against us matters. And the news media and the entertainment industry, and the fools they employ who think they'll get a place at the table, are fully willing to sell us out and lie to us to help these psychopathic elitists crush us like tiny stupid ants.

Many of us ignore the mainstream media and the vacant-headed celebrities. We know they are tools. We know propaganda when we see it. But so many of our friends, neighbors, and relatives can't see it. They believe the lies because they don't know any better, and because lies are often more comfortable than the truth.

So they keep quiet and they dutifully comply. They keep their masks on, even when they're alone. They embrace censorship and surveillance as things that protect them. They begin to think of others as dirty and diseased.  They take the deadly vaccines. And they become sick and die, if not right away, soon.

Just like the plague of devils knew they would.

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