Another Day, Another Spray.

chemtrails over Rural Hall NC

Above is the early evening sky over Rural Hall and Winston Salem NC on March 19, 2025. Chemtrail spraying is often done in the late afternoon against the setting sun, making the aircraft difficult to see. 

chemtrails over Rural Hall, North Carolina

Above are the same chemtrails as in the first image, but a few minutes earlier and from a different location. 

Greensboro NC chemtrails

In the image above, in the bottom half you can see two white streaks on the diagonal. These are two aircraft flying from the bottom right corner toward the upper left corner, both emitting similar trails. There was also a third aircraft at the same time, not visible here, and all three were flying much closer together than would be allowed for normal passenger flights. This image and the one below were both taken over northwest Greensboro NC on March 19, 2025.

chemtrails over Greensboro, North Carolina

In this final image, you can see an accumulation of chemtrails from the three aircraft. As is typical, they form a grid pattern, and the thin streaks gradually spread out into wider streaks which eventually spread even further until the sky is covered by an almost unbroken expanse of white or gray clouds. 

It seems we're simply not allowed to have blue skies anymore. When the sky is blue and cloudless, it's almost a certainty the spraying will begin. There's no question that it's happening. We just need to find out who is responsible for it, and why they're doing it.

To learn more, visit Geoengineering Watch.

A study on chemtrails [Chemtrails are Not Contrails: Radiometric Evidence] can be found at the Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International.

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