Are Aliens Coming To Enslave Humanity?
I've recently been watching old episodes of "The X-Files", and it's interesting how much predictive programming can be seen when you watch it from today's perspective. In season six it's revealed that the aliens are preparing to take over Earth with the help of a group of human elites who have made secret deals with the aliens to buy time in the hope that some form of resistance to them can be found. Naturally they also hope to be seen as friends and allies to the aliens if no way to resist them is discovered. The elites think they'll be spared if they cooperate to the bitter end, but the rest of us will contract a virus that turns us into slave workers for our planet's new owners.
After watching the show I began to think about how it could be predicting the situation we currently find ourselves in.
I admit what I'm about to say is probably the stuff of science fiction, but open your mind and hear me out.
We know the odds are favorable that intelligent life exists on other planets, and if they're advanced enough to reach our solar system it also likely means they're a very old species that's had time to develop advanced technologies. The problem is that a species that's been around that long is quite possibly very aggressive and has survived by conquering other civilizations. Some scientists have said that if the aliens do visit, it won't be Captain Kirk on shore leave. Expect something more along the lines of the Borg, here to assimilate us. And that will be a problem we're not prepared to deal with.
But what if the global elites were contacted in advance and told their lives would be spared if they cooperated with the aliens and prepared the planet for the new inhabitants who would soon be arriving? Why would the elites help the invaders instead of informing us of what was about to happen? Perhaps they were told, "Do as we say or every person will be killed". Calculating the losses, it may have appeared that following orders and handing over the planet with a small population of transhumanist slaves would be the less bloody outcome.
And what would that involve? Terraforming the planet so that it’s more suitable to the invading aliens might be part of it. Maybe they need less sunlight, or less CO2, both of which are part of the current plans to reduce “global warming”. Maybe they want a lot less people around, just enough to serve as slaves but not enough to be too difficult to control or use up resources. That would explain the elite’s obsession with depopulation. As for the control aspect, the entire planet is being forced down the road to totalitarianism, with 24/7 surveillance and centralized currency tied to our social credit score being gradually introduced. We’re being conditioned to accept our own slavery. And when you add in the DNA manipulation and graphene oxide and self-assembling structures some scientists say are part of the COVID jabs, one has to wonder what the real end-game is and who, or what, is really behind it all.
I admit it’s not likely that we’re being prepped for an alien invasion, but the idea can’t be carelessly dismissed either. And you can bet if the psychopaths who run powerful organizations like the United Nations and the World Economic Forum learned of an impending attack and colonization, they’d sacrifice all of us to save their own asses. But as The X-Files shows us, those who make deals with the devil end up getting burned, very badly, and often while still alive.
In the meantime, I’ll be searching for a nice dry cave to hide out in. I’ve had enough of this madness.