Ban Spying On The Internet.
The internet has transformed our lives. But while we use the internet to access information and talk to our friends and family, we are exposed to extensive commercial tracking online. This tracking is another way of saying surveillance. Not from governments, but from private companies, who only wish to use it to manipulate us.
Information about you - what you buy, where you go, and even where you look - fuels the digital economy. On one hand, advertisements are directed at us and on the other, information about us is collected and sold to the highest bidder, which can then be used to aim more targeted ads and influence our choices and opinions.
This pervasive online behavioral surveillance apparatus turns our lives into open books — with every mouse click and screen swipe tracked and disseminated throughout the vast ad tech ecosystem.
For years, Big Tech has tried to speak for us. They tell anyone who will listen that we all want our data to be collected, so we can get “relevant ads”. At the same time, they have told us that, without the right to collect and harness our data, they couldn’t provide us with quality technology for free. Sadly, over time, they have managed to convince many people to accept this false bargain.
These practices have become so widespread that the accumulating damage not only impacts you but society itself.
Or, more plainly: Big Tech’s toxic business model based on surveillance advertising is undermining democracy. We are at a turning point where we can no longer afford to look the other way.
The unnecessary collection of user data and the building of targeted profiles of people has to stop. Surveillance-based advertising needs to end.
It is time… to ban spying on the Internet. Learn more at
[video and article provided by Vivaldi and the Consumers’ Association of Iceland.]