Beware Of Fake Patriots Who Divide Us.

We're in a war. It's not a theory. It's not something that could happen someday. We're in a real, boots on the ground conflict right now. This isn't a war of America vs Russia. This isn't a war of Democrats vs Republicans. This isn't a war of Christians vs Muslims. And this isn't a war against a theoretical virus. 

This is a war of humanity against technocracy. This is a war of life vs anti-life. This is a war of each and every one of us defending ourselves against the super-wealthy elites who have manipulated and controlled us for thousands of years. This is the end-game, when we either win or we become eternal slaves in a digitally controlled global prison.

As they say, you're either with us or you're against us and it's time to pick a side. Are you on the side of human life, freedom, spirituality, higher consciousness, and God? Or are you on the side of the machines and artificial intelligence, the culling of the human race, and the further enrichment of the elites who almost destroyed our planet thanks to their endless greed?

You're on one side or the other. It really is that simple. 

So when I hear podcast or television talk show hosts who pretend to be on our side spewing out hate and division, it's very disturbing. Spreading dissent among the troops could even be seen as a traitorous act. It weakens us and emboldens the enemy. One example: for two years we've heard propaganda and outright lies coming from the World Health Organization and the mainstream news media. We know without a doubt that the WHO and the media are controlled by the same elites who want to enslave us. There's been no question about it. And so we know when they feed us any information about health, viruses, pandemics, or vaccines, it's probably misinformation and we need to fact check it. We don't accept it on blind faith.

But now we're being told by the WHO and the media that we have a monkeypox outbreak threatening us. Many independent, credible doctors feel that what we're seeing is actually antibody dependent enhancement (ADE) or V-AIDS (vaccine related acquired immune deficiency syndrome) and not a real monkeypox outbreak. The propagandists are telling us the outbreak is the result of promiscuous gay sex at festivals and saunas, while providing no evidence to support their claims.

Most of us can see through this obvious deception. But some podcast and tv talk show hosts are using this false-flag event to spread hatred and intolerance, dividing us at a crucial time.  Stew Peters and Nick Fuentes have both used their platforms to harshly condemn gay people and blame them for the alleged monkeypox outbreak. These same two people have, in the past, criticized the World Health Organization and the media for disseminating lies, but now that the propaganda matches their prejudices, they're all on board and helping the enemy to divide us. 

This is no time for division. This is the time for "all hands on deck". We need everyone of all races, religions, nationalities, sexual preferences, political leanings, and skill levels working together against our common enemy. We don't need opportunists using fake news to boost their podcast ratings. It's shameful and disgusting.

I'm not asking anyone to accept anyone's lifestyle or beliefs. Those things can be sorted out later. But if we don't come together right now as one human race to defeat the psychopathic, anti-life monsters who see us as their personal property to be used as they wish, it's over. Total slavery comes next. There will be no escape from the digital prison being built for us. 

So beware of fake patriots who try to divide us. 

And ask yourself, who's side are they really on? 

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