Biden Bombs The Children.

Joe Biden, President of the Banana Republic of America and illegal occupier of the White House, is using the shooting in Uvalde Texas as an excuse to further attack the US Constitution. Biden, who pretends to be the United States President, never lets a tragedy go to waste if he thinks it can further his lifelong career of corruption.

No one is really surprised by this. But to see him faking compassion about the deaths of 19 children while ignoring the horrible suffering endured by babies being aborted in the most brutal fashion imaginable is something decent people can't stomach. 

And to add to his evil bloodlust, Biden continues to fund the war in Ukraine, causing the unnecessary deaths of children throughout the region. At every turn he announces steps to escalate the conflict rather than working with Vladimir Putin on a peace agreement. This is because Biden has horrible secrets in Ukraine, and he'd rather let kids die than have his wickedness exposed.

On the entire planet I'm not sure there's a more vile, immoral, and indecent man than Joe Biden. 

Pray for the children, because Biden plans to kill thousands more.

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