Bread & Circuses: The Presidential Debate Is A Distraction From Reality.

Donald Trump vs Joe Biden

The first presidential debate of 2024 happens tonight. If you're expecting to hear anything of importance from either candidate, you're going to be hugely disappointed. This spectacle of lies and empty promises is being held to make us think the democratic process is alive and well in America. But it's really a distraction designed to burn off some of your political anger as "your guy", whoever that is, throws insults at the other in an event that's more like a professional wrestling match than a scholarly discussion. None of the really important problems facing our country will be discussed with any degree of honesty. And when it's all over, you'll likely think of one of those important problems and say, "no one talked about (fill in the blank)". That's because neither Donald Trump nor Joe Biden are willing to actually do anything about the important problems...or at least, not in a way they want you to know about. 

Keep this list handy as you watch the debate and when it's over, see how many of these issues were discussed:

  1. Israel's influence over American politics, including AIPAC lobbying.
  2. Efforts to back away from a nuclear war with Russia and/or China.
  3. Honest talk about how NATO provoked Russia's conflict with Ukraine.
  4. An apology for supplying (or promising to supply) weapons to Israel for their genocide in Gaza.
  5. An honest discussion about the injuries and deaths related to the COVID vaccines.
  6. Any mention of the Grand Solar Minimum beginning in 2030 which could cause a mini ice age.
  7. Encouragement that we become more self-sufficient by growing gardens and collecting rainwater.
  8. A strategy to stop the advancement of Communism within the United States.
  9. Admission that the CIA, the DOJ, the FBI, the FDA, the CDC, and other agencies need to be reorganized or eliminated.
  10. A strategy to reduce the size of the government.
  11. CBDC's - Central Bank Digital Currencies
  12. Digital ID's as related to internet access and censorship.
  13. World Health Organization control over domestic public health policies.
  14. The Jeffrey Epstein client files.
  15. A solid, workable plan to fix the housing crisis which is putting millions of Americans at risk of homelessness.
  16. A ban on glyphosate and other "forever" chemicals that are creating chronic health problems.
  17. A fix for the southern border, plus a way to track down and vet the people who have already been let in to make sure no terrorists or foreign military agents are inside our borders.
  18. An assurance that our food supply won't be destroyed in misguided efforts to contain "bird flu" and other diseases.
  19. Geoengineering and chemtrails.
  20. The inevitable insolvency of social security.

I bet you can think of even more than I have. And I further bet that nothing on my list will be touched by either candidate, because all the things I listed are in some way related to the agendas of the deep state and the globalists. Instead, Trump will fall back on his "Make America Great Again" slogan while offering vague plans for things he promises to do, but never really will, and Biden will spend most of his time lying about how much he's accomplished and how he promises to do more of the same. 

And when the lights dim and the candidates walk off the stage, most people in America will be unchanged in who they intend to vote for, comforted by the delusion that "their guy" will lead us to greatness. They'll never even think about how none of the important problems were discussed. 

But you will. You've got the list.

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