Can You Catch The Flu? Researchers Discuss Spanish Flu And The Infectious Myth.

man looking out window at virus infected world

In this podcast from Brendan D. Murphy you'll learn about a fascinating disease transmission study by US Navy doctors who tried numerous, often disgusting, ways to spread the flu from one soldier to another. Despite their determined efforts, they were never able to infect anyone. The study cast serious doubt on the theory that viruses cause disease. It's no wonder the study has been hidden away from the public for almost a century. 

This podcast was first released December 30, 2020 during the height of covid mania. But with the globalists and their puppet media outlets now warning us that the next "pandemic" is right around the corner (monkeypox, anyone?), I think it's a good time to bring this important information to everyone's attention.

Here are some of the topics discussed: 

  • How important experiments from 1918 utterly failed to prove the infectiousness of "flu".
  • The various different factors that create flu symptoms.
  • Why the idea of a "virus" does not need to be invoked to understand influenza.
  • Tactics of deception and obfuscation used for covid-19 were also used to inflate Spanish Flu numbers.
  • The role of mass vaccination in the Spanish Flu "outbreak".
  • Why the infectious model increasingly fails to explain disease.
  • The role of toxic exposure in flu and other diseases like polio previously thought to be infectious.

I think you'll enjoy the podcast and learn a lot that is extremely relevant in today's disrupted world. And if you like what you hear, Brendan has several other podcasts I'm sure you'll enjoy at his website:

View show notes and citations here.

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