American Leaders Let Nation Rot While Sending Billions To Ukraine.

Americans are suffering through record-high inflation and a housing crisis that is making people live in tents. Many families now call their car their home. Depression and desperation have driven people to use hard drugs to numb the pain. Deaths from opioid overdoses and alcohol abuse have devastated families.

The response from the federal government? Send billions of dollars to Ukraine to fight a war that was triggered by the United States and other NATO nations. We're being bankrupted by our own leaders who insanely think they can prop up the western world's crashing financial system by destroying Russia. Our leaders are so demented they've actually suggested a nuclear war might be in our future.

But they have no money and no answers for the problems facing US citizens and the cities we live in. 

Recently I wrote my state's US Senators and the Representative for my district about this horrible situation. Only one of them replied, and he stood by his votes for funding the Ukraine war and he completely ignored my questions about homelessness and the housing crisis. The other two don't even care enough to send a generic response.

Joe Biden has abandoned us. Congress has abandoned us. They work for the international bankers, not us. Their actions make that clear every day.

[video source: Mint Press News -]

Stop The Conspiracies.

The best way for the government to stop conspiracy theories is for the government to stop creating conspiracies.

Was The Sandy Hook School Shooting A False Flag Event?

It's been almost ten years since the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting happened and still there are many unanswered questions about that day. Although the government, the news media, and high-powered attorneys have tried to classify the incident as unquestionably factual, others have found elements of it that just don't make sense. One person who has worked tirelessly to expose the truth is former law enforcement officer Wolfgang Halbig. Halbig asked government officials simple questions about the Sandy Hook shooting and he was mostly ignored. Even when he filed numerous FOIA (Freedom Of Information Act) requests, officials refused to comply. The government won't even say who ordered the portable toilets that were delivered to the crime scene only three hours into the investigation, as if they had been scheduled in advance. Which officer was in charge of the police response? No one will say. Why were the bodies taken away at night without the parents being allowed to see them? Halbig has been given no answers.

Was this a Department of Homeland Security I.C.E. (Integrated Capstone Event)* training exercise? This is a possibility that Halbig suggests. Although I can't say with certainty what happened that day, I do recall seeing it unfold in the news and thinking something about it seemed very suspicious. If the government would answer some basic questions and show a few documents related to the shooting, much of the controversy could be put to rest. But since they won't do that, it's up to all of us to push for the truth.

The following documentary will take you through the entire event from beginning to end. And you'll see Wolfgang Halbig attempt to get answers from people who go out of their way to hide the details of what happened in Newtown Connecticut on December 12, 2012. The film is just over one hour long but you won't be able to stop after the first five minutes. I strongly encourage you to watch it and then share it everywhere.

*The Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP) Integrated Capstone Event (ICE) program provides the opportunity for multiple disciplines to work together in a culminating, all-hazard, mass casualty incident training exercise. The ICE promotes interdisciplinary response where first responders and first receivers are challenged to conduct response operations within the Incident Command System, with students filling various roles based on their experience and course objectives. Source: FEMA website.

The Problems Of The World Are Caused By Your Obedience.

It's easy to blame the psychopaths for all the oppression and chaos we're seeing today. But the problems of the world aren't caused by insane politicians. They're caused by our obedience to them.

Fascism and tyranny cannot exist without our compliance.

Mass non-compliance will set us free.

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