We Cannot Justify The Killing Of Children.

child holding her dead brother

"If you hear of children being killed and your first thought is "yes, but...", that's not a natural reaction. Check yourself."

Over 4,600 children in Gaza have reportedly been killed and over 8,600 injured, with more than 1,500 reported missing and presumed to be under rubble. [source: UNICEF]

There are no excuses that can justify the killing of children. Every death is a win for the devil, and when we celebrate death or try to explain it away, we lose a bit of what makes us human.

“Blessed be childhood, which brings down something of heaven into the midst of our rough earthliness.” -- Henri Frederic Amiel

Israel's War Crimes Against Palestine Are A Human Tragedy.

Israel-Gaza deaths 2023

The situation in Palestine is complicated. Entire books have been written trying to explain both sides of the decades-long conflict between Israel and Palestine. I will not attempt to explain it here, other than to say that the current fighting isn't as one dimensional as the mind-control media tries to portray it. There's fault on both sides, but the real blame goes, once again, to the Satanic globalists who manipulate the world and keep us divided and constantly at each other's throats. 

And once again, innocent people are being hurt and killed. Many of the innocent are children who have no idea why they were born into such savagery. 

While every nation has a right to defend itself against imminent threats, Israel's actions against Gaza since October 7 have been unbelievably brutal and cruel, and way out of proportion to the damage it received during the terrorist attack by Hamas. As the chart above shows, Gaza, which is virtually defenseless, has suffered many times the injuries and deaths of Israel, yet Israel won't stop their rampage. Many believe their goal is to flatten Gaza and turn it into a walled city of concrete dust and corpses. 

Israel is committing war crimes. It's time for the rest of us to stand up and demand an immediate ceasefire. This is a human tragedy, not a spectator sport. We have to do what is morally right and not play the globalist's game of picking sides in another of their wars. And if you're an Israeli, please speak up and tell your government to seek a peaceful end to this.

Reject the globalist's death cult. 

"Israels War on Gaza. Gaza has no military, no artillery, no tanks, no RV's, no air force, no navy, no body armor, no helmets, no heavy weapons, no fuel, no electricity, no coms, no help. 2.3 million walled in and besieged civilians. 50% of population 14 years old or younger. Over 7,800 now dead over 3500 children now dead. The greatest act of genocide and cowardice in all of modern history... Israels "War" on children... Like shooting fish in a barrel." -- Max Igan 

"If you're really fighting for humanity's survival against the depopulation globalists, you should denounce ANY mass killings of civilians, ethnic cleansing, genocide, indiscriminate bombings, etc., because those are all your human brothers and sisters getting decimated. The globalists don't care which human beings are dying, as long as they see the death numbers mount. If you aren't calling for a CEASE FIRE right now, you're not on Team Humanity at all. You're on Team Hypocrisy." -- Mike Adams

Patrick Timpone Has Left Us.

Patrick Timpone memoriam

Long-time radio host and podcaster Patrick Timpone left the physical realm on October 2. Timpone was a pioneer in the podcasting field, producing shows on alternative health, economics, and world events long before some of today's big names owned their first microphone. He is survived by his best friend, Doodle the dog, who has already been adopted.

His extensive catalog of past shows is still available to download for free at One Radio Network, but it's unknown how long the site will stay up. I'm sure he'd be pleased to know you've visited and listened to some of his work.

Enjoy your new adventure, Patrick! We'll all be with you when it's our turn.

How Evil Takes Over The World.

how evil influences the world

I created this graphic to give you an easy to understand explanation of why our world is in the chaotic state that we're now experiencing. This is based on my own worldview and spiritual beliefs. But even if your beliefs differ from mine, I hope you look at the graphic and consider how closely it matches our reality.

It is my belief that anti-human evil forces, which I call Wetiko (similar entities are Satan, Djinn, Iblis, and Mara) have been working for thousands of years of destroy mankind. This evil is relatively weak, but is very manipulative and very persistent. It has the ability to psychically influence weak minds, and it uses this ability to make us destroy ourselves through lust, drug abuse, suicide, and acts of violence. In addition to influencing us individually, it also takes advantage of the global elites, promising them more wealth and more power if they advance the evil agenda of enslaving and destroying humanity. Wars, slavery, tyranny, and genocide are often part of that.

The elites then use their ownership of the media, plus massive financial contributions to radical social and political groups, to change society and push us toward our demise. Narratives are created to divide us and keep us in fear, always looking for saviors. But these saviors, in whatever form they take, are actually working against us and take us farther from our connection to God. We begin to trust human authorities over our spiritual instincts. The spiral to hell then follows.

Of course there are more layers to this than I've presented here. I've intentionally stripped it down to the basics because every detail can't fit in one graphic and a full written explanation is more suited for a book than a blog post. But even as it is, I hope it helps you to understand what is behind so many of the problems in the world today.

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