CEOs For Gun Safety Want To Take Away Your Safety.

Until this week you probably had never heard of the group 'CEOs For Gun Safety'. But now they're in the news for supporting new gun control regulations that will do nothing to prevent crime, but will hurt your ability to defend yourself. The group has written a letter to the U.S. Senate "demanding that they pass strong and meaningful measures to prevent gun violence and make our communities safer." They don't recommend any specific measures. They just want something done, and to hell with facts or our 2nd Amendment. Many of the CEOs who signed the letter are total hypocrites, living in gated communities, working in secure buildings, and often protected by private security forces. The battered woman living in a trailer park who loses sleep worried her abusive ex-spouse might visit doesn't have the privileges the CEOs have. She needs a gun. But these arrogant and clueless corporate leaders disagree. I guess they've never had to wait 20 minutes in terror waiting for the police to arrive while someone is screaming and pounding on their door. 

So that these hypocritical elites can't hide, I've published the link to the letter and its signatories below. Write them. Let them know their actions aren't acceptable, and if they don't back down, your money will be spent elsewhere. Money, or the risk of losing it, is the only thing these people understand.

Take a stand or these CEOs will walk all over you. And your family.

CEOs For Gun Safety website

Letter and signatories

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