Dr Michael Yeadon: COVID Vaccines And Vaccine Passports Will Lead To Mass Depopulation.

Former Pfizer Chief Scientist Dr. Michael Yeadon believes the combination of vaccine boosters and vaccine passports will lead to "mass depopulation and deliberate execution, potentially of billions". 

Dr. Yeadon said, "You don’t need vaccines, and you don’t need any of the measures that have been introduced at all. So, it’s not just a shade of opinion here, I would say objectively, none of those things were ever required. And yet, governments and their scientific advisers have lied to us for a year, and I think they’ve just produced mayhem, potentially to fatal damage to our economies and civil societies. You don’t need to be vaccinated by inadequately tested and somewhat dangerous gene-based spike protein inducing proteins, and you don’t need to do what you’re told by corrupt scientists who are apparently advising our government."

And he had this to say about the digital vaccine passports that are being required in a growing number of places around the world: "You don’t need vaccine passports. They provide nothing whatsoever to you or anybody else in relation to safety. But it will give away to whoever controls that database and the rules complete control over everything you do."

This is a must-see video if you care about your life and the future of humanity. Watch it now and please share it with your friends.

The entire transcript of the video can be found at: https://thewhiterose.uk/dr-mike-yeadon-theres-something-awful-happening/

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