Fascist News Media Lies To Protect Big Pharma.

[image source: David Avocado Wolfe via Telegram]

If you've been reading my blog for a while, you know the covid jabs have caused tens of thousands of deaths and injuries. Even Pfizer's own documents reveal nine pages of known side effects (intended effects?) of the experimental goo many have called a bio-weapon. But the fascist news media, owned by the same billionaire globalists who own the pharmaceutical companies and most world governments, is working overtime to mislead the public about all the deaths we're now seeing among the vaccinated. The media's new buzz phrase is "sudden adult death syndrome", used to describe the now all too common instances of people dropping dead for no apparent reason. But rather than tell the truth and put the blame where it should lay, the media is suggesting everyday, ordinary activities are killing people. At first their lame disinformation was merely annoying, but now it's reached the level of total ridiculousness. 

The image above is a collage of the some of the craziest claims being made to explain away the many tragic deaths that appear to be directly linked to the covid jabs. 

We laugh to keep from crying.

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