Global Corruption Is Worse Than Most People Can Imagine.
Most of us live in a fantasy land, where people are good and motives are pure, except for a handful of bad guys who the police will eventually catch and prosecute. When you're in that fantasy land, it's incomprehensible how deep and wide the corruption really is. We engage in binary thinking to make sense of it: "this side is bad, but the other side is good". But what if both sides are bad? Is it possible that almost every person in government and big business is engaged in criminal activities that work against the public's interests? And what if those people are all connected through shady deals and even Mafia ties? Is everything ruled by money, power, and desires to control?
That would mean the world we actually live in is radically different than the world we think we live in.
In this two part documentary, "Coronagate: Big Pharma, Switzerland, & Organized Crime, U.S. film maker Chris Hampton of Wolf Clan Media delves deeply into the companies, individuals and families who have profited from the global pandemic scam. He exposes a complicated web of global power, which leads largely to Switzerland and also to Italian nobility families. Along the way you'll see plenty of familiar faces who seem to be tied in to global corruption, including Anthony Fauci, the Clintons, Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump, Scott Gottlieb, a sketchy company named Leidos, the Mafia, and even the Vatican.
Warning: if you're comfortable in your fantasy land where good guys still exist, don't watch this documentary. But if you want to know the truth no matter how much it disturbs you, hit the play button now.