Government Actions Prove A Lack Of Concern And An Obsession With Control.

boy wearing face mask

I was listening to a podcast and the looming food shortages were being discussed. Although I've been predicting food shortages for over a year, this particular podcast hit a nerve because it made me realize how little the government actually cares about us. 

Ye shall know them by their deeds. -- Matthew 7:16

When the pandemic psy-op began in 2020, government officials with the CDC, the NIH, and the Surgeon General's office began issuing recommendations and mandates, most of which were devoid of any scientific credibility, to wear face masks, keep six feet apart from others, and to practically bathe ourselves all day in toxic alcohol-based hand sanitizer. The recommendations changed over time but they always focused on avoiding a virus that had never been proven to exist. Society was almost torn apart by the constant insistence that diseases were everywhere and people were the dirty spreaders of them all. A deadly chemical goo, which was called a vaccine, was rushed into production and health authorities elevated it to god-like status, claiming it alone would be our salvation and lead us back to normalcy. But keep wearing your mask, don't touch anyone, and while you're at it, let us track and control your life with a digital passport.

At no point were we told to do anything natural to boost our immune systems and protect our health. We weren't told to take vitamins and minerals such as vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc, quercetin, and selenium. In fact, such measures were ridiculed and discouraged. We weren't told to go outside and soak up some sun and get fresh air. Instead we were told to stay inside and breathe stale air. Gyms and health food stores were forced to close, but government-owned liquor stores stayed open. And I don't recall a single government official suggesting we drink lots of pure water and eat fresh vegetables. The news media did nothing but parrot whatever they were told to say by the people who paid their salaries, which in many cases was Pfizer.

Now we're facing food shortages, and once again the government, health officials, and the media are failing us. We're being targeted with propaganda to condition us to the idea that meat may no longer be available, and that bugs can be a tasty part of our daily meals. We're being told to lower our expectations and accept the new normal. At the same time, the government promises we won't starve to death if we just accept whatever handouts they manage to provide, handouts that will be limited to those of us who accept the coming digital ID's the elite's have planned to track and control us common folk. 

At no point has it been suggested that we learn how to can and preserve food. We've not been told to stock up on anything. In fact we've been told to not buy extra, out of fear we'll overwhelm the already sabotaged supply chain. And we've not been told to start a garden, not even something as simple as a single tomato plant. During World War 1 and World War 2 we were told to start "victory gardens" (also known as war gardens) in backyards and even in public parks so everyone would have a source of food during the austere days of the wars. During WW2 around one third of the vegetables produced by the United States came from victory gardens. But here we are today facing food shortages in the United States and famine in third world countries and not a single leader or media figure is suggesting we grow our own food. In March Joe Biden said, “With regard to food shortages, yes we did talk about food shortages. And it’s going to be real.” He went on to say, "We are in the process of working out with our European friends what it would take to help alleviate the concerns relative to food shortages." He had no advice for anyone. "Trust us" is basically all he had to offer as the solution to a problem he helped create. 

I have advice no one else seems willing to offer: First, begin building up your food reserves. You don't have to clean out the local grocery store in a single visit. Just get in the habit of buying a little extra each time you go to the store. If you need one bag of rice, buy two. Over time you'll have enough in storage to get you by a few months. Second, learn how to grow your own food. Don't wait until you're hungry. It takes time to grow food. It takes time to learn how to grow food. You won't plant a seed and eat tomorrow. You have to start today for what you'll need one, two, or three months from now. 


If you don't have space for a traditional dirt garden, consider hydroponics. Using the simple Kratky method, you can grow leafy greens and herbs without the expensive equipment needed in other forms of hydroponic growing. At the very least, buy a couple of tomato plants and put them on your porch. And then take care of them. Care for them and they'll care for you, which is something the government will never do. 

With both the pandemic and the coming food shortage, the authorities are proving they don't have our best interests at heart. Don't wait for them to prove it again. 

It's up to you to protect yourself and your family.

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