Here's Why Donald Trump Is Still Pushing The Deadly COVID Vaccines.

Many people, including media hosts Stew Peters and Alex Jones, have been calling for Donald Trump to denounce the COVID jabs now that we know how dangerous they are. But even as the death toll rises, Trump is still cheerleading for the vaccines. Many can't understand why he won't step away from these controversial and unapproved experimental injections and warn people who are being bombarded by propaganda 24/7. He still has enough influence to make a difference before this becomes a genocide. 

And yet he doesn't. Is it pride? Is he unable to admit "Operation Warp Speed" was a failure? Is he unable to face up to the fact that the products created by his vaccine initiative have killed and injured tens of thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) of people? Maybe he's clueless, totally uninformed about the lives the Pfizer and Moderna mystery potions have ruined.

But what if he does know? And what if he's okay with it?

How are the jabs and MAGA both acceptable in Trump's mind? Here is one possibility: He truly does love America and wants our nation to be great again. But he's been convinced by someone he trusts that population growth is a real danger to all of humanity and that depopulation is the only way forward. He may think that if something isn't done now, the horrors we will face later as a result of the Fourth Revolution will be much worse. Researchers are already predicting that artificial intelligence and robots will soon displace millions of human workers all over the world. And they're not saying this will happen in 100 years. It's more likely to happen within the next decade. Imagine millions of people suddenly without work, without income, without food and shelter. Picture the social unrest, then rioting and chaos, followed by starvation, mass deaths, and cruel and brutal police action to try and restore order. If it happens it will be the most horrific event mankind has ever seen. And based on technological developments and the current state of human consciousness, there's nothing that can stop it from happening. 

Except depopulation. Cull the herd so that less people are fighting to survive and less people are competing for the few jobs available that AI and robots can't do. Depopulation is an unthinkable idea for most, but to others it may appear to be the most humane and orderly way to face a coming situation that they can see no other way to deal with. Trump may have decided that having us exit this world quietly with the aid of an injection would be more compassionate than leaving us to die during a complete collapse of society. 

I can't say for sure that this is the motivation for Trump. No one but he can know what his reason is. But at least this explanation suggests empathy from our former President, misdirected though it may be. The other likely reasons show him as either ignorant or too concerned with his pride to care if his actions are killing us. 

For another perspective on Donald Trump, the vaccines, and Trump's stand on vaccine passports, check out this video from "An0maly". He thinks Trump's motives are more sinister than I do, but take a look and then decide for yourself what's really going on in Trump's brain.

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