How Do We Deprogram The Left?

In the days since Joe Biden was installed as the President of the United States, the left-leaning mainstream media and various self-proclaimed experts have called for Trump supporters to be re-educated or deprogrammed so that they can once again fit in with decent society.

On Thursday, Vanity Fair published an interview with cult expert Steven Hassan detailing how to go about “deprogramming” Trump supporters.

"There are people who are radicalized right now,' said Socialist US Representative Alexandria Ocasio- Cortez.

“And the question is how are we going to really almost deprogram these people who have signed up for the cult of Trump,” said Katie Couric during an appearance on Bill Maher’s show.

The Left and their propagandists are trying to create a new narrative in which anyone who supported Donald Trump was brainwashed and is now a threat to national security. They’re aggressively pushing conservatives and libertarians into the fringes of society, making us not only threats but also portraying us as insane and not as intelligent as they are. How long until we’re labeled as “sub-human” and sent off to Chinese style re-education camps? It can’t be far off.

I’ve spent the past 4 years watching the Democratic Party and its incredibly faithful followers become what appears to be a cult. Logic and reason no longer matter to them. Science only matters when it supports what they choose to believe. In their world facts can be bent and twisted however they wish as long as their agenda advances. Lies are their favorites tools and history is destroyed rather than used to educate and enlighten us.

Hundreds of millions of people have been killed thanks to Marxist regimes and policies. But liberals ignore all the deaths and claim it will be different this time.

In the past 4 years we’ve seen millions of dollars wasted on FBI and Congressional investigations against Trump, which resulted in nothing. Even more money we don’t have has been spent on an impeachment hearing that couldn’t prove anything. Today Congress is trying to impeach Trump once again even though he’s already left office.

Democrats believed fake news that there was a video of a prostitute urinating on Trump’s hotel room bed. The story was debunked, but many Democrats still believe it. The entire Russian collusion scandal was also debunked as a Hillary Clinton diversion and smear campaign, but Democrats won’t let it go. At the same time, the damning and illegal Clinton email server crimes were dismissed as just another conspiracy theory.

We watched our cities burn nationwide all Summer while Democratic leaders and their media lapdogs dismissed it all as “peaceful protests”.

We heard one after the other elected official calling for violence against Trump supporters, all the while saying Trump was the one inciting violence.

We heard horribly racist comments being said by Joe Biden, and yet liberals ignored it and called Trump a racist.

We saw Democratic Governors acting like little dictators during the pandemic, shutting down and bankrupting small businesses while leaving big corporate superstores untouched, yet the Left called Trump a Fascist.

And now the Left is pushing for censorship and the cancel culture to silence anyone who disagrees with them, at the same time claiming they are defending our democracy.

The rhetoric and actions of Democrats and other Leftists is not only the stuff of cults, in many cases it’s clinical insanity.

But in their disturbed and ignorant minds, we are the ones who need to be deprogrammed.

Based on their behavior I think it’s obvious that if anyone needs to be deprogrammed it’s the Democrats. Their constant lying, spreading of conspiracy theories, refusal to accept reality, and endless pathological and baseless hatred of Donald Trump are not representative of healthy minds. Not all Democrats are crazy, but most crazy people become Democrats. It is the home of the mentally weak, and sadly, they rule our nation right now. Like inmates who have taken over the asylum, they’re off their meds and running wild.

How do we deprogram millions of people who soak up every bit of disinformation fed to them by a corrupt corporate news media? How do we get people to once again think critically and research what they’re told rather than believing what they can see with their own eyes is untrue?

It’s a huge problem to fix.

And I don’t have all the answers. But I do know that we have to stand firm and not let them marginalize us any further. We have to seek the truth ourselves and not spread fake news that can be used to discredit us. We have to protect free speech, no matter the cost. We have to call out the Left when they speak lies.

And we have to aggressively work at the local level to drive out the cancers of Socialism, Authoritarianism, and Totalitarianism. Don’t ignore your Marxist Mayors. Speak up against your dictator Governor. Write your representatives in Congress. Keep the heat on them. And stop being quiet when your liberal neighbor calls patriotic Americans “Nazi’s”. We have to push back and stand up for our values and our Constitution.

Let the deprogramming begin!

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