Human Depopulation & Enslavement Were Planned Decades Ago.
It may look like we're living in a world of never-ending crises we've brought upon ourselves due to poor decisions, laziness, unexpected diseases, and bad luck. But in truth, almost everything we're experiencing today was planned decades ago by the world's wealthiest elites to reduce the population and bring the survivors under strict control.
In his latest video, David Icke tells us about Dr Richard Day, a former professor of pediatrics at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in Manhattan NY. Dr Day died in 1989 but during his long life he was tightly involved with the Rockefeller Foundation and thus was an insider in the secret realm of people who own most of the world and think it's their right to run it as they please. In 1969, he spoke to a small gathering of pediatricians in Pittsburgh PA and told them that plans had already been made to depopulate and control humanity. What he said may have been shocking and unbelievable at the time, but today we can clearly see that Dr Day was completely accurate. He wasn't making guesses and writing science fiction. He was merely telling some colleagues what he knew was already scheduled to happen.
Here are a few of his remarks from 1969:
- The cure for cancer had already been found. But the cure was being withheld to help reduce the population.
- In the future, there will be no boys and girls. People will be gender-neutral. Children will be created in a lab.
- Politicians are being manipulated by the elites in ways they don't understand.
- Change will be constant. Nothing will be permanent, making it easier to impose the New World Order's agenda onto the public.
- A global dictatorship was mentioned. The United States must be weakened before the dictatorship can take full control.
- Cash will be eliminated. All transactions will be electronic so that spending can be tracked and controlled.
- The ability to save money will be eliminated.
- Once people get used to centralized electronic currency, skin implants will be introduced to replace cards.
- Creation of the New World Order might require a nuclear war, to make the statement that "we mean business".
- Engineered terrorism will be used to make people think the world is dangerous, creating demand for a global government that promises safety.
- The elderly should be killed because they're no longer useful and are a burden on society.
- Medical care will become so expensive people can't afford treatment and then choose suicide over suffering.
- Children will spend more time in school but not learn anything.
- People will be denied access to books and other information sources not needed for their jobs.
- Violence will be more graphic to desensitize people.
- Food shortages will be created as a means to control people. Growing your own food will be outlawed.
- The weather will be manipulated to get better compliance with the NWO's orders.
- Scientific research will be falsified.
- Immigration and the mass movement of people will be used to destroy our roots and end nationalism.
- Information will be controlled to control our perceptions.
- Privately owned houses will be a thing of the past. Taxes and other means will be used to force people to give up their homes. We'll all become renters.
- Dissidents will be removed from society and taken to "special places". There will be no martyrs. People will simply disappear.
It's obvious Dr Day was well-informed about the future. We're seeing it all around us right now. All of these things have either already happened or are in the process of happening. That's not a coincidence. That's a plan in action.
We are being manipulated in ways most people can't imagine and many can't even accept as possible. And yet here we are living through it, thinking it's all just a big mess we've brought upon ourselves. We're being trained to hate ourselves and wish for the very destruction of humanity the elites are hoping for.
But they're finally being exposed and people are taking notice. And that's the first step to breaking free and building the world WE want instead of being slaves in the world THEY want.