Israel Is Committing Unimaginable Horrors. The World Must Respond.

Deir al-Balah war zone

"People are burning alive in front of me. I swear to God they are burning in front of me. No one is able to do anything. Men, women, the little girl, are on fire before my eyes ... No one was able to do anything, to pull them out. We tried but we couldn't. The fires are too strong ... They burned alive ... the crimes of the Zionist occupation are intensifying, in the south, in the north, everywhere ... The occupation is committing massacres like nothing we've ever seen, that humanity has never seen ... I will never forget these scenes in my life, a child burning in front of me and nobody is able to help him."

— Saleh al-Jafarawi from Deir al-Balah, central Gaza.

Israeli's are burning people alive in Gaza. If you're a U.S. taxpayer, you're paying for these atrocities, and you'll have to explain yourself to your creator one day. What will you say?

attack at Deir Al Balah hospital

(text from image above: "Palestinian refugees burned alive as Israel bombs tents at Deir Al-Balah's hospital. The Israel regime has bombed a refugee camp in the central part of the Gaza Strip, triggering a huge fire that killed Palestinians who were seeking refuge there from the ravages of the regime's ongoing genocidal war.")

The Associated Press reported on October 14, 2024 that Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is considering a plan to "seal off humanitarian aid to northern Gaza in an attempt to starve out Hamas militants, a plan that, if implemented, could trap without food or water hundreds of thousands of Palestinians unwilling or unable to leave their homes."

"The plan proposed to Netanyahu and the Israeli parliament by a group of retired generals would give Palestinians a week to leave the northern third of the Gaza Strip, including Gaza City, before declaring it a closed military zone. Those who remain would be considered combatants — meaning military regulations would allow troops to kill them — and denied food, water, medicine and fuel."

everything about Israel is illegal

Everything about Israel is illegal: occupation of Palestine, genocide of Palestinians, murder of Palestinians, displacement of Palestinians, incursions into Syria, bombing Syria, incursions into Lebanon, bombing of Lebanon, assassinations overseas, theft of resources.

Bezalel Smotrich

Pictured above: Israeli finance minister Bezalel Smotrich, who says Gaza is only the first step in Israel's plan to steal land, displace populations, and control the Middle East. What more proof do you need that Benjamin Netanyahu's Israel, a product of the Satanic Rothschild family, is NOT the Israel of the Bible?

But despite the atrocities being committed by Israel, and despite its plans for even greater war crimes in the future, the world sits on its hands and does nothing, except for a few minor retaliatory strikes by Iran, Yemen, and Hezbollah forces in Lebanon. The United States is one of the main drivers of Israel's madness, for without American money, military equipment, and bombs, there could be no continuation of aggression. Unfortunately, American politicians seem to be controlled by Israel, either through bribes, threats, blackmail, or extortion. The situation is much the same in the rest of the western world, especially the United Kingdom and Germany. This leaves it up to the nations of South America, Asia including China, Russia, and the Muslim countries in the Middle East, to find the moral will to stand up to Israel.

We've learned from history that maniacal leaders hellbent on world domination won't stop until the rest of the world comes together and says "no more". 

It's time for the world to do just that.

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