Israel's War Crimes Have Caused Unimaginable Human Suffering.

313 days of Israel's war crimes in Gaza

[Infographic source: Anadolu Ajansı]

As of August 14, 2024, Israeli criminals have killed 39,965 Palestinians in Gaza. Of those casualties, at least 16,320 were children who the Israeli's consider to be future terrorists, and at least 10,990 were women, who the Israeli's consider to be breeders of future terrorists. But most of the world knows that the real terrorists are the Israeli's and the politicians within the United States and the United Kingdom who support the savage attacks both financially and militarily. 

Meanwhile, other than saying empty words, world leaders are doing nothing to end this massive genocide.

I suspect God is watching us all and will judge us harshly for allowing these crimes to continue. All lives matter, but if we're not willing to protect the children, then we have truly lost our way. 

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