Know The Real Terrorists.

Our corrupt government is always warning about terrorists, but they never admit that THEY are the real terrorists. The US government, often working with the governments of the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Israel, create and fund the vast majority of terrorism in the world. Terrorism is big business for governments, tech companies, and defense contractors, and it's often used as an excuse to take away human freedoms. 

I'm not saying there aren't some bad people out there who want to hurt us, but it's delusional to think they "hate us for our freedoms" as George W Bush used to say. Actually they hate us because we overthrow their governments, exploit their natural resources, and keep them in poverty so that bankers and industrialists can enjoy massive profits and wealth.

As the lady's sign says, "The real terrorists are in the White House, Congress, and Wall Street". 

But for some reason the talking heads in the news media never seem to mention this.

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