News Bites: February 19, 2024.

Nikki Haley

Nikki Haley is desperately trying to stay relevant by demonizing Russia and Putin. Just like without a roadrunner, the coyote would have no one to chase, neo-cons like Haley must keep pushing the fake news that Putin is our enemy, even though there's little evidence to support the claims. I've gotten to the point that anyone promoting "Russia is evil / Putin is a dictator" propaganda is automatically dismissed as a paid tool of NATO, the military industrial complex and slimy bankers, and can't be trusted under any circumstances.

Liz Cheney Donald Trump

Nikki Haley isn't the only propagandist for the deep state's agenda. Liz Cheney keeps on rising up from the swamp to impart her wisdom to millions of Americans who couldn't care less about what she has to say. Here she is talking about Alexey Navalny's death but she doesn't mention that Navalny allegedly conspired with MI-6 to start a color revolution in Russia. If true, that's treason, and Russia was justified in jailing him. Meanwhile, Cheney ignores the plight of the January 6 protesters who continue to rot away in Joe Biden's Communist gulag. Cheney should go home and take up knitting and leave politics to people who really care about America.

Louisiana National Guard

Down in Louisiana, Governor Jeff Landry has announced plans to send 150 members of the National Guard to the Texas border. While that seems like a worthwhile mission, at the same time, Landry has put Louisiana into a "state of emergency" due to rising crime and a severe shortage of police officers. If crime is that bad in the state, why not station the Guard where they can help to maintain law and order? Apparently New Orleans is a hotbed of criminal activity. Shouldn't the Guard be stationed there? Or this going to be used by Landry as an excuse to restrict freedom, using curfews, checkpoints, and surveillance? Never forget that tyranny can come from both the left and the right. We can't become complacent when politicians are involved.elderly bank robber

Finally, on a humorous note, an elderly bank robber and his accomplice have been arrested for a string of heists in the Chicago area. The robbers have a striking resemblance to Joe Biden and son Hunter. I'm sure it's just a coincidence. Or was Joe in town trying to round up money to send to Ukraine?

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