Nina Jankowicz Is Nothing But A Pawn In The Globalist's Game.
Joe Biden's crazy-eyed Minister of Propaganda, Nina Jankowicz, is staying in the news thanks to her seemingly endless remarks about the dangers of free speech. Most recently she said Twitter should be moderated like Wikipedia by giving “trustworthy verified people” the ability to censor and edit anyone's posts, apparently to silence any information that doesn't prop up the government's current narrative. Jankowicz also came out in support of shadow banning users of social media so that no one sees their posts. She said “You can shout in the black void, but you do not get a huge audience to do that."
Despite her delusions of being the truth queen, her history shows she supported the now discredited Steele dossier and she promoted the idea that the Hunter Biden laptop story was "Russian disinformation".
The NY Post had this to say: "She’s a career left-wing partisan, from her days working at the National Democratic Institute to her Fulbright-Clinton fellowship to her gig at the left-leaning Wilson Center where she routinely did media hits with NPR, CNN, PBS and so on while placing New York Times and Washington Post op-eds. Hiring her for this job just shows how detached from reality and broad American society the entire Biden team has become."
In 2015 Jankowicz sang these colorful lyrics: “I want to be rich, famous, and powerful! Step on all my enemies and never do a thing.”
You really have to wonder what happened in her childhood to turn her into such a despicable person. Who destroyed her moral compass?
Before you get angry about such an obvious fraud of an individual being put in a position of power, know that the reason she was appointed was to make you angry. One of the top strategies of the World Economic Forum's plan to control humanity is to place incompetent, clownish figures in charge of governments so that sovereign nations begin to fall apart and the public loses faith in the ability of local leaders to keep everything from going tits up. They think that when things get bad enough we'll turn to the United Nations and beg for a central "one world government" to step in and save us. Understanding their strategy helps you to understand Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Pierre Trudeau, Boris Johnson, Jacinda Ardern, and Emmanuel Macron. It also sheds some light on the entire Russia-Ukraine psy-op, another fraud created to make us think the world's gone mad and only a unified world government can save us from nuclear annihilation.
Jankowicz is clueless that she's merely a disposable pawn in the globalist's game. She's here to do a little damage, and then she'll be forgotten about, a victim of the very people she admires.