Notes From Clown World: August 08, 2024.

Kamala Harris disables the Star Trek Enterprise

I don't know who created this meme, but it's brilliant. Kamala Harris' cackling laugh has the power to disable the crew of the USS Enterprise. They should have marooned her on Ceti Alpha Five when they had the chance.

Unfortunately, she's not marooned anywhere. She's on our TV's and touring the nation trying to convince us she's a respectable person who has left her Willie Brown days behind her. I recall when she was Joe Biden's running mate they liked to say "Decency is on the ballot". So how is she pushing decency and respectability now? By holding a campaign rally featuring a couple of R&B stars doing a hoochie mama dance. Yeah, that's what grandma and the kids want to see. Disclaimer: Hunter Biden may not have actually been at the rally, despite this convincing video:

[video below:]

top causes of death in 2023

Coming as no surprise to me, the set of symptoms called "COVID" is nowhere near the top of the list for causes of death in 2023.  In fact, no disease allegedly caused by viruses is on the list at all, when you consider that the virus the medical industrial complex says causes COVID, SARS-CoV-2, has never been isolated and proven to exist anywhere in the world, outside of a partial computer model. Many of the other causes of death, such as heart disease, cancer, and strokes, are strongly linked to the Department of Defense mystery jabs falsely sold to us as COVID vaccines. Other strong contributors to an early demise are chemicals in our food, fluoride in our water, seed oils such as cottonseed and canola, sugar & high fructose corn syrup, and alcohol. And interestingly, one of the top causes of death isn't on the list at all: medical errors by doctors and nurses. Equally troubling but also missing from the list: the most recent analysis (2016) estimates 128,000 Americans die each year as a result of taking medications as prescribed. 

Now would be a good time to take control of your own health and keep it out of the hands of people with a different agenda than your own.

erythritol health risk?

Sugar is bad for you. Use saccharin. No, saccharin is bad for you. Use aspartame. No, aspartame is bad for you. Use erythritol. No, erythritol is bad for you. Use xylitol. No, that's bad for you too. Use sugar, in moderation. 

What should you believe? It's hard to say because "the science" tends to change regularly based on who is funding the studies. I couldn't find data on how much they spend on studies, but in 2023 alone, the sugar industry spent more than $15 Million on lobbying politicians for favorable legislation. I think it's safe to assume if they're willing to spend that much to influence elected officials, they're willing to spend a couple of bucks on scientific studies with favorable outcomes. And it's not just the sugar industry. Their opponents in the sugar-free world, the Calorie Control Council, are hard at work trying to convince us that artificial sweeteners are as wholesome as a mother's kiss.

I wouldn't worry too much about the safety of any sweeteners, natural or not. I suspect all of them are bad in the quantities most people consume. Just keep your intake as small as possible, and wait for the study that validates your choice. "The science" will shift to your favor eventually, if only for a little while.

Spike Cohen tweet about Tim Walz COVID tyranny

Just a quick look at the clown being pushed upon us by Kamala Harris and the un-Democratic Party: Governor Tim Walz of Minnesota is who we have to look forward to when the deep state hands another election to the radical left in November. I'll do a deeper dive into the policies of Walz later, but for now take a look at Spike Cohen's tweet (above) for a reminder of the sort of complete tyranny Mr Walz imposed upon the good people of Minnesota in 2020. It's a list of unscientific authoritarian nonsense that had no positive impact on the so-called pandemic, but greatly increased the power of the government. People who feel the need to control others have no control over themselves. Authoritarianism is a mental defect often exhibited by the weak. If Walz' performance during the riots of 2020 is any indication, he's a very weak man indeed.

Tim Walz let his cities burn in 2020

Until next time, try to stay sane. Clowns are everywhere.

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