Notes From Clown World: March 24, 2025.
Here's an interesting post from social media site 'Mastodon', home of the worst snowflake leftists in the world. It shows a man holding a sign that reads, "Tax all the churches to pay for universal healthcare. It's what God would have wanted."
Wow, so much could be said here. But for starters, why does the left support universal healthcare, which reinforces the deadly medical industrial complex including Big Pharma, but rarely mentions healthy living or natural solutions? The left used to be the realm of counterculture hippies living off the land, but they've flipped and now embrace chemicals, unproven science, lab-grown meat, and forced medical procedures. I know liberals who won't eat a vegetable but they line up for every vaccine they can get, thinking it makes them healthy. Maybe if more of them learned how to grow their own food and tried homeopathy instead of submitting to endless medical tests and buying sacks of prescription drugs they wouldn't need universal healthcare. The way of life they endorse only enrichens the very capitalist society they claim to hate.
I can't move on without mentioning the line, "It's what God would have wanted." It's ironic that anyone on the left would claim to speak for God, considering how many of them are atheists. The statement is sacrilegious whether used by an atheist or a person of faith. God can speak for himself, and I doubt he'll do it through memes.
Another post from Mastodon comes from "Evacide" who warns about "rising authoritarianism". This one caught my eye because we just lived through one of the most authoritarian presidential administrations in American history, and people like Evacide stayed totally quiet about it. For four years I watched the left ignore Joe Biden's corruption, lies, and endless efforts to silence free speech. Even when Biden threatened to send the National Guard door to door to pressure people into getting the COVID vaccine, the left said nothing. But their hypocrisy is deafening, and it's why I tune them out when they whine about everything a Republican or other conservative does. The left has no integrity, and thus they have no credibility.
Mastodon can be a lot of fun. You get to see some really crazy stuff that the left actually believes. But the post above from "FeloniousPunk" is a bit worrisome. He/She/They? says "I expect we're about 60 days out from total chaos. Things are going to get truly ugly folks, prepare accordingly."
What is meant by this? Is He/She/They afraid of what Donald Trump might do next? Or is this a warning that the radical left and their ANTIFA thugs are about to hit the streets with violent protests? Are we going to have another "summer of love" like we did in 2020, when gangs of losers took over city streets and burned businesses? Will highways be shut down by mobs of protesters, many of them hired by Marxist organizations to create chaos? If so, how bad will it get, and how will the police respond this time?
I have no problem with peaceful protests, but if the left tries the same disruptive criminal activity they did in 2020, they need to be quickly stopped, arrested, and prosecuted. Violence is a tactic of Marxism, and it can't be allowed in a civil society.
I saw the poll above on a News Nation website. It asks, "How concerned are you about being in public spaces right now?" The results are interesting. 43% of respondents are "somewhat concerned", and 21% are "very concerned", meaning the majority of us are concerned to some degree about being in public spaces, despite statistics showing that violent crime is declining and is, in most places, much lower than it was thirty years ago. Yet the public lives in fear. I suspect their fear comes from the mind-control news media, which profits by scaring people so that we come back every day to see what new things we need to be scared of. We also see the worst news repeated and amplified on social media sites, and few of us take the time to consider if we're actually safer today than we were before.
The result is that large numbers of us hide in our homes with the blinds closed and the door triple-locked, peering out at the street on phones connected to video doorbells. We're becoming prisoners in our own homes, living in fear of the monsters we imagine might want to hurt us.
Finally for the biggest clown in Clown World, we have Donald Trump complaining about his portrait on display in the Colorado Capitol building. Trump called it “truly the worst” and that it "was purposefully distorted to a level that even I, perhaps, have never seen before”. He then insulted the artist.
We already know Trump is a narcissist, but his whining about the portrait takes it to a whole new level. What a little baby. I think the portrait makes him look better. He should be flattered.