Our Leaders Have Betrayed Us. We Must Now Take The Lead.
I recently read an article that asked "If Trump Couldn't Do It, Who Could Possibly Defend Humanity Against Fascist Oppression?".
It's an interesting and important question. For a moment I searched my brain for the names of anyone strong enough to take on such a large and dangerous task. No one came to mind. Donald Trump is truly the last person who could attempt to save us against the enormous forces of the coming totalitarian society that could imprison us all.
But is this the end? Are we to wait idly by as the psychopathic Marxist Fascists reshape our world into their vision?
No. Absolutely not.
Donald Trump tried his best, but he was up against forces no single man could ever defeat. And yet, he still succeeded. He succeeded because he exposed the extent of the corruption within the United States government and entities, both government and otherwise, all over the world. But in the end, he's one man. And one man cannot defeat global evil.
But we can.
Collectively, freedom loving people can work together and rise up against the elitists and their bought and paid for operatives and push them into history as the insane failures that we know they are.
We have reached a point in human evolution where we no longer need to look for a single charismatic leader who tells us what to do. When we search our souls we know what we need to do. We, as individuals, need to take action. We have the power. We ARE the power. We can change our world. We don't need to blindly follow the dictates of heartless, soulless, and greed-filled fake leaders who gladly destroy us for their personal gain.
Gone are the days when we hand over our lives to people who pretend to care about us but really only care about themselves. Gone are the days when we show up at the election place and vote for whoever our preferred political party tells us to vote for. Gone are the days when we fail to be responsible members of our Earthly community and lazily hand that responsibility to insane elitists.
WE have the power. YOU have the power.
We can do this.