Our Modern Healthcare System Is Failing Us.
Many years ago, medical treatments that today would be called "alternative" or "natural" medicine were almost totally wiped out by allopathic medicine, the method of care strongly promoted by the profiteers in the Rockefeller family. The Rockefeller's wanted a new way to make money on top of the fortunes they'd made in the oil business. They decided to take over healthcare. They created new kinds of treatments that they could patent and manufacture. They convinced medical schools to train future generations of doctors in allopathic medicine. It was the only way forward, and the ways of the past became quackery. In many states the Rockefeller's were able to have natural medicine outlawed completely, and in others they relied on the news media to steer the public to the new "standard of care".
But I'm not writing this to give you a history lesson.
I'm writing this because the failure of Rockefeller's "modern" healthcare system is currently affecting my own family, and seeing it close up compelled me to speak up.
My father's second wife, my stepmother, has battled diabetes almost all of her life. Diabetes is a chronic condition that can affect other organs in the body and create all kinds of additional health issues. Left untreated, it can kill you. It can also kill you if your doctor doesn't know what he's doing and insists on using ineffective protocols developed by the modern allopathic system. For example, many alternative doctors insist that diabetes can be easily cured without a lifetime of insulin shots. But allopathic doctors know nothing about this and won't even educate themselves on the possibilities. Because of this, my stepmother has taken insulin for decades, and this has resulted in cirrhosis of the liver. So now she has a serious liver disease on top of her diabetes which is becoming more and more difficult to keep under control. This same allopathic healthcare system, largely controlled by Big Pharma, also gave her at least two doses of the untested and unsafe COVID vaccines. This, in my opinion based on known side effects of the vaccines, caused a large blood clot to form in her intestine, which required emergency surgery. Despite the surgery, her health continued to decline as she was moved from one hospital to another by doctors who didn't know what else to do. Yesterday, the doctors essentially gave up and sent her to hospice to await death.
At no point did they recommend alternative treatments. All they did was stick to the approved standard of care, the narrow set of rules created by medical boards, which are also controlled by Big Pharma, because they likely feared losing their medical licenses if they dared to put the patient's well-being above their own job security.
My stepmother suffered a lifetime of doctor's visits, hospital stays, blood tests, insulin shots, and quite a bit of anxiety and fear, all because our modern healthcare system failed her. It convinced her that only allopathic doctors, the magicians in white lab coats, could manage her health. These magicians were convinced that medical school had taught them all they needed to know, and no other ways were worth their time. They abused my stepmother with their ignorant ways and took as much money from her as they could using the false promise they could make her better.
And when none of it worked and they knew of nothing else to do, they wrote her off as a lost cause and shipped her off to hospice, never admitting any fault. But they have nothing to fear, as an endless supply of new patients are coming down the line, ready to be tested, probed, medicated, cut, radiated, and eventually, also discarded to end-of-life care, pumped full of morphine and waiting for God.