"Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated" Is An Expression Of Propaganda.

pandemic of the unvaccinated meme

The ruling elite and their media puppets are using the expression "pandemic of the unvaccinated" to divide us and turn the un-vaxxed into second-class citizens, enemies of the greater good. They want us to think that people who have accepted the jabs are better than those of us who haven't. The un-jabbed are portrayed as selfish, reckless, and dangerous to the rest of society, as thus must be identified, labeled, shunned, and perhaps even segregated away from the obedient class. 

But it's nothing but a psy-op to prop up the failing and dangerous injection agenda, an agenda that has never been about good health or disease prevention. 

It's a deadly agenda of control: control all the people and control all the wealth.

The psychopaths behind it all must be brought into the light, tried in the court of humanity, and sentenced in a suitable manner.

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