PCR Tests Are Being Used To Create Endless Pandemics.

In this fascinating interview (26 mins, 15 secs) between Paul Brennan and Dr Mark Bailey, the greatly-flawed and misused PCR tests are discussed. The same tests that helped create the fake COVID pandemic are now being used to generate new fears, such as "m-pox" and "bird flu" outbreaks. Will the public learn the truth in time, or are we facing a future of masks, lockdowns, and endless vaccines whenever health authorities demand it?

From Paul Brennan's site:

"PCR tests can be abused to generate the appearance of an outbreak or pandemic, in light of the current claims of a ‘bird flu’ outbreak in Otago. Is this a massive overreaction? Dr. Mark Bailey, husband of Dr. Sam Bailey and Medical Researcher, joined Paul to discuss the PCR tests and how they measure up for the so-called ‘bird flu crisis'. He revealed how these tests could be manipulated to create the illusion of outbreaks, calling out the sketchy press releases and questionable testing protocols. “If they stop the PCR tests, they'll stop the spread,” Mark stated."

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